Apwu bidding while on detail. Posting, Bidding, and Application Section 4.
Apwu bidding while on detail During the discussion, the parties agreed to settle this case based on their mutual understanding that while there is no contractual obligation for the Employer to pay out-of-schedule premium to employees in a training situation, the parties recognize the need for the employees to Recently the parties met during pre-arbitration discussions regarding the above referenced dispute. 3. The issue in this grievance is whether a VOMA, who bid into the position from the Carrier Craft, should be allowed to bid for choice vacation with the Carrier Craft. The parties agreed that on remand, Section 174 of EL 303, Use of Qualification Standards in Filling Many clerks bid to window jobs to achieve daylight hours or for other personal reasons. The APWU is pleased to share this booklet with you, designed as a quick reference guide on important rights and benefits of veterans employed by the United States Postal Service. Any such duty assignment must either be posted for bid or reverted pursuant to Article 37 . Details. If the union can demonstrate that any applications were incorrectly counted as bids in the past, it will Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO (APWU), in accordance with the following provisions: 1) Corporate Call Center All Corporate Call Center locations shall be staffed by Clerk Craft employees no later than two (2) years from the ratification of the 2010 National Agreement. craft or bargaining unit are limited to the APWU and the crafts that it represents, with the following understandings: Article 1. Section 233. Newly established and vacant Clerk Craft duty assignments shall be posted as follows: 1. This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether a bump occurred when the grievant, who was a full-time regular MPLSM operator, was assigned to the manual case and part-time flexibles were utilized on the MPLSM. 6. This edition of the APWU/USPS National Agreement is published unilaterally by APWU to provide a reference for our members to use while the APWU and the USPS jointly develop the offi cial version of the National Agreement. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, OWCP released FECA Bulletin 20-05 Federal Employees Contracting COVID-19 in Performance of Duty. A PREFERRED ASSIGNMENT REGISTERS (PAR) The 2004 APWU/USPS Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM) is provided as a resource for 204B Detail Express Mail Article 2 Non-Discrimination and Civil Rights Grievances Bidding While on Light or Limited Duty Limited Duty Duty Assignments – Limited Duty Maintenance Division American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 Important Answers August 7, 2014 Question (1): Whether management must use overtime to cover a temporary vacancy in the maintenance craft instead of detailing an employee to a higher level assignment under the provisions of Article 25? This Step 4 Settlement Agreement is where the parties mutually agreed that there was no interpretive dispute between the parties at the National level as to the meaning and intent of Article 37 of the National Agreement, with regard to senior or successful bidders. , is authorized to place unassigned regulars, who do not bid or are not the successful bidders, in any residual vacancies. The parties at this level agree that the proper application of Article 37, Section 3. 11, Temporary Bargaining Assignments. H. advanced search Two of note are the APWU Scholarship deadline and APWU Disaster/Hardship Fund. Question: If there is an opportunity for a new hire PSE in an Response: The USPS agrees that while bids for "best qualified bids pursuant to Article 37. 4. The issue, as framed by Arbitrator Das, was: The APWU and USPS agreed to job descriptions for new Lead Clerk positions on May 4, and agreed to the process for posting and bidding the new positions. a do count as successful bids under Article 12. All Postal members and annuitants must become associate members of APWU, see page 141 for details. C-32293 National Arbitrator Nolan, March 17 This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether an unassigned regular's duty assignment must be posted when the employee receives a regular position. The Interpretive issue In this dispute, as referred from local grievance K1 0C-4K-C 12375170 / APWU # 12Q1 EHCA75, is whether the MOU R~: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2. 10, when the clerk subsequently becomes a senior bidder on another assignment and enters a deferment period. D. The Employer shall staff Call Center locations with no fewer than a total of 350 Assignment, Reassignment, and Promotion 351 Introduction 351. Conversion/Part-Time Flexible Preference Section 6. New Procedure. Part time regular employees shall have a fixed work week: bidding is past Janua ry 1, an eve n numbe r of days wi l l be a dded aft e r Fe brua ry 1. In offices of less than 100 work-years a ratio of 1 transfer for every 6 vacancies (1 in 6) applies for the duration of the National Agreement. Includes explanation of letter carriers’ bidding rights while on LWOP for military service. Additionally, the union requested that the clerk craft employee serving in the detail be returned to his normal assignment. Part time regular employees shall have a fixed work week: While I have given management every available date to meet with them prior to the 90 day limit, they insist that I make more time available. LMOU. What are the limits for Postmasters and/or second supervisors in Post Offices, level 20 and above for the performance of bargaining unit work? ANSWER: In offices, Level 20 and above, with less than 100 bargaining The terms regarding 204-B usage in Section 2. An employee who has submitted a bid shall have the right to cancel the bid, in writing or in the telephone or computerized bidding process, at any time before the closing time (hour and date) of the posting. 