Ecuador consulate appointment C. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in New Orleans by telephone (+1) (504) 523-6060 (+1) (504) 523-6069 or email cecuneworleans@mmrree. The consulate general of Ecuador in Toronto is open Monday to Friday by appointment. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Amsterdam by telephone (+31) 6-15 10 57 64 or email . Nov 18, 2021 · You can arrange an appointment by directly contacting the honorary consulate of Ecuador you choose or utilizing the online appointment service. Immigrant Visas: All Immigrant Visa Categories. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, office hours, online resources, namely the official website and Twitter, consular jurisdiction, consular services, visa list, upcoming holidays, and head of mission (HOM). El servicio de reserva de citas es gratuito y de fácil acceso. , Suite 810 and can be contacted by telephone on 713 572 8731 and by email cecuhouston@cancilleria. En el de Miami, por ejemplo, se llevan a cabo documentos importantes como lo son el pasaporte, visas, tarjetas consulares, poderes o actos notariales y funciones del registro civil en el exterior. ec: Website: www. El Consulado de Ecuador en Queens es un importante punto de contacto y apoyo para la comunidad ecuatoriana en esta zona de Nueva York y sus alrededores. pk Contact the consulate general of Ecuador in Shanghai. Se requiere una cita para cada trámite (no se puede usar la misma cita para diferentes personas o diferentes trámites). Making visa appointment with the Ecuadorian embassy or visa application center is generally free and can be done by yourself. Immigrant visas to the United States are processed for citizens and residents of Ecuador at the U. ec Contact the consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis. Information for Emami litigation class members who were refused a visa under Presidential Proclamation 9645. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Dallas by telephone (+1) (972) 712-9107 or email ecuadorianconsulate@gmail. For additional information on visa application fee payments please see Visa Fees. Ecuador Embassy to United States of America: detailed information on Ecuadorian Embassy and Consulates locations, including addresses, e-mails and phone numbers Consulate General of Ecuador in Houston, Texas, located at 2603 Augusta Dr, Suite 810. The consulate of Ecuador in Miami is located at 117 NW 42nd Avenue, Suites CU-4 & CU-5. Ecuador Visa Appointment. ec and consulado@ecumiami. You can contact the consulate general by phone at: +61 0 406 609 924. Trámites y recursos consulares. ecu. Hence, the need for local consulates which are smaller, regionally located embassy Jul 30, 2019 · Step 2: Schedule an appointment online Schedule an appointment through our Visa Appointment Service. ph. The consulate is closed during the weekend and on Ecuadorian and U. For those residing in Queens, the Ecuadorian Consulate offers a localized and personalized service, making it a preferred choice for visa and consular needs. Anuncio importante sobre exención de entrevista para ciertos tipos de visa. El tipo de visa necesario variará según el motivo de la visita, ya sea turismo, trabajo, estudio u otros pie de pagina 3600 Wilshire Blvd. com Ecuadorian embassy address website: Ecuadorian embassies worldwide, find Ecuadorian consulate address, make Ecuadorian embassy appointment booking to get Ecuador visa application Travel Visa Info Jobs TOEFL English Test Schools Colleges English Schools Online Edu Contact the consulate general of Ecuador in Manila. 612. To renew or obtain a new Ecuadorian passport, you must gather all the required documents, schedule your appointment, pay the passport fee, and personally visit a general consulate or embassy of Ecuador in the United States. In general, a citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States must first obtain a U. 6468 international: +1. I used in live in Ecuador. vic@gmail. passports appointments, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, Consular Reports of Death Abroad, notarial appointments, and emergency services, please use our U. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, office hours, online resources, namely the Facebook page and Twitter, consular jurisdiction, consular services, visa list, upcoming holidays, and more. Informacion importante acerca de la privacidad y seguridad de su cuenta en éste sitio web. Opening hours and holidays. The consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D. Ecuador Consulate in Los Angeles Address 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1404, Los Angeles, California, USA, 90010 Monday-Thursday: 8AM-2PM (by appointment: http For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website houston. official holidays. The Consular Sections at the U. The embassy of Ecuador in Canberra is located at 59 Hopetoun Circuit and can be contacted by telephone on (2) 6286 4021 and by email embassyaustralia@cancilleria. General Information. Consulate General - Guayaquil Santa Ana Street and José Rodríguez Bonín Avenue San Eduardo Area Guayaquil, Ecuador