Aec electoral roll. Australian Electoral Commissioner.


Aec electoral roll The Annual Roll Integrity Review, which measures the accuracy and integrity of electoral roll data. Feb 6, 2024 · Please note: Your federal enrolment details from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) are shared with us. The AEC will never demand by phone or text that electors update enrolment details or face criminal charges. Looking to update your enrolment details? Please visit the Australian Electoral Commission website. The AEC is committed to providing impartial and accessible electoral services to Australians. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Jan 29, 2025 · Links to pages with information on Australian Electoral History, Parliamentary Committees, 1997 Constitutional Convention, Electoral Procedures, Electoral Legislation, Federal Elections, Referendums, By-Elections, Supplementary Elections, Industrial Elections, Protected Action Ballots, Fee-For-Service Elections, and Torres Strait Regional Authority Elections The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process. au; fax 02 8009 0814; or post: Australian Electoral Commission Reply Paid 9988 [Your capital city] [Your state] (No stamp is needed if posted in Australia) Oct 17, 2024 · The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. 2: Australian Electoral Commission 2023-24 Budget measures Part 1: Measures announced since the 2022-23 October Budget Mar 18, 2020 · The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. Organisational structure; Our strategic focus Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC Divisional Office: Divisional Office contact details The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. What you need. It is compulsory by law for all eligible Australian citizens to enrol and vote. The electoral roll is a list of all eligible citizens The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process. Enrolment Before you can vote, your name must be on the electoral roll. A medical practitioner will need to complete the medical certificate section. I can't see my enrolment details after checking online Looking for current electoral rolls? An Australia wide electronic version of the current Australian Electoral Roll is available for viewing at any Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) National or State Office. 2 and are summarised below. Oct 10, 2024 · Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC contact: Divisional Office contact details Dec 31, 2024 · National enrolment figures by state/territory 2023. Dec 31, 2024 · The AEC's goal is to ensure at least 95% of eligible Australians are on the electoral roll at all times. 3 Budget measures Budget measures in Part 1 relating to Australian Electoral Commission are detailed in the Budget Paper No. Australian Electoral Commission Description: Details on how to view electronic versions of State wide and Australia wide versions of the Commonwealth electoral roll. 6 days ago · Electoral Roll Access (ERA) is the AEC’s secure online system to allow access to electoral roll data entitlements. The AEC does not conduct state, territory or local government elections. The AEC maintains Australia's federal electoral roll, which is used for federal elections, by-elections and referendums For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. If you are unsure about a notification you have received from the AEC, please contact us on 13 23 26. Quarterly elector counts include enrolled 16 and 17 year olds who cannot vote until they turn 18. Size of the electoral roll and enrolment rate as at 31 March 2024 ; State/ Territory Electors enrolled Estimated Eligible Population (a) Oct 28, 2019 · Section 120 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 allows for certain enrolment decisions to be subject to internal review. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment The role of the Australian Electoral Commission is – to deliver the franchise: that is, an Australian citizen's right to vote, as established by the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. If you are already enrolled and travelling or intend to travel overseas, see information about Australians overseas. AEC roll data and other agency data, calculated, compared and published annually at the end of each Nov 18, 2024 · Types of jobs available at the Australian Electoral Commission . Jeff Pope is the current Acting Electoral Commissioner, commencing 15 December 2024. Close of rolls. The AEC checks these details before your ballot paper can be counted. In addition, some venues that do have toilets available may not be appropriately accessible for party workers given the requirements the AEC has relating to ballot paper secure zones, campaign material in the polling place and a priority for our staff to service voters. Issue of writ. Mar 10, 2025 · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. The medical certificate on the form must be completed and signed by a The role of the Australian Electoral Commission is – to deliver the franchise: that is, an Australian citizen's right to vote, as established by the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. The AEC conducts federal elections and referendums and maintains the Commonwealth Electoral Roll. Aug 21, 2024 · Percentage accuracy of the Commonwealth Electoral Roll at the electoral division-level and individual address-level. The Electoral Commission of Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country, and their connection to land, sea and community. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Organisational structure; Our strategic focus If you are an Australian citizen and aged 18 years or over, you need to enrol and vote in federal elections, by-elections and referendums. The AEC also provides a range of ongoing December 2022 Electoral Roll Access (ERA) Logging into ERA and resetting your password USER GUIDE Overseas or going overseas. ERA contains an extract of the electoral roll data for each division, state or territory that a MP, senator or registered political party is entitled to. Enrolments as at 30 June each year are compared with addresses in a range of external data sources. The reports meet the requirements of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 , the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 , and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule for annual reports. Skip to content Information for people with disability Information on accessibility Australian Electoral Commission Aug 31, 2024 · Gazetted enrolment figures as at 31 August 2024. The federal electoral roll also forms the basis of state (except in Western Australia, which compiles its own) and local electoral rolls. 