11 Employee Utilization. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; Postal Banking; Stand Up For Safe Jobs; Save The Post Office; U. 3 – Language deleted and number of bids added Article 12, page 4 Article 12. How will the Lead Clerk duty assignments be created? Answer: They will be newly created duty assignments posted for bid installation wide to the senior qualified bidder, in accordance with Article 37. Normally, no detail will go beyond thirty (30) days. 204-B Details Beyond 90 days. During our discussion, we mutually agreed to settle this case as follows: Those employees who were not timely placed in bid jobs consistent with Article 37. Lake Street Elmhurst, IL. Voting on the Tentative Agreement for the new APWU-USPS contract will start with a mailing. suburban areas while trave ling millions of miles daily. e. This respect has been earned by many years of dedication to the Postal Service and to postal customers. What is the duration of the 2018-2021 National Agreement when applying the 1 in 6 ratio of the MOU Management, in accordance with Article 37. While Clerks don't get the ability to have that training, and the clerk has to be thrown into the fray without any training. Is the Postal Service required to separate Clerk Craft PSEs, including, but not limited to the bidding process; in addition, career conversions must be made in seniority order. 8. postings, Official Policy Statements, Holiday Schedules, etc. Where a detail will exceed thirty (30) days, the President, APWU, must be consulted to determine whether a full-time position should be created. However, the local union is still entitled to a copy of Form (This article first appeared in the January/February 2022 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) The following summary identifies all of the maintenance agreements successfully achieved during the 2021 national contract negotiations, with text from the tentative agreement. The APWU won an important arbitration award on August 06, when Arbitrator Shyam Das ruled that the Postal Service may not detail a maintenance craft employee to perform higher level work in a different occupational group to avoid paying overtime to an employee within that same occupational group. This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether management may properly hold a clerk accountable for the requirements of a residual vacancy assigned under the provisions of Article 37, Section 3. Clerks occupy more than 170 different position descriptions and can be found performing work at retail windows, mail processing, call centers, bulk mail entry, sales retention, and The issue in this dispute is "Does an employee on a non-bargaining unit detail ha\e to be retumed to the craft for one continuous pay period prior to being eligible to accept a preferred APWU-USPS Step 4 settlement that clarifies language in the 2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) regarding the eligibility of Maintenance Craft The parties agree to the following procedures during the term of the 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to fill Clerk Craft residual vacancies that are not subject to a proper withholding order pursuant to Article 12 of the CBA. It was the position of the Postal Service that there is no requirement to post the duty assignment that is vacated by an unassigned regular, and that these duty assignments are not vacancies that are APWU recognize that the different APWU bargaining units have different rules and procedures. Detail assignments are supposed to be made only for the shortest period of time necessary and may be used to meet emergencies caused by an abnormal workload, a change in mission or USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual June 2007 The 2007 APWU/USPS Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM) update is While the CBA still references “man year”, consistent with the Article 12, page 3 Article 12. That's how the union screws clerks. Early Bird registration (through May 16) is $125. general mail facility, plant, station, branch, air mail facility, etc). During our discussion, we agreed that there is no dispute between the parties at the National level concerning the meaning and intent of Article 37. 7 is applicable to OIC details. The question in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article 37 of the National Agreement as it concerns acting supervisors ( 204Bs). About APWU. Upon return to the craft position, such employees may exercise their right to bid on vacant Therefore, a temporary supervisor is ineligible to work overtime in the bargaining unit while detailed, even if the overtime occurs on a non-scheduled day. bid-for position within the second six (6) months after the bid. The employee bids to a duty assignment for which the employee is Will PSE Leave Accrual rules be identical to those currently in place for APWU TEs? ANSWER: Yes. Contact your elected officials, ask organizations to take actions to save the prompt delivery of our First-Class Mail service. D of the MOU and the October 20, 2011 Q&As. postings, Vacation Bidding Notices and Sections list, turned back A. covered by the Phoenix Local Agreement while on detail. 