Consulate Appointment. Información para los miembros del grupo de litigios Emami a quienes se les negó una visa según la Proclamación Presidencial 9645. Suite 1404 Los Angeles, CA, 90010 Teléfono: +1 (323) 658 6020 Visa Information and Call Center: 1-437-887-1448 and Visa Information Center; American Citizen Services: For all inquiries regarding U. Oct 1, 2024 · All immigrant visa applicants, regardless of age, require a medical examination prior to the issuance of a visa. org. Visa and Passports Embassy of the United States - Quito Avigiras E12-170 and Guayacanes (in front of SOLCA Hospital) Quito – Ecuador. Aprobación y Estampado de Visa: Si tu solicitud es aprobada, la visa se estampará en tu pasaporte, permitiéndote el ingreso a Ecuador. The consulate general is closed during the weekend and on Ecuadorian and Chinese official holidays. Embassy in Quito and the U. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Melbourne by telephone (+61) 0406 609 924 or email consul. Important Information about Non-Immigrant Visa Processing. Services at the Ecuadorian consulate general in Vancouver Visa requirements for Ecuador. Embassy in Quito. visa. Look for the contact information on this page and you’ll be able to speak with a team member about programming your appointment. Consulate can perform this exam. kommunikation@telia. Consulate General of Ecuador can be contacted via phone at (312) 374-1992 for pricing, hours and directions. Elige el tipo de visa que necesitas. 6468 Servicios consulares en el Consulado de Ecuador en Estados Unidos. Expires after 1 year — Visa application fees are valid for use for 365 days from date of purchase. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in New Haven by telephone (+1) (203) 752-1947 & (+1) (203) 752-0827 or email Contact the consulate of Ecuador in Atlanta to confirm which services are available. The consulate general of Ecuador in Shanghai is supervised by the embassy of For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website www. For 24 hour emergency assistance, reach out via one of the communication channels below. ec El Consulado de Ecuador en Estados Unidos se enorgullece de ofrecer a los ecuatorianos residentes en este país un servicio consular eficiente y bien organizado. consuladodelecuadorsf. Select the U. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Sydney by telephone (+61) 02 6286 4021 (Embassy in Canberra) or email cecucanberra For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Canada, please check in first instance the consulate website toronto. ec Consulate Appointment. Oct 8, 2024 · To schedule an appointment at the Ecuadorian Consulate in Queens, you can visit their official website and navigate to the appointment booking section. The consulate general of Ecuador in New York is located at 800 Second Avenue, Suite 600 and can be contacted by telephone on (212) 808-0170 / 1 and (212) 808-0331 and by email cecunewyork@cancilleria. Department of State Visa Appointment Service | Ecuador | English For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Germany, please check in first instance the consulate website . citizen may need a visa issued by the embassy or consulate of the country they wish to visit. What Type of Visa Do You Need? For short-term visits to the United States (for tourism, business, education, and more), you can go directly to the online application ( form DS-160 ). com. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Munich by telephone (+49) 1520 76 62 910 or email baviera@consulado-ecuador. 00pm (Consulation by Appointment only) except official holidays in Ecuador and Australia. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Zurich by telephone (+41) 44 396 91 91 or email consulatecuador@mll-legal. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Toronto by telephone (+1) 416 968 2077 or email cecutoronto@cancilleria. En el de Manhattan, por ejemplo, se llevan a cabo documentos importantes como lo son el pasaporte, visas, tarjetas consulares, poderes o actos notariales y funciones del registro civil en el exterior. com For all payment methods other than debit/credit card, the visa application fee payment is not immediately valid. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Manila by telephone (+63) (2) 8700 100 (+63) (2) 8700 575 or email ojhilado@phinma. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in New York by telephone (+1) (212) 808-0170 / 0171 or email cecunewyork@gov. A comprehensive contact information for the Consulate General of Ecuador in New York United States with phone number, address, email, website and working hours. Embassy Quito Emergency Contact Information. Información para los miembros del grupo de litigios Emami a quienes se les negó una visa según la Proclamación Presidencial 9645 Abona la tarifa correspondiente, que varía según el tipo de visa; consulta las tarifas y métodos de pago en el consulado. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website newyork. Para mejorar la experiencia de nuestros usuarios, hemos implementado un sistema de programación de citas, que permite a los ciudadanos ecuatorianos reservar su visita al Consulado con anticipación. consuladoecuadornewyork. It is your responsibility to schedule a medical exam with one of the doctors listed below before your visa interview appointment at the U. For all visa application fee payment issues, please Contact Us by sending an email to the following email address: ecuador. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Atlanta by telephone (+1) (404) 841-2276 & (+1) (404) 841-2282 or email cecuatlanta Address, phone number, and email address for the Ecuadorian Consulate-General in New York, USA. Entre ellos se encuentran la emisión de pasaportes, visas, tarjetas consulares, actos notariales y funciones del registro civil en el exterior. Lllenar los datos personales que el sistema solicita y presionar Validar. Some visa types may have longer wait times for the application appointment and processing. El consulado también se encarga de la emisión y gestión de visas para aquellos ecuatorianos que deseen visitar Ecuador o permanecer en el país por un período determinado. La Embajada de Ecuador también ofrece servicios de solicitud y renovación de visas ecuatorianas. The consulate of Ecuador in Houston is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Washington May 2, 2024 · Consulate General of Ecuador in Los Angeles, California, located at 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1404. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Gothenburg by telephone (+46) (0) 705 471 771 or email krantz. The U. For additional assistance, you may also reach out to the consulate, the embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D. Teléfono de contacto. Embassy Quito Good for only one application — The visa application fee may be used to complete only one application. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in China, please check in first instance the consulate website . Spain Visa from Quito, Apply Spain Visa from Quito, Get Spain Visa from Quito, Quito Citizen Apply Spain Visa, Spain Visa Application, Spain Visa Application from Quito, Spain Visa Application in Quito, Spain Visa Application form, Spain Visa for Jan 11, 2021 · Previous to COVID-19 processing times had expectedly been about 30 days of a delay between when NVC accepted documents and when Ecuador was then contacting beneficiaries for an appointment at the Consulate which then meant another 30 days at least before going to the appointment. Important Announcement on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas Contact the consulate general of Ecuador in New York. ca. The consulate of Ecuador in Dallas is open Monday to Friday by appointment. If the refusal letter is marked 214(b), it will generally explain that the applicant does not qualify for a visa at this time under U. ec. Visa for foreign people (list*) who wish to visit Ecuador for tourist purposes (working is prohibited) Requirements: Original and valid passport with at least 6 months of validity from the application. ph and ccselda@phinma. Los consulados ecuatorianos en USA actúan como puente entre la República de Ecuador y Estados Unidos. com Consulate General of Ecuador. Mar 9, 2015 · Address, phone number, and email address for the Ecuadorian Consulate-General in Newark, USA. pie de pagina 400 Market St 4th Fl, Newark, NJ 07105 Newark - New Jersey - EEUU Teléfono: +1 973 878 1285 Addres: Consulate General of Ecuador in Los Angeles, United States - 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Only a physician accredited by the U. Procesamiento de la Solicitud: El consulado evaluará y procesará tu solicitud. Contact the consulate of Ecuador in Chicago. Consular Section Information | Official U. net - In Canada you will find consulates of Ecuador in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Minneapolis by telephone (+1) (612) 721-6468 & (612) 721—6484 or email Advance travel planning and early visa application is important. Embassy in Ecuador. You are at the Official Immigrant (permanent) Visa support website for the U. The embassy of Ecuador in Las Vegas is located at 630 s. This website will allow you to schedule an appointment, pay the K-1 visa processing fee Consulate Appointment. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Guangzhou by telephone (+86) 020-38927650 or email cecucanton@cancilleria. citizen services navigator. El Consulado de Ecuador en Newark, ubicado en New Jersey, ofrece una amplia gama de servicios y trámites para los ciudadanos ecuatorianos en Estados Unidos. Descarga y llena la solicitud de visa. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Pakistan, please check in first instance the consulate website . For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the Philippines, please check in first instance the consulate website . Visa and Passports For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Sweden, please check in first instance the consulate website . In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Phoenix by telephone (+1) (602) 535-5567 or email cecuarizona@cancilleria. But for now, take a deep breath and celebrate your bureaucratic triumph. The consulate general of Ecuador in Manila is located at #39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center and can be contacted by telephone on 2 8870 0100 and by email ojhilado@phinma. - Suite 1404 - Los Angeles - CA 90010 - United States The consulate of Ecuador in Dallas is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D. Address: New York Plaza, Suite 200 1304 East Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 55407: Phone: local: (612) 721. José Rodriguez Bonin Guayaquil, Ecuador. Consulate General of Ecuador is located at 180 N Wabash Ave suite 400 in Chicago, Illinois 60601. Please be informed that the interview process for immigrant visa and K-1 visa requires two steps, as indicated below: For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website atlanta. The consulate general of Ecuador in Guangzhou is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Beijing. ec For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website . I liked talking with consulate representative Ricardo, and I remembered how passionate and well meaning Ecuadorians can be. cancilleria. Welcome to the official Spain Visa website in Quito, where you can schedule appointments, get travel advice, and obtain information about visas. When planning travel abroad a U. FERIA DE SALUD Y RECURSOS EN EL CONSULADO (lunes 24 de febrero de 2025, de 09:00 a 13:00) El Consulado del Ecuador en Minneapolis, en asociación con importantes agencias locales y actores comunitarios organizará el 24 de febrero de 2025, de 09:00 a 13:00, la feria semanal de recursos y servicios. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Port au Prince by telephone (+509) 43 328 282 or email consuladoecuador. ec and cecucanberra@cancilleria. FAQs. Visa requirements for Ecuador. Actualizaciones de Visa y Viajes de EE. and can be contacted by telephone on 305 539 8214 and 305 539 8215 and by email cecumiami@cancilleria. Correo electrónico personal en el que recibirá el código de acceso. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Las Vegas by telephone (+1) (702) 869-4351 or email . UU. Find the contact information here and you’ll be able to communicate with a team member about arranging your appointment. haiti@gmail. En el de Newark, por ejemplo, se llevan a cabo documentos importantes como lo son el pasaporte, visas, tarjetas consulares, poderes o actos notariales y funciones del registro civil en el exterior. Contact the consulate general of Ecuador in Newark. Embassy and Consulates try to keep the visa issuance wait times as short as possible. I think this Embassy is lucky to have Ricardo, as he helped me clear up some matters with efficiency, kindness and warmth. You may schedule an appointment for a Notarial Service at the Consular Section of your convenience: For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Canada, please check in first instance the consulate website embassyecuador. com Jan 31, 2025 · Consulate General of Ecuador in Phoenix, Arizona, located at 645 E Missouri Ave, Suite 132. Consulate General - Guayaquil Santa Ana Street and José Rodríguez Bonín Avenue San Eduardo Area Guayaquil, Ecuador Visits to the Ecuadorian Consulate General in Shanghai are strictly by appointment. The consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis is supervised by the embassy in Washington, D. Visa and Passports Consulate Appointment. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in San Francisco by telephone (+1) (415) 982-1819 / 21 or email ecuador For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website . ec Important Information For Visa Applicants. The consulate general of Ecuador in Newark is located at 400 Market Street and can be contacted by telephone on 973 878 1285 and 973 344 8667 / 6900 and by email cecunewjersey@cancilleria. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Montreal by telephone (+1) (514) 985-2262 or email cecuottawa@cancilleria. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Karachi by telephone (+92) 21 5833 322 or email buck@brain. Visa application fees are valid to use for 365 days from date of purchase. Apply for your U. For information related to visas, visit the visas page. passport at the U. Nov 18, 2021 · You can arrange an appointment by directly communicating with the honorary consulate of Ecuador you choose or utilizing the online appointment service. Opening hours and holidays Address: Consulate General of Ecuador in Los Angeles, United States - 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Current Visa Services. 00am -1. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply for current wait time information: Important Information For Visa Applicants. S. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Brazil, please check in first instance the consulate website . Then it might have been that we would have had an appointment as We will provide information on non-immigrant appointment waiting times at every Embassy and Consulate posted on Outside of Ecuador: (593) 2 398 5000. com Visa application fees are valid to use for 365 days from date of purchase. Click the “Schedule an Appointment” button below and follow the instructions to register an account. Sin embargo, en general, se requiere un pasaporte válido con una validez mínima de seis meses, una reserva de hotel o carta de invitación notariada, prueba de solvencia económica para el período de estadía y, en algunos Consulate Appointment. Citizens in Ecuador. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Nairobi by telephone (+254) 20 27 22 382 or email . gov. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Haiti, please check in first instance the consulate website . net. The consular section shares location as well as telephone number and email address with the embassy. Aug 15, 2024 · Address for Visitors and Local Mail: U. consuladodeecuadormn. Important Information For Visa Applicants. Step 1: Register your appointment online You need to register your appointment online before attending your interview. Includes a forum where you can discuss the Consulate-General. com Important notices related to consular matters - For Ecuadorian visa applications, passports for Ecuador and other consulate matters related to Ecuador please contact the consulate in Chicago directly by telephone (+1) (312) 338 1002 / 3 or email cecuchicago@mmrree. What is a visa? U. S Los consulados ecuatorianos en USA actúan como puente entre la República de Ecuador y Estados Unidos. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Kenya, please check in first instance the consulate website . and Ecuadorian public holidays. Email [email protected] Office Hours Please call the Consulate General of Ecuador in Newark, New Jersey at (973) 878-1285 for details. Typically, the documents requiring notarization are intended for use within the United States, as Consular Officers do not have the authority to notarize to be used inside Ecuador. Additional Resources for U. Please contact the Ecuadorian embassy or visa application center in your home country or vist the Ecuadorian embassy website to book visa appointment. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website . Recuerde tener a mano su número de cédula o pasaporte para la reserva de una cita. com Find information on a selected U. Emergencies include arrest, injury, serious illness, or death of an American citizen. Important Announcement on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas Visa Denied. ph Schedule an appointment for a CRBA at the U. ec For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website miami. ec Nov 18, 2021 · You can schedule an appointment by directly contacting the honorary consulate of Ecuador you choose or making use of the online appointment service. For specific services, visitors must visit the designated section at the embassy and book an appointment accordingly on the email addresses mentioned above. The consulate general of Ecuador in Shanghai is located at 317 Xianxia Lu, Tower B, 17th floor, Office 1701 and can be contacted by telephone on (21) 6235 0532 / 6 and by email cecushangai@cancilleria. El Consulado de Ecuador en Estados Unidos, ofrece una variedad de servicios consulares para la comunidad, facilitando trámites y proporcionando asistencia a los ciudadanos ecuatorianos en el extranjero. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, office hours, online resources including the official website, Facebook page, and Twitter, consular jurisdiction, consular services, visa list, upcoming holidays, and head of mission (HOM). If the visa application is denied, a new visa application and fee will need to be completed to apply again. Consulate General in Guayaquil, Ecuador. consulado. Consulate General in Guayaquil are currently processing all visa categories for Ecuadorian citizens and third-country nationals residing in Ecuador. Embassy Quito U. ec For all payment methods other than debit/credit card, the visa application fee payment is not immediately valid. The consulate of Ecuador in Houston is located at 2603 Augusta Dr. Cédula de identidad. Consulate Appointment. The working hours are from Tuesday to Friday 9. Usually an Embassy of a foreign country is to small to be able to reach and offer consular services to all people in all US states like Atlanta. Look for the contact information on this page and you’ll be able to get in touch with a team member about programming your appointment. com: Office Hours Head of Mission: Mr Jorge Washingen Lopez Amaya Contact the embassy of Ecuador in Canberra. embajada. Registering your appointment provides us with the information we need to return. Canadian citizens do not need a tourist visa to enter Ecuador. Descubre los servicios que ofrece el Consulado de Ecuador en los Estados Unidos a los ciudadanos ecuatorianos. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Miami by telephone (+1) (305) 539 8214 & (+1) (305) 539 8215 or email cecumiami Los consulados ecuatorianos en USA actúan como puente entre la República de Ecuador y Estados Unidos. Reúne todos los documentos necesarios especificados en la lista de verificación de visa. Consulate General of Ecuador in New York, United States - 800 Second Avenue, Suite 600 - New York - New York 10017 - United States Telephone Number: (+1) (212) 808-0170 / 0171 Pedir cita en el Consulado de Ecuador en Estados Unidos para realizar trámites consulares. Servicios que ofrece el Consulado de Ecuador en Estados Unidos Jan 9, 2025 · Consulate General of Ecuador in New Haven, Connecticut, located at 1 Church Street. The offices of the consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis may be closed on U. The consulate general of Ecuador in Toronto is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Ottawa. These services are provided by Consular Officers and can For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website chicago. Contact the consulate general of Ecuador in Vancouver directly to inquire about the availability of other types of visa. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website connecticut. The consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis is located at 2310 Central Avenue NE and can be contacted by telephone on 612 721 6468 and by email cecuminnesota@cancilleria. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Houston by telephone (+1) (713) 572 8731 or email cecuhouston@cancilleria. - Suite 1404 - Los Angeles - CA 90010 - United States For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Switzerland, please check in first instance the consulate website . com . 10th street las vegas nevada 89101 united states and can be contacted by telephone on +1 (702) 869-4351 as well as by email . The consulate of Ecuador in Chicago is located at 180 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 400 and can be contacted by telephone on 312 374 1992 and 312 338 1002 / 3 / 4 and by email cecuchicago@cancilleria. 721. U. Visa Consulate General of Ecuador in Minneapolis, Minnesota, located at 2310 Central Ave NE. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Portugal, please check in first instance the consulate website . Please review the information below before scheduling or attending a visa-related appointment. Jan 7, 2025 · Consulate General Address 400 Market Street, 4th Floor Newark, NJ 07105 United States; Telephone (973) 878-1285. com For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Australia, please check in first instance the consulate website australia. How to make an appointment at the Ecuadorian Consulate in Miami? Contact the consulate of Ecuador in Miami. If you are applying with a DS-11 form, you will need to make an appointment and may need to present additional documentation. If an applicant has been denied a visa, the consular officer will give the applicant a letter explaining why the visa was refused. The consulate general is closed during the weekend and on Ecuadorian and Canadian official holidays. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Chicago by telephone (+1) (312) 338 1002 / 3 or email cecuchicago@mmrree. Feb 20, 2024 · Actualmente todo trámite se lo realiza por medio de citas, las cuales se pueden obtener ingresando los LUNES y MIÉRCOLES de cada semana a partir de las 4 pm en el siguiente enlace: https://citas. We recommend that you conduct your own research or reach out to the Ecuadorian Embassy, Consulate or Public Entity that handles the matter. See full list on consuladoec. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, online resources including the official website, Facebook page, and Twitter, consular jurisdiction, consular services, visa list, upcoming holidays, and head of mission (HOM). You've survived the appointment! High fives all around! Now, depending on the complexity of your mission, you might have to return to pick up documents or whatnot. The consulate general of Ecuador in Newark is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador in Washington Información importante para solicitantes de visa. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Rio de Janeiro by telephone (+55) 21 3563 0380 or email conecrio@rionet. The consulate offers various services such as visa and passport information, travel insurance and consular assistance. citizens do not need a tourist visa to enter Ecuador. Consulate Switchboard: From abroad: 593-4-371-7000 From other Ecuadorian Provinces: (04) 371-7000 From Guayaquil and other cities within the Province of Guayas: 371-7000 Notarial services are available to individuals of all nationalities and are offered by appointment only. The fee will expire and you will If approved, cost of visa: $30 (Money Order) Appointment Requiered: Yes. ec El Consulado General del Ecuador en Nueva York pone a su disposición algunos servicios consulares que son 100% electrónicos y no necesitan su presencia en las oficinas del Consulado. , which supervises this consulate. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Lisbon by telephone (+351) 21 602 36 24 or email ceculisboa@mmrree. Emergency services do not require an appointment. