Powerschool student login. Department of Public Instruction.

Powerschool student login The PowerSchool parent portal provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Please note, maintenance of the PowerSchool (student information system) is usually on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (unless holiday or other unforeseen event). s) Contact Us Folsom Cordova Unified School District 2024-2025 Nondiscrimination Statement. The district code for Cecil County Public Schools is MWFX Since PowerSchool is web-based, some of this information can easily, but safely be shared with parents and students. Ben Davidson Application Support Specialist 269-471-7725, ext. PowerSchool has released a website where families and parents can learn more about what happened, what resources are available or will be available and the steps PowerSchool is taking. The Uxbridge Public Schools advise all parents to create a PowerSchool Parent Account to ensure access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and app. 3322. Bus Schedules. ClassLink. Parent PowerSchool Login. To setup PowerSchool mobile apps to connect with the MCVSD PowerSchool system, please use our District Code of PZCX Find Us Monmouth County Vocational School District P. Find Us. 25, 2025; PHHS Teacher Named Teacher of the Year Board Offices 140 East Indiana Ave. EduTech employs a team of specialists to support and train PowerSchool users in our school systems. Grade history. PowerSchool Login. Most instructional technology can be accessed by Staff and Students through Clever. The Access ID and Access Password will be provided to you in a letter from you student’s school before August 1. All trademarks are either owned or licensed by PowerSchool Group LLC or its affiliates. Additionally, providing an enhanced classroom experience through performance analytics and embedding Microsoft Office 365 for Education tools like OneDrive and OneNote directly Jan 12, 2022 · Student and Parent Portal: Viewing Grades and Attendance in PowerSchool SIS COVID-19 Resources on 03-20-2020 Back to Schoology Learning Webinars in General Distance Learning Resources on 08-12-2020 In a web browser or mobile device, browse to cvsd. grades, attendance, assignments, and more. Idaho. If you do not have this information, reach out to your child's school for assistance. Parents/Guardians with a kindergarten student, those who are NEW to St. 3388 Rosie M. Each school will verify your identity before giving you an account to help protect student data and privacy. PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook Explained Parent Tutorial Video Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Tech Support for Students and Parents Link opens in a new window; Parent Portal Access - PowerSchool; Home Internet Access; Student Digital Citizenship; Technology Support for Employees Link opens in a new window; Frequently Asked Questions (F. Admissions; Contact Harrison County School District is an equal-opportunity employer. Collins Sorrells School of Education and Social Services at Yvonne A. Each building has brought new life into its community. (Please do not call the district, as we cannot give it to you. Ewell Townview Center (opens in new window/tab) School for the Talented and Gifted at Yvonne A. Test results. All rights reserved. Individuals who do not remember their login information or who are new to Wake County Schools can request access by contacting our Data Manager (Ms. The Folsom Cordova Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex Richland School District Two • 6831 Brookfield Rd, Columbia, SC 29206 • 803. How to Create a PowerSchool Parent Access Account Go to Iron District’s PowerSchool page STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIS)—POWERSCHOOL. org. PowerSchool is used to schedule classes, take attendance, store grades, produce transcripts, report cards, and more. The O’Farrell Charter Schools prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, immigration status, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, family, marital status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these Gadsden ISD. We have added a Quick Link button into your Microsoft 365 account to access PowerSchool. Utah. Instructions on how to view your student’s information are available in the presentation linked here. It is the policy of Westerly Public Schools not to discriminate in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies on the basis of age, color, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Using a confidential ID number and password provided by their child's school, parents can create their own PowerSchool account using a web browser or the PowerSchool app and view their child’s data, such as progress reports, attendance records, report cards, transcripts and more. "PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent Help" is available by clicking the Help link in the upper right hand Aug 19, 2016 · We are in the process of updating phone numbers, addresses and emergency contacts. Help Power School Mobile App. Portal Help and Resources PARENT PORTAL 3850 E 300 N, Rigby, ID 83442 Phone: 208-745-6693 Fax: 208-745-0848 The Powerschool Mobile App is available for parents and students to download for free as a combined parent and student app from the App Store for the iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®, and as separate PowerSchool apps for parents and students on Google Play for Android devices and provides an abbreviated version of the Parent Portal. m. , San Marcos, CA 92078 About Us. PowerSchool is also the official gradebook. Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, we transitioned to Powerschool as our Student Management System. Instructions for creating a parent account and configuring the mobile app can be found here. nc. School bulletins. Check your email for a PowerSchool ID and password for each of your students. DPSCD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, height, weight, citizenship, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any The PowerSchool Parent Portal usernames and passwords have not changed, they are the same as last year (if you have forgotten your log-in information, please call your child's school). The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a comprehensive resource for parents/guardians, students and teachers. Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity: The Gadsden Independent School District is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in relation to race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender-affirming health care, pregnancy, childbirth or condition related to pregnancy or childbirth or Parent and student login for PowerSchool. Don’t forget to re-enter your password as well as the ACCESS ID password for the student as well. Hours: 8 a. Our program offers engaging courses, certified teachers, and flexibility for K-12 students. Louis Park Public Schools, and returning families who have not created an account previously will receive a letter with instructions and access PowerSchool SIS K-12 Student Information System. Login to PowerSchool. Departments. Parents can link multiple students to this one login. It is really important this information is accurate, we use this in emergency situations. net. PowerSchool Login for Subs . Students and Parents/Guardians are able to access current grades and student attendance via PowerSchool. Grades 5-12: PowerSchool Parent Portal provides a view of attendance, fee balances, teacher names, and student grades. Q. Click on your state to be directed to the proper login. Powerschool Login Page Get your student's Access ID and Password If you are having trouble logging into PowerSchool, please submit a help desk ticket at: Technology Help Desk The Troy School District uses PowerSchool, a Student Information System (SIS). us) Need a student's password reset for NCEdCloud? Teachers, you can reset them for your . James-Assiniboia School Division PowerSchool Portal . org/teachers)Substitutes (https://ps. Groundbreaking Ceremonies for BPES and BES; VHSL Update: Feb. Login to Powerschool The School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin age, sex or disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. To request login credentials, please contact the main office @ 586-439-4403, ext. All rights reserved | Privacy & Terms PowerSchool SIS Parent Login. The PowerSchool Student and Parent portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins, lunch menus and even personal messages from the teacher. E-mail questions and comments to PowerSchool Answer Center at pssupport@troy. Forgot your CLEVER user name and password? Need to Register for next school year? Log into PowerSchool. If you need Parent Portal Help at RUHS, please contact Nancy Hammond, Administrative Assistant, at [email protected] or call 310-798-8665, ext. The Access ID is Joh123456. Instructions. Mar 20, 2020 · Learn how to access your grades and assignments in PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal with this video guide. Creating a New Parent PowerSchool Account. 1430 Balltown Road Niskayuna, NY 12309. org/subs)Parents/Guardians The application that you are attempting to sign into uses your PowerSchool credentials, please sign in using one of the following: Sign in as a Teacher. Sign in with Microsoft Sign in with QuickCard. Douglas USD #27 1132 12th Street Douglas, AZ 85607 (520) 364-2447 (520) 762-4671. For more information and how to use PowerSchool, see St. Once students have created their Student Portal account online, the same username and password will provide access on the mobile app. Log in to PowerSchool Portal to access your grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, and more. Instructions to create a PowerSchool account; PowerSchool App. Sign in as an Administrator. Learn how to create an account and access your child's information on PowerSchool, the parent portal for Robertson County Schools. Enter your user name and password to sign in and view your grades, attendance, assignments, and more. This will replace the PlusPortal account you may have used in previous years. Texas. Sign in to PowerSchool to access your account. They are not the student’s regular login. If you do not remember your PowerSchool user name and password Access the PowerSchool Student and/or Parent Portal. When successful, you will be returned to the Power School Parent Portal Login Screen. For example, the student's first name is Janet and the student’s ID is 123456. Microsoft delivers PowerSchool users the Best-in-Class Cloud Infrastructure by hosting PowerSchool solutions on Microsoft Azure. If needed, contact your school's registrar to receive the ACCESS ID and ACCESS PASSWORD. PowerSchool logins are granted by schools and districts. 