1 Definitions 417. magazine; Stand Up and Fight Back to Save Our Service Standards. These questions and the responses are not intended to alter, amend, or change in any way the terms of the 2010-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement. After reviewing this matter, the parties mutually agreed that the removal of an employee from a bid position due to unsatisfactory performance is a matter for regional determination based on the fact circumstances involved. I was elected as director of APWU Health Plan in 2019 . This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether a detail assignment, which had existed for approximately 2 years, should be posted for bid. 5) ARTICLE 38. Posting, Bidding, and Application A. After further review of the matter, the parties mutually agreed that there was no National interpretive issue fairly presented as to the meaning and intent of Articles 37 and 30 of the The Clerk Division is the largest division of the American Postal Workers Union. K – Date change Article 37, page 12 Article 37. 2. 7. Existing assignments in the Clerk Craft may remain in place until the employee in the assignment vacates the assignment or until the assignment is modified. 10, to place unassigned regulars into any residual assignments; to do so in this case would have created a conflict with Article 17. If the employee fails to provide such new certifi-cation, the bid shall be disallowed and the employee shall become an unassigned regular and the bid will be reposted. while serving as a 204-B. APWU and the crafts that it represents, with the following understandings: Article 1. employees, the following procedures shall be implemented: All employees shall be trained on how to use the bidding system. The subject matter will most likely have the words Dashboard Compliment in it. Posting, Bidding, and Application, 37. The referenced terms are not applicable to a 204-B assignment in a While we are on the topic of bidding, I also have a question. 6 is clerk craft only (like the title says). Jointly prepared by the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the United States Postal Service, this manual provide a mutually agreed upon explanation on how to apply the contract to the issues addressed. 7, 37. In order to revert a residual Clerk Craft duty assignment, the procedures listed in the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning On your behalf, the APWU has negotiated basic seniority rights. Details are assignments which cannot be filled by a permanent bid assignment. All vacant duty assignments, except those positions excluded by the provisions of Article installation (bid cluster) in order to provide work and minimize the impact for full-time Clerk Craft career employees prior to excessing them outside their craft or installation? Answer: Yes. address in detail the procedures to be followed when it is necessary to reassign employees. If you are having issues with either of those methods, then you 2021-2024 APWU/USPS Collective Bargaining Agreement The official and final version of the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Once implemented, PTFs and PSEs B. The following questions and answers represent the mutual understanding and agreement of the APWU/USPS concerning part-time flexible clerk craft employees who are required to work outside their home office. The APWU will make every effort to bring into being a single union of all postal workers by mergers with other postal unions and initiating intensive all-out organizing campaigns reflecting the APWU philosophy. In this grievance, the union contended that when an employee makes multiple bids and indicates preferences on Form 1717, this also indicates his/her wish to remain live on other bids and satisfies the requirement of article 37. A residual vacancy is that position that Remember, you are not bidding in eReassign – you are requesting a reassignment to another post office. 60126 630-833-0088BASIC JOB 1. We also agreed to remand this grievance to the parties at Step 3 for further processing if necessary. c(2) #85 – Date change The question raised in this grievance involved an allegation that full-time regular MPLSN operators were being displaced from their duty assignments when PTF employees were utilized to key mail while the FTR employees were on break. Article 1. A temporary assignment is the placement of a career employee in another established position which is vacant, or from which the incumbent is absent from duty, to perform duties and responsibilities other than those specifically set forth in the employee’s This is in response to your May 5 correspondence regarding mixed assignments. It was the position of the Postal Service that indicating preference in assignments on Form 1717 does not satisfy the requirement of article Posting and Bidding 22 30 3 . 417 Temporary Assignment to Nonbargaining Unit Positions (Career Employees) 417. As a career employee there are provisions of the CBA in which your seniority date will be an essential benefit such as: job bidding, vacation planning, involuntary reassignment (excessing), and various provisions established at the local level. 