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the Netherlands, please check in first instance the consulate website . I forgot how much I missed Ecuadorian cultural and kindness. - For Ecuadorian visa applications, passports for Ecuador and other consulate matters related to Ecuador please contact the consulate in Vancouver directly by telephone (+1) 604-299-6600 or email ecuador@telus. Reserva tu cita. Ecuador Consulate Appointment. Certain international travelers may be eligible to enter the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for the U. ec For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Australia, please check in first instance the consulate website australia. If you are in Ecuador, you must comply with Ecuadorian laws and regulations. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in Canada, please check in first instance the consulate website . #Winning. immigration laws. After the 365 days, if the applicant has not scheduled their interview appointment or submitted their application to apply for a U. gob. Appointment rescheduling in Quito or Guayaquil Dear applicant, please note you are able to move your appointment to either Quito or Guayaquil, to take advantage of shorter wait times or for personal convenience. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Vancouver by telephone (+1) 604-299-6600 or email ecuador@telus. ec Contact details for the Ecuadorian consulate general in Las Vegas. Escoger el Tipo de Servicio y verificar que tenga todos los Requisitos y dar clic en Siguiente. Nov 10, 2024 · Whether it’s a tourist visa, a business venture, or academic pursuits, the Ecuadorian Consulate Queens provides the necessary support and guidance to make the process as smooth as possible. Consulate General Calle Santa Ana y Av. Como parte de la red de representaciones diplomáticas de Ecuador en los Estados Unidos, este consulado desempeña un papel fundamental al ofrecer una gran variedad de servicios consulares y Visa Related Questions. We do not provide notarial services over the weekend or American and Ecuadorian holidays. br pie de pagina 800 Second Ave, 2nd Floor New York, NY, 10017 Teléfono: (212) 808 0170 Información sobre visas en el Consulado de Ecuador en Miami. ec and consuladoecuadortx@sbcglobal. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! TEFL China - ️ ️ ️ Guizhou Teaching Appointment. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Shanghai by telephone (+86) (021) 6235 0532 / 6 or email cecushangai@cancilleria. Important Announcement on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website . . Embassy of the United States - Quito Avigiras E12-170 and Guayacanes (in front of SOLCA Hospital) Quito – Ecuador. ec/ El sistema se cierra conforme se acaban los turnos disponibles de esa semana. For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website phoenix. Search for: Contacto Ciudadano Respuesta: Los requisitos para obtener una visa de turista para Ecuador varían según la nacionalidad del solicitante. Los pasos a seguir son: Visita la sección de visas de la Embajada de Ecuador. Citizens and lawful permanent residents do not need to obtain a visa to enter the United States. ph ccselda@phinma. Guayaquil. Consulate in Guayaquil. The consulate general of Ecuador in Guangzhou is open Monday to Friday by appointment. visas@gdit-gss. Non-Immigrant visa (including K fiancé visas), the fee will expire and the applicant will forfeit the right to use the fee for a visa application. Visa and Passports Consulate of Ecuador in Atlanta. Consulate General of Ecuador in New York City, located at 800 2nd Ave, 2nd Floor. Asistencia personalizada. Please contact the consulate of Ecuador in Minneapolis to confirm opening hours. Embassy or Consulate, including address, security screening procedures, and holiday closures. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in Boston by telephone (+1) 781 400-1212 or email cecuboston@cancilleria. Ecuadorian Consulate General in New York, the United States 800 Second Avenue, Suite 600 New York New York 10017 United States: Telephone (+1) (212) 808-0331 (+1) (212) 808-0170 / 0171: Fax (+1) (212) 808 0188: Email: cecunewyork@gov. There, you will find instructions on how to book an appointment for the specific service you require. ec Notarial Services are provided by appointment only during regular business hours. Embassy in Quito or the U. Driver's License Information; Marriage and Divorce in Ecuador Apr 2, 2024 · Guayaquil, Ecuador Please follow the steps below before your immigrant visa interview at the U. Contact the consulate of Ecuador in Houston. The consulate general of Ecuador in New York is supervised by the embassy of Ecuador For an appointment at the Ecuadorian consulate in the United States, please check in first instance the consulate website www. Por favor revise la información a continuación antes de programar o asistir a una cita relacionada con la visa. com Find out how to contact, visit and make an appointment at the Ecuadorian Consulate in Newark, United States. Important Announcement on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas Feb 28, 2025 · Embassy Switchboard: From abroad: +593-2-398-5000 From other Ecuadorian Provinces: 02-398-5000 From Quito and other cities within the Province of Pichincha: 398-5000 Our Location U.
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