1330 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02492; 781-455-0400; 781-455-0417; Website by SchoolMessenger PowerSchool is a student information system (SIS). PowerSchool give students and parents access to real-time information including attendance and grades. It is the policy and commitment of Harrison County School District that it does not discriminate based on race, age, color, sex, national origin, physical disability, or religion. Parent Portal is a component of PowerSchool, the district's student information system which tracks grades, attendance, and other demographic information. Parent Portal is a tool that allows parents and students to access real-time information about attendance, grades (tests, quizzes, projects, homework assignments), detailed homework assignments, messages from the teacher, and school announcements. com and fill in the username and password with the below information. North Allegheny is using PowerSchool for its Student Information System. To access the Parent Portal, parents and/or guardians sign in from AGCS's PowerSchool Parent Portal login screen PowerSchool is used for scheduling, taking attendance, storing grades, and more. dvusd. PowerSchool Parent Portal; Empower Parent Portal; Health Resources for Families; Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey; High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey; Teacher Qualification - Right to Know Request; New Hampshire Education Department School and District Report Card Please sign-in using your email address. How to Add a Student to Your Parent Account In order to protect the privacy of this important student information, you will need to obtain an initial PowerSchool "webID" and password from your child's school to create your Parent Portal account. The district code for setting up the PowerSchool mobile app is: PGZG Student Homepage; PowerSchool Login; Microsoft Office 365 Login; Online Resources for Students; DASA; DASA Reporting Form; SHS Graduation Requirements; SHS Bell Schedule PowerSchool is an innovative K-12 software program utilized by all public schools in North Dakota to improve educational outcomes and simplify school operations. Each student’s name will display side-by-side on the navigation bar, which is located above the icons. You will need the ACCESS ID and ACCESS PASSWORD from the letter you received from school. You can visit your school or district website, or speak with your school or district administrators. PowerSchool offers a range of products and services for education, such as behavior support, curriculum and instruction, enrollment, and professional development. You may log-in by clicking on the parent portal link below or by clicking on the following link: PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal -link updated December 2018 PowerSchool (Student Information System) Lanier County Schools utilizes the web-based student information system, PowerSchool, to allow parents and students to check attendance, assignments and grades online. The PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal interface is user-friendly and gives parents/guardians access to: Grades and attendance. Parents can sign in with username and password, or use the translator. 3. PowerSchool provides online access to student's grades, attendance, discipline, etc. k12. Access Powerschool for report cards, attendance, re-enrollment, and more. PowerSchool was selected to streamline processes by providing a consolidated experience for the school community. Each parent/guardian will need to create a new account in PowerSchool. Attendance history. The Access Password is Jane123456. Enter your user name and password to sign in. In order to access PowerSchool, parents/guardians must login using your TigerID account. Needham Public Schools. The program is made available through the N. Schoology Codes are found in Powerschool Parent Portal. Directions . Please contact Kelli Swan Romanek our District Data and Website Management Coordinator at [email protected] or 860-754-4498 if you have any questions or problems with the Portal. PowerSchool is an online resource that allows you to see your student’s grades, attendance, and teacher assignments. If you have multiple students and would like to link their accounts, please reach out to Mr. PowerSchool SIS is a comprehensive system with extensive, configurable features to meet the needs of schools and districts of all sizes and types, including public, charter, private, international schools, and more. Contact Us. * The username and password entered above are my access credentials. Athletics; Before/After School Care; Community Education PowerSchool SIS Parent Login. Could you take the time to login to Powerschool Parent Portal and check the details ISB