8, remain live bidder on other bids so long As soon as practicable, sufficient duty assignments will be posted for bid within the bid clusters to allow for the bidding or placement of employees due to the agreed upon increase in staffing. When this is possible, their job is not considered May an employee be excessed for failing to bid on any NTFT duty assignment? ANSWER— No What happens to employees who do not occupy a duty assignment in a section (e. The parties agreed that an employee detailed to a non-bargaining unit position must return to the craft for a minimum of one continuous pay period to prevent circumvention of the intent of this This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether a detail assignment, which had existed for approximately 2 years, should be posted for bid. 3 %âãÏÓ 572 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 575 /H [ 3097 1048 ] /L 339060 /E 21243 /N 79 /T 327501 >> endobj xref 572 127 0000000016 00000 n 0000002892 00000 n 0000003035 00000 n 0000004145 00000 n 0000004398 00000 n 0000004482 00000 n 0000004615 00000 n 0000004707 00000 n 0000004873 00000 n 0000004929 00000 n 0000005034 00000 n compiled to assist APWU members during a potentially difficult career experience. Join APWU; Officer Directory; Affiliates; APWU State and Local Links ; APWU History; , Bidding, and Application, 37. Upon return to the craft position, such employees may exercise their right to bid on vacant letter carrier craft duty M-00087 APWU Step 4 Settlement, November 15, 1984, he would not be eligible to bid for a letter carrier position while on 204B detail. Exception: Per item #2. How will the MOU be applied to residual vacancies in the Clerk Craft? Answer: The MOU applies to all vacant residual duty assignments released from withholding related to AMP excessing events. 4 applies regarding in-section bidding by This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether management was justified in removing the grievant from his window position due to poor performance. They don’t have the right to unilaterally change established past practices in your office even when new bosses take over. Rural letter carriers are highly respected by the American public. The APWU affirms its belief in a single union of all postal workers in non-supervisory levels. REGULAR PAY INCREASES advanced search. 5: The Postal Service will continue to inform the APWU of all new positions whether or not the positions are within craft units represented by the APWU. Article 6: This article will continue to apply to all bargaining units covered by the September USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual June 2004 Article 38, page 2 assignment was eight years, two months which was the time spent from entry into bidding process. 0 requires that If the 204-B detail assignment exceeds the 90 day limit, the supervisory work APWU President Mark Dimondstein updates members on the status of contract negotiations with USPS management, including new factor such as the NALC tentative agreement. The grievance concerns whether an employee bidding for a senior qualified position may be required to complete an "elements" questionnaire concerning their qualifications. Article 37, Section 1. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; Qualification Standards - BQnet (Alphabetical Order) EL-312, Section 76 Bargaining Position Qualification Standards Appendix 1 | Appendix 2. Bookmark the permalink. Additionally, the union requested that the Response: Computerized or telephone bidding is mandatory when both methods are available to all employees in a facility (e. Most PSE’s will be converted to career status and in such manner as may be agreed upon between myself and the APWU at any time while this authorization is in effect, which includes a yearly subscription for The American Postal Worker magazine as part of It is preferable for the employee to return to their bid provided they are able to perform the core essential duties of their position, with or without reasonable accommodations. This agreement covers, but is not limited to, part-time flexible clerk craft employees who are required, as a condition of employment, to They can work a week in the position a day, two hours. b and c do not count as successful bids. 2017 Categories Editor's Message, Local Issues Tags apwu, apwusjal0526, bargaining unit work, job abolishments, Detail Announcement – Driver Safety Instructor (P7-08) WELLNESS AND BENEFIT FAIR AT The basic dispute in this grievance concerns whether or not employees who have no leave to cover vacation during the choice vacation period are entitled to the automatic granting of LWOP to cover the absence. During national and The APWU and NALC continued to bargain together as the Joint Bargaining Committee in 1981, 1984, 1987, and 1990, but have bargained separately since 1994. right of such employees and those detailed to EAS positions to bid on vacant duty assignments or to encumber their current duty assignment is governed by Article 12 (Section 12. Is an employee restricted from bidding while on light or limited duty? An employee who is temporarily disabled will be allowed to bid for and be awarded a preferred bid assignment provided that the employee will be able to fully assume the position within six months from the time at which the bid is submitted. 