8pm Monday, 5 February 2024. Oct 26, 2023 · pay in person, by presenting your penalty notice at any AEC office or Australian Post outlet, or; pay over the phone (using Visa, Mastercard or Amex credit card): 1300 453 579. You must register as a general postal voter to automatically receive your postal ballot to your overseas address, it is essential you keep this up to date. If you have checked your enrolment with the AEC, you don't need to verify it again. 4 days ago · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. All electoral commissions in Australia work together to keep your details up to date. To reflect the diverse community we serve, the AEC welcomes people from all backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people with disability. Pre-poll voting The number of people who cast a vote at an early voting centre will be updated on this page each day of the early voting period. Monday, 29 January 2024. The role of the Australian Electoral Commission is – to deliver the franchise: that is, an Australian citizen's right to vote, as established by the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. In short, we maintain the electoral roll of nearly 17 million people, redraw electoral boundaries and conduct industrial and commercial elections. aec. Feb 27, 2025 · The AEC will confirm your enrolment once your form has been processed. To check your electoral enrolment, you must be enrolled to vote. Mar 6, 2025 · Enrolment and electoral information translated into Chinese. Our clients. Table 1. Alternatively, you can enter your residential postcode here to find your local AEC divisional office contact details. Enrolment and electoral information translated into Chinese. Jul 10, 2023 · Requesting your enrolment history . They will notify us and the electoral commission of the state or territory you have moved to. Call 13 23 26 (charged at a rate similar to a local call); Call +612 6160 2600 from overseas (international charges apply) | Calling from overseas?; Complaints and feedback. Oct 17, 2024 · Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC Divisional Office: Divisional Office contact details These statistics are published on a quarterly basis and for general elections. It isn't know if they are alive or able to vote etc so simply enrolling people based on whatever is taken from other agencies where the data is not confirmed will create Nov 5, 2012 · Three easy steps to enrol to vote or update your address or name on the electoral roll. Search. To enrol to vote for the first time you will need to show who you are. Declaration of nominations Aug 24, 2023 · When you complete a declaration vote (postal, absent, pre-poll or provisional), your name and other details are required on the declaration envelope so that your entitlement to vote can be confirmed and your name can be marked off the electoral roll as having voted. Australian Electoral Commissioner. Oct 10, 2024 · Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC contact: Divisional Office contact details Dec 31, 2023 · National enrolment figures by state/territory 2023. the Commonwealth electoral roll and conducting federal elections, by-elections and referendums. you are an Australian citizen; aged 18 years and over, and; have lived at your address for at least one month. Page 88 | Australian Electoral Commission 1. Remember to update your enrolment when your details change. Eligibility basics. Midday Thursday, 8 February 2024. In Detail: Each AEC divisional office has the Commonwealth Electoral Roll for their State or Territory available for viewing in electronic format. Eligibility. You can do this with a Medicare card, a driver’s licence, an Australian passport, your citizenship number or by having someone who is already enrolled confirm your identity. However, the AEC does receive data that can be used to remind people of their enrolment obligations and, in some cases, update the roll directly. Organisational structure; Our strategic focus Feb 17, 2025 · Foreign donation restrictions; Breach/offence. If your relative has dementia and they are no longer capable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting, you will need to complete the Objection claim that an elector should not be enrolled form to remove their name from the electoral roll. Failure of a member of the House of Representatives, Senator, political entity (registered political party, candidate and Senate group), significant third party or associated entity, to take acceptable action in relation to a foreign donation Feb 17, 2025 · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. A federal election creates over 100,000 jobs in cities, regional and remote areas across Australia. This form provides you with the option to keep your details on the electoral roll so you will be able to vote in federal elections while overseas. In these cases, the letter which notified someone of an enrolment decision will also notify them of their rights to request an internal review. The AEC frequently updates the electoral roll through the Direct Enrolment and Update Program. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment May 3, 2022 · The AEC provides electoral roll and geographic products to a range of federal government authorities, private organisations, medical researchers and members of the public subject to legislative entitlements. Jan 19, 2024 · The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. Menu. If you don’t have an Australian driver’s licence, Australian passport number, Medicare Card number, or Australian citizenship number, please use the paper form . These include members of the House of Representatives (MPs), senators and political parties, candidates at federal elections and state Feb 25, 2025 · Electoral Roll Access (ERA) is the AEC’s secure online system to allow access to electoral roll data entitlements. Part of the AEC's role is to enforce the regulatory requirements in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act) and the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 (Referendum Act). MyAEC is a secure and convenient way to manage your AEC services online. Search the AEC website. Australian Electoral Commission. As a registered overseas elector, you are required to vote in electoral events. If you are 16 or 17 you can enrol and register as a silent elector now, ready for when you turn 18. Applies to. When you enrol for the first time, you will need to show who you are. Maximum criminal penalty. ** If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 and over, you are required by law to keep your details on the electoral roll correct and up-to-date. ≥ 95% and ≥ 90%. If you are moving out of Victoria, you must update your details on the electoral roll with the Australian Electoral Commission. . your name, including middle name(s) (if applicable) your residential address (including The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Dec 15, 2022 · The AEC must provide electoral roll data to a range of persons and organisations who are entitled to receive data (entitled entities) under section 90B of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act). Mar 9, 2025 · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. Close of nominations. This means you may receive a letter in the mail or email from us if we intend to add you to the electoral roll or update your details. All products are derived from the AEC's Roll Management System (RMANS). Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Sep 12, 2024 · You can verify your enrolment, and review your current federal, state and local electoral enrolment details, via the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website. If you would like to request your enrolment history please contact us by calling 13 23 26. Individuals who are on the Queensland Electoral Roll, will need to update their address on the Electoral Roll through the Australian Electoral Commission: https://www. One of the functions of the AEC is the maintenance of the electoral roll, which in some other countries are called electoral registers. Oct 29, 2024 · The AEC annual reports outline the performance of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) for each financial year. For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Feb 20, 2025 · However, the AEC needs to conduct validation checks after the certification of the roll (an important integrity step). Related / Similar Service: AEC Practice Voting ** You only need to complete one enrolment form to enrol for federal, state and local government elections. Oct 17, 2024 · Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC Divisional Office: Divisional Office contact details The AEC conducts federal elections and referendums and maintains the Commonwealth Electoral Roll. To perform our regulatory functions, we: act impartially and apply procedural fairness Oct 19, 2023 · Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) The Commonwealth agency responsible for providing Australians with an independent electoral service and enhancing their understanding of, and participation in, the electoral process. You can check your current electoral enrolment by entering your details on the AEC's website via the following link: Check my enrolment; For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. This is often for the 2 weeks leading up to voting day. If you are going overseas for a short period of time you will need to enrol first. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process. au However, the AEC does receive data that can be used to remind people of their enrolment obligations and, in some cases, update the roll directly. Feb 17, 2025 · The AEC is required under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to provide electoral roll information to a number of persons and organisations including members of parliament, political parties, approved medical researchers, public health programs, electoral researchers and some companies who provide identity verification services. In Australia the process of getting onto the electoral roll is called "enrolment". The AEC maintains Australia's federal electoral roll, which is used for federal elections, by-elections and referendums Option 2 Register as an overseas elector. Feb 7, 2024 · A provisional vote is cast by someone not found on the electoral roll, someone found on the roll as having already cast a vote or a silent elector. Once a voter has been identified as someone who should be removed from the roll, the Objection claim that an elector should not be enrolled form must be completed by someone who is on the electoral roll. Oct 17, 2024 · Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching 'Electorates' in the Parliamentary Handbook AEC Divisional Office: Divisional Office contact details Oct 23, 2020 · The AEC understands that a small number of scam phone calls and texts purportedly from the AEC are demanding that electors update their enrolment details or face criminal charges. Jul 25, 2023 · You can enrol to vote on the AEC website. These are conducted by other electoral authorities. Link to facebook At the AEC, I’ve progressed my career working on redistribution of electoral boundaries, managing enrolment teams, and managing election projects to name a few. There is paid temporary work before election day so people can vote early. The AEC maintains a permanent electoral roll, which is used for federal elections, by-elections and referendums. Feb 19, 2025 · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. It’s been fantastic to try something new while supporting my family with a range of flexible work options. AEC roll data and other agency data, calculated, compared and published annually at the end of each Percentage accuracy of the Commonwealth Electoral Roll at the electoral division-level and individual address-level