has on record, update if necessary. powerschool. There is a very thorough PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal User Guide, but most folks do not need it to navigate the system. For example, the student's last name is Johnson and the student's ID is 123456. Electronic Request for a new PowerSchool Schoology is a digital Learning Management System (LMS) where teachers and students can use to create, manage and share instructional content. ) If you have a login for the mobile app, that login will work on the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal. PowerSchool's Parent Portal provides real-time access for parents to their child's. Parents can access their child's information via the following link: Instructional Technology. Aug 18, 2021 · This school year, Agawam Public Schools, will be using a new Student Information System and Parent/Guardian Portal called PowerSchool. Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Access to PowerSchool, Classlink, and Schoology. You may log-in by clicking on the parent portal link below or by clicking on the following link: PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal -link updated December 2018 If you do not have a username and password, please supply the following information and click Continue. This protects the privacy of siblings, as when they log in the can view only their own personal information. In the 2024-2025 school year, four new schools welcomed students and staff through their doors: Claxton Elementary, Peck K-8 Expeditionary Learning, Brooks Global Studies and Foust Elementary schools. Students are assigned a username and password when they enroll at a site. Woodland Hills School District is located in Pittsburgh, PA. PowerSchool “brings together teachers, students, parents and © High Tech High 2021-2025. Parents should log in with their newly created account based on the letter sent home by the school's registrar. Download the mobile app from the Google Play 1420 West San Marcos Blvd. Access your student account on PowerSchool, a leading education technology platform. The Access Password is the first four letters of the student’s first name followed by the student’s ID number. Once Parents/Guardians have obtained the initial WebID and password for their student, you may access the Parent Login page. Enter your name and email address then create a username Mar 4, 2025 · Data accessed in the PowerSchool breach included currently enrolled District 49 students as well as our past students going back to 2017. Visit PowerSchool Parent Login Page. If you don't know or cannot access your Powerschool Parent Portal, contact your student's school for login information. For language help call (313) 576-0106 or visit the Interpretation and Translation Services page. With the help of the PowerSchool Student Portal, students can track their academic success and review when class assignments are due. Sign in as a Student District Office. Students can sign in with their username and password. C. Students use these to log into their accounts. Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551 Phone: 419·874·9131 Email Microsoft Education’s mission is to empower every student on the planet to achieve more. Administration (https://ps. Public Auctions. org/admin)Teachers (https://ps. Robert E. The PowerSchool Student Portal is now available for Apple and Android devices. ADMIN LOGIN. Karla Liles Student Information Systems Support Specialist 269-471-7725, ext. Almadina partnered with PowerSchool and currently has an access to the Student Information System where parents can log in to the system and keep track of their children's academic progress. Parents can use the student login, but can also set up their own individual "Single Sign On" login credentials. Once installed enter district code FJPZ and login with your username and password. K-12 PARENT/STUDENT LOGIN. PowerSchool Login for Teachers . 4013. Production Servers. mi. PowerSchool provides access to grades, schedules and attendance information for families of students in kindergarten through grade 12. When complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Enter” button once again. SchoolNet, Canvas, NCEES . Parents are given a unique code, or access ID, for each of their students and are able to use those codes to set up an account to access their students' profiles PowerSchool. 8898. New Canaan High School is using Schoology to provide students with a consistent learning platform where they will find all of their course content, connect with teachers and peers, and manager their work, assessments and grades. Access instructions for the Single Sign-On for PowerSchool Parent Portal. Portals are available for staff, parents, and students. A. OK. Student and Parent Login to PowerSchool. Parents can use the platform to find their student's grades, attendance, class schedules or update contact information and m ore. PowerSchool Parent and Student Public Portal: This is a link to the PowerSchool Public portal for students and parents. Students will log in via Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account You’ll need your student’s Access ID and Access Password, which are available