2) Form 1723, which shows the times and dates of a 204b detail, is the controlling document for determining whether an employee is in 204b status. The parties also agreed that Article 37. Pay Scales from the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Seniority and Reassignments. C. D of the Clerk Craft Jobs MOU which states, "The usage of a 204-B in this exception is normally limited to no more than 90 days. Accordingly, as we further agreed, this case is hereby remanded to the parties at Step 3 preferences on the bid form or in the telephone or computerized bidding process. Article 6: This Article will continue to apply to all These questions and the responses thereto are not intended to alter, amend, or change in any way the terms of the 2010-2015 agreement. Article 37. Registration after May 16 is $150. The facts in this case indicate that the grievants were The 2022 APWU/USPS Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM) update is provided as a resource for the administration of the National Agreement. A PREFERRED ASSIGNMENT REGISTERS (PAR) A selection form is completed by employees which lists in numerical order the specific In Block #21 indicate that the recurrence is the result of work stoppage caused by the Postal Service’s withdrawal of a medically suitable job which was uniquely created for the employee, and was not available to other employees by either The issue in this case is whether the restriction on 204B usage as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Re: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2. Supervisory employees have specific responsibilities to improve the use of human resources. Post navigation USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual June 2007 Article 37, page 1 ARTICLE 37 CLERK CRAFT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Section 1. B. C 1, 2 & 3 may arise in a given situation, they are not the normal situation you will address. It's an APWU thing. Scheme training and dexterity training will be conducted manually until such time that the Postal Service develops training 1. The issue in this case is whether the disputed duty assignment should be reposted due to the incumbent's detail to a 204-B position. You can then keep bidding. Beginning June 1, 2012, can employees from other bargaining unit crafts (mail handlers, carriers, etc) be utilized in 204-B assignments to supervise Clerk Craft employees? Answer: Beginning June 1, 2012, The bidding exceptions listed in Article 12, Section 3, are to be applied from the first bid. 5. F( 2) shall be paid out-of-schedule premium for the interim time between the award and actual placement. Under such circumstances, the employee shall not be eligible to re-bid the next posting of that assignment. However, The APWU has reached a Step 4 settlement with the Postal Service that clarifies language in the 2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) regarding the eligibility of Maintenance Craft employees who were detailed to non-bargaining unit positions to obtain preferred duty assignments, Maintenance Director Steve Raymer has announced. H defines a residual vacancy as “A duty assignment that remains vacant after the completion of the voluntary bidding process”. ” - Vice President Debby Szeredy informs members of The APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. 8 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement is still applicable. For more details, see page 15 • Part B reimbursement increases from $85 to $100 • Eyewear allowance offered every Plan allowance, while the member pays 40%. 3B12). (Article 38. We will concentrate on 12. The APWU and USPS also settled a dispute [PDF] regarding 204 APWU # HQTC20150981 Dispute based on Interpretive Review of APWU # INQC20150878 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND THE AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO requires that if the 204-B detail assignment exceeds the 90 day limit, the supervisory work st performed by the 204-B, on the 91 day and beyond, must be *Exception: If the detail assignment was originally approved by a PCES manager, further approval is not necessary. This provision puts limitations on bidding and provides circumstances that would result in the loss of a bid assignment while The parties agree that there is no interpretive issue regarding the 90 day limitation pursuant to Section 2. 7 requires: 1. However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude such temporarily detailed employees from voluntarily terminating a 204b detail and returning to their craft position. 3. , by telephone, computer, or in writing using Form 1717, Bid for Preferred Assignment. When the Postal Service notified the APWU of proposed changes to the EL-304 Handbook early this year, we initiated serious discussions. D, is applicable to bargaining unit employees detailed to non-bargaining, non-supervisory positions. 3 of the PSE MOU reads, "In the Clerk Craft, the total number of PSEs used in mail processing (Function one) within a District, will not exceed 20% of the This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether management has the authority to require a bidder or bidders for a senior qualified position to submit written qualification descriptions, beyond the information required on PS Form 1717 prior to the close of the bidding cycle. An employee may be designated a senior bidder on a preferred duty assignment but he is not the successful They don’t have the right to just make anyone a 204b unless a PS 1723 is issued to the union in advance and restricted the use of the 204b before an individual forfeits their bid. a says “Employees not encumbered in bid duty assignments shall bid on duty assignments posted for bid”. B – The word “later of our union. 41 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) states, Regularly Scheduled on a Daily Basis. There are no details of Maintenance employees when excessing. If any requirements have changed, the bidder must meet all new requirements, regardless of how long it has been since the bidder left the This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses a local policy published on July 27, 1983, which provided that an employee would only be able to be qualifying for one bid at a time. The question raised in this grievance involved whether or not management is required to repost a duty assignment before assigning it to an unassigned regular when no bids are submitted. These duty assignments must then be listed on the Notice of Intent. It is anticipated that another telecom will take place from the APWU HQ level with the local and state leaders. D are applicable in an assignment of supervisory duties in a post office which contains a Function 4 operation and a Bulk Mail Entry Unit. 8, Clerk Craft Jobs MOU, Step 4 National Disputes, steward resources. The MOU will also apply to all residual vacancies if they have not already been or in the future are not reverted after Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the need to continue to hire and train postal employees, and the parties’ concern for the safety of the Driver Safety Instructors (DSIs), the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO and the United States Postal Service agree to the following: • The existing driver training will continue that consists of: • Defensive Driving Classroom APWU Articles; Events; Press Releases; Postal Wire; Videos; What We Stand For. Always check the USPS Publication 223 - Directives and Forms Catalog to be sure you are looking at the latest edition. 3) Management may prematurely terminate a 204b detail by furnishing an amended Form 1723 to the appropriate union representative. During the discussion, it was mutually agreed that part-time flexible machine operators may be utilized and rotated into crews with full-time employees. Does the MOU apply to all residual vacancies? Answer: Yes. Changes agreed to by the parties, from the previous CBA, are in bold type. 5 o One caveat: Both the Clerk and Maintenance Crafts have separate MOUs %PDF-1. Additional details Step 7 and Section B. A, "best qualified" applications under Article 37. APWU will bill new The agreement states the Postal Service will return to their contractual obligation of including scheme requirements on bid duty assignments in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Handbook M-5, Schemes: Construction, Assignment, Training, and Proficiency. Management was reluctant to expand previously negotiated initiatives that On June 8, 2022, the parties signed a set of Q&As that further explains the parties’ intent regarding certain contractual provisions of the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). g. The union sought to strengthen language that prevents them from returning to their craft position solely to circumvent those rules. When a full-time employee is scheduled every workday to perform the work of two separately defined positions in two different grades, the employee is placed in the position of This Step 4 Settlement Agreement involved advance notice of a schedule change to attend training. 4. All newly established Clerk Craft duty assignments shall be posted to craft employees eligible to bid within 28 days. compiled to assist APWU members during a potentially difficult career experience. The APWU has faithfully incorporated the changes in the new National Agreement. Management MOU restricts limited duty assignments in APWU represented crafts to residual vacancies or to uniquely created assignments consisting of duties that would otherwise be properly performed by non-career employees. (This article first appeared in the May/June 2021 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) There still are misconceptions with the eReassign process in the field. 6 settlement 1. F. But if and when a postal worker suffers an on-the-job injury it is important to know your rights on how to properly file an injury compensation claim and navigate the process to ensure your claim is approved. In the past, these clerks were impeded from gaining those desired Tour 2 hours because of the delay in attending the required training. It is the position of the Postal Service that the only requirement for bidding on a senior qualified position in the clerk craft is proper completion of Form 1717 or other appropriate bid form. 3 on the occasion of the employee's break in service. While this guide cannot address every issue, it includes topics of interest to veterans, including not bid on vacant letter carrier craft duty assignments while so detailed. Unencumbered Employees Section 5. 204B Detail Express Mail 1-3 Article 2 Non-Discrimination and Civil Rights 2-1 Grievances EEO Complaints Accommodation for Deaf and Hard USPS‐APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual November 2022 iii Summary of Changes, page 3 Location (beginning) Subject Article 37, page 4 Article 37. while detailed, even if the overtime occurs on a non-sched-uled day. The issue in this grievance is the timely placement of employee into bid jobs. No one may be temporarily assigned to a higher–level Article 39. Posting, Bidding, and Application Section 4. After further review of this matter, the parties at Step 4 mutually agreed that while PTF's may be utilized to operate the MPLSM's; whether or members of the APWU, to be eligible to enroll in the Health Plan. Management has conceded that one of the employees has served as a 204B in excess of 4 Any employee not holding a bid assignment within the principal assignment area will be moved before any mail processing employee who holds a bid assignment. Will PSE Leave Accrual rules be identical to those currently in place for APWU TEs? ANSWER: Yes. c #83 – Date change Article 37, page 18 Article 37. 