from the school. Teachers will share this log in information with students and families when it has been activated. Password: Birthdate (Including zeros) Consider getting the PowerSchool App. Everything students and parents need to check grades, complete homework and other resources. © 2016 Microsoft Non-Discrimination and Accessibility. To sign into PowerSchool as a student, parent or teacher, choose the appropriate login option from the web page. Ewell Townview Center (opens in new window/tab) The Powerschool Mobile App is available for parents and students to download for free as a combined parent and student app from the App Store for the iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®, and as separate PowerSchool apps for parents and students on Google Play for Android devices and provides an abbreviated version of the Parent Portal. us © 2012 Alhambra Unified School District. 1910 Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account The PowerSchool Parent Portal usernames and passwords have not changed, they are the same as last year (if you have forgotten your log-in information, please call your child's school). 8890 Fax: 616. A: Contact your school or district for access information and instructions. Need help? Email Laura Elliott (lelliott@iss. Click on the icon below to access PowerSchool for parents platform. Shah (ushah@wihi. To protect the integrity of the Letters were mailed on August 27 to all students and parents/guardians who NEED TO CREATE a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. Student Homepage; PowerSchool Login; Microsoft Office 365 Login; Online Resources for Students; DASA; DASA Reporting Form; SHS Graduation Requirements; SHS Bell Schedule Click the button below to reach the PowerSchool Parent Portal: Instructions for Parents to Reset PowerSchool Passwords: Below are instructions for parents to reset their passwords using the portal: PowerSchool Parent Portal The district's Student Information System (SIS), HISD Connect by PowerSchool, includes student contact, enrollment, and demographic information, as well as grades and online resources. 457. It is a tool that allows parents, students and teachers to communicate student performance, grades and attendance. California. Our Non-Discrimination Commitment. Tutorials on accessing PowerSchool, can be found below. PowerSchool features a single sign on for parents/guardians. Our SIS allows staff, students and parents access to student scheduling, attendance, emergency/medical and health management, registration, and more. Calendars. HOW TO ACCESS POWERSCHOOL. O. Fitch High School PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal; You have been sent an email with your login information. Dec 16, 2024 · PowerSchool Parent Portal; Parent How-To's and Quick Reference Guides; Bring Your Own Device Initiative; School Device Insurance Coverage; Low-Cost Internet Access; English Classes for Adults; Assessment, Feedback, and Grading; Instructional Materials; State Testing California Assessment of Student Performance & Progress (CAASPP) McKinney Vento Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Parent PowerSchool Account Setup. PowerSchool is our district's student information system (SIS). Parents will need to create a parent account and link your children in order to access the home portal. Student Information Systems Support Specialist 269-471-7725, ext. If you haven’t created a PowerSchool Single Sign-On account and or are not aware of the access code to link you student to the account once created, please contact your student’s school building office. Once you set up your PowerSchool account, consider The PowerSchool Home Portal for parents and students may be accessed by website or by the PowerSchool Mobile app for IOS and Android devices. 3366. PowerSchool provides each family access to student attendance, grades, and class sched PowerSchool is a web-based student information system that provides a full range of features needed by administrators at the district and school level to manage student information, a portal for teachers to enter classroom-specific data, and portals to foster communication between the school and parents and students. The information displayed is as current as the last time front offices and teachers entered and saved attendance and grade book information at the school site. PowerSchool Login for Admin . Step 1. Department of Public Instruction. Students and parents use the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portals to view grades, attendance information, graduation progress, school bulletins, fee balances, and much more. Students still have a separate password, distributed by the schools in grades 6-12. Teachers in West Ada use PowerSchool to keep a record of students' academic progress and attendance. Ewell Townview Center (opens in new window/tab) School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. PowerSchool is a secure web-based student information system that provides real-time updates to parents, teachers, students and school administrators about student performance. Mar 5, 2010 · Complaints or reports alleging sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking, or gender