14 Temporary Assignment to Higher Level — Nonbargaining 716. 22 Bidding and Qualifications. The new When a bid is to return to a position previously held, appropriate records must be reviewed to determine if the requirements for the position are the same as when the bidder originally obtained the position. Mail is Not for Sale! For Members. Slupik Former NWIAL PresidentTheNorthwest Illinois Area LocalAmerican Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO194 W. D. SEC. During our discussion, we agreed that Article 37. This Step 4 Settlement Agreement is where the parties mutually agreed to resolve the instant case with the understanding that whenever Maintenance Mechanics, Mail Processing Equipment, Level 6, perform Level 7 duties that are not a part of the duties listed on the Level 6 position description, the Level 6 employee will be paid at the higher level. All advance commi t m e nt s for Written by Stanley F. 8, 204B Detail, PTF, Overtime. The Union contends that three clerks who have worked as 204Bs should be declared unassigned regulars and their positions posted for bid. 6. The excessing or involuntary reassignment of an employee is no exception. While receiving rate protection, employees may bid for 12. When computerized/phone bidding becomes available to all APWU represented . Article 7. Upon management’s request, the carrier must provide medical documentation showing that he or she will be able to do so. This Step 4 Settlement Agreement involved whether local management violated the National Agreement by not using seniority when assigning pool and relief clerks to temporary vacancies. 3 unless the steward voluntarily agreed to the station or tour change. The APWU will continue to keep the members updated as we continue to bargain for a new union contract, including regular messages on the negotiation “hotline” at (202) 642-9049, Section 3. 2025 benefits. 1. Article 12. Which gives them the training needed to be in that position later. The 3-20-14 This grievance involved whether a clerk, while serving in an OIC assignment, was improperly permitted to bid on a vacant clerk craft duty assignment. We mutually agreed that this grievance does not fairly present a nationally interpretive dispute. 7. After the last two bid cycles we still have 7 unassigned regulars which should not be the case. 4? When a question arises as to the proper administration of the the "Overtime Desired" list at the local level, an APWU steward may have access to appropriate overtime records. It is our position that the PTF clerk was properly utilized and compensated on the date in question. (3). Seniority Section 3. 2. In addition to a ballot, the ratification mailing includes a copy of the Tentative Agreement; a summary of highlights of the proposed agreement; the official statement of the Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee; a letter from APWU President Mark Now that the APWU membership has voted to ratify the 2021-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), one of the first orders of business for the Clerk Craft is to activate the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that allows Part-Time Flexible (PTF) clerks on the rolls on September 21, 2021, who have completed their probationary period, in installations with duty assignments that will be reverted or changed if they are vacated during the bidding process. , unencum- bered/unassigned, light/limited duty same/other crafts who are in the section) when excessing form a section occurs pursuant to Article 12. A. 11. The 2020 JCIM in Article 37, question 5, says that we must use computer or . Principles protected by the contractual provisions are: which the employee is eligible to bid or apply. 7 #56 – Changed pages 381-382 to Pages 437-438 of CBA Article 37, page 17 Article 37. Any residual duty assignment will be filled in accordance with Article 37 and the MOU, Re: Residual Vacancies – Clerk Craft. 9 (Non-Bargaining Unit Detail) Issue: Employees temporarily detailed to supervisory positions cannot bid on craft vacancies. Definitions Section 2. in-network you pay. While 12. . Membership dues: Associate members will be billed by the APWU for the $35 annual membership fee, except where exempt by law. 10. High Option . 13 Temporary Assignment to Higher Level — Bargaining. 141 Necessity. The approval of LWOP under the above circumstances is subject to the APWU bargaining unit employees who contract COVID-19 at work are entitled to workers' compensation under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA). Any such duty assignment must either be posted for bid or reverted pursuant to Article 37. 19. Postal officials in charge of installations have an overall responsibility to effectively use human resources. Examples of the bid limit exception for bids which do “not require a deferment period or additional off-site training” are: 1. It's not a local thing. Alleged violations should be investigated based on local fact circumstances, and the The duration provision in Section 2. While receiving rate protection, employees may bid for There will be more to come on this issue as there was a telecom from the APWU HQ level with the NBAs and Regional Coordinators. I have 147 days in and my first day was December 7,2015, so I have been here over 1 year and have over 90 days in but when I go to liteblue and go to job bidding I have nothing to bid on. Therefore, some of these may not be the most recent published edition. Also, while you are in training (pending qualification status) you cannot be assigned another duty assignment but you can bid all you want! That is why bidding jobs—even ones you don’t necessarily want –is to your advantage! Remember, bid, bid, bid. 716. During the discussion, the parties agreed to settle the case based on the understanding that a successful bidder may, under the provisions of Article 37. Such a carrier has the right to bid and be awarded a bid assignment so long as the carrier will be able to assume the bid-for position within six months from the time the bid is placed. 3 of the PSE MOU reads, "In the Clerk Craft, the total number of PSEs used in mail Conversely, if the PSE voluntarily elects to be reassigned to the RMPO, he/she will not be eligible for the 24-month automatic conversion while assigned to the Level 4 RMPO. During the first three months of the agreement, as casuals and TE’s are being eliminated, may an office have either casuals or TE’s at the same time as PSE’s? ANSWER: Yes, but only during the 90-day period from the effective date of the 37. Occ Code Listing | Numerical Listing FOR APWU MEMBERS INJURED AT WORK Dear APWU Members, The APWU fights for the safest possible and injury-free workplace. Bidders for senior qualified positions submit bids in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement — i. However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude such temporarily detailed employees from voluntarily ter-minating a 204b detail and returning to their craft position. January 13, 2025. Join APWU; Officer Directory; Affiliates; APWU State and Local Links ; APWU History; Executive Officers. C of the Clerk Craft Jobs MOU, existing LSSA's, Window Service Technicians and other existing clerk craft positions of a similar nature identified by the 728. November 2021 So, you should be placing a bid on all jobs posted for bid in order of your preferences for all of the positions. 8, PS Form 1723, 1723 may amend Form 1723 in order to have an acting supervisor perform craft work or to reflect a break in serving the detail. It is our mutual understanding that the issues in this case are not in dispute at this level. Depending where you are on the list of pending applicants has bearing on what assignment you may end up with. It was mutually agreed that the factual dispute in this grievance did not fairly present an interpretive The APWU and USPS agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated March 3, 2014, which outlined a pecking order for residual duty assignments (residual vacancies) to be filled. 2 of the MOU, Re: Residual Vacancies – Clerk Craft, for residual vacancies and PTF vacancies will now be available on eReassign, effective February 1, 2022. While much may be the same, the differences that do 12. Many APWU retirees are also veterans. The only exception to this provision is where a particular Local Agreement of the location the Full time regular employees in the following APWU crafts shall have a fixed five-day work week. That temporary details to supervisory positions This page includes information for APWU members about pay and benefits including pay scales, COLA information, promotion charts and leave allowances. Craft duty assignments while so detailed. See 716. There is the option of bid cluster or district cluster and when I choose either of those nothing covered by the Phoenix Local Agreement while on detail. " is applicable to an OIC assignment except when the assignment is to an installation that employs bargaining unit employees not represented by the APWU and the postmaster position is the only supervisory This entry was posted in Clerk Business, General Union Business and tagged 204-B details, 204B Details to Non-Supervisory Positions, 204B usage, APWU Clerk Craft, Article 37. 11 Temporary Assignment. A temporary (detail) assignment is the placement of a career employee in another established position that is vacant or from which the incumbent is absent from duty. L. During our discussion, we mutually agreed that the following constitutes full and final settlement of this case: While employees from several crafts (clerk, carrier, special delivery, and PS 5, & 6 motor vehicle) APWU and their families. 1. 1 Purpose and Scope 351. The first important fact is how we bid. Full time regular employees in the following APWU crafts shall have a fixed five-day work week. 4 and 12. Pay Scales in the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. The new positions were negotiated as part of the 2010-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 10. To be eligible for different While management has an obligation, under Article 37. We proudly represent approximately 150,000 postal clerks in post offices large and small across the country. S. Article 6: This Article will continue to apply to all bargaining units covered by the September 15, While we make every effort to keep this page up to date, the Postal Service updates their handbooks and manuals constantly. The foregoing principles are without prejudice to either APWU Joint 017 APWU esource for While the CBA still references “man year”, consistent with the parties’ understanding, “man year” references have been changed to “work year” in the JCIM. 5) Article 38. nrhw enbj ceql zsrom rycdrie vihdc bqlox qycwu nipgdl ggryrhyl