discrimination, including sexual orientation or gender identity, involving an IPS student, employee, or person affiliated with IPS should be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator at TitleIXCoordinator@myips. Box 5033 4000 Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ 07728-5033 Phone: 732-431-7942 FAX: 732-409-6736 The Southington Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Oct 8, 2024 · Students in Grades 7+ will have access to PowerSchool. Click your student’s name to view that student’s information. Students, be sure to use the Student Sign In section at the bottom of the page as your PowerSchool is linked to your ECSD account. Nevada. Email notifications (grades and school announcements) Teacher comments. This page will provide links to available functions in the PowerSchool parent portal for each student. The PowerSchool app can be downloaded from the app store or Google Play onto your device and can be used after your account has been created. 26, 2025; Boundary Adjustment Process Update: Feb. Heidi Estrada) hestrada@wcpss. Parents and guardians of students in the Brookfield Public School District can view student progress through PowerSchool, the District’s student information system. Phone: (518) 377-4666 Fax: (518) 377-4074. The application that you are attempting to sign into uses your PowerSchool credentials, please sign in using one of the following: Sign in as a Teacher Sign in as an Administrator Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account The application that you are attempting to sign into uses your PowerSchool credentials, please sign in using one of the following: Sign in as a Teacher Sign in as an Administrator What is PowerSchool? PowerSchool is an online application providing safe access to grades and attendance for students in K through 12th grade. Electronic Request for a new PowerSchool PowerSchool Parent Portal Link . Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Parents/guardians will use this as a resource for obtaining information, school activities sign-up, busing, tracking progress, etc. Quick Start Guide WIMA/WIHI PowerSchool Login. © 2005- 2025 PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliates. Students, staff and parents alike are all excited about the possibilities for their children. Username: Student ID# (check with your school office if you do not know your school ID#). PARENT PORTAL HIGHLIGHTS Please contact the school office if you need your information to create a parent/guardian account. Below is a list that outlines what the PowerSchool Parent Portal account encompasses: Update contact/demographic information (PK-12) View attendance (PK-12) Acknowledge student handbook receipt (PK-12) PowerSchool is used for tracking marks, attendance, and student information. Download the PowerSchool for Parents app for Android or iOS devices and share classroom information on social media. Access your student account on eSchoolPlus, a PowerSchool product that provides online learning and communication tools. Your email address will be your username. Indianola Community School District utilizes PowerSchool as the district’s student information system (SIS) and learning management system (LMS). 787. The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download from the App Store and is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. 1910 Richland School District Two • 6831 Brookfield Rd, Columbia, SC 29206 • 803. Canvas Information. This replaced TigerView beginning with the 2023-24 school year. Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Discover the benefits of homeschooling with Power Homeschool. PowerSchool for Student Portal. Apple. It is the most important resource for monitoring your student's progress and finding missing assignments. -4 p. Students in grade 7 will not have access until late fall. PowerSchool accounts cannot be created on the mobile version of PowerSchool. Stevenson Elementary School; Stay Connected. The Wallingford Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning West Ada School District uses PowerSchool, which is an online application that allows teachers, parents, and school administrators to track and share information on students' progress and growth. All Parents must create this new sign on and will need their current login information in order to set it up. Caps Lock is On Phone: 616. us) or Lindsey Riebeling (lindsey_riebeling@iss. The Parent Access ID and Access Password are unique to each student and are provided by the school site. This article is part of PowerSchool SIS COVID-19 Resources for distance and remote learning. The Technology Department kindly requests that you create a parent account as soon as possible using the account credentials that were electronically delivered via ParentSquare. Enter the student name, Access ID, Access Password, and your relationship to the student. Click Create Account to create your parent account. In addition, for families with additional students, it allows for the centralization of all accounts. Enter Student Access Information. org) for parent access credentials. uucui dyl kvopu yxxs cwuyo efqax eulyogr orip vmnnc wtye yyje wmbpg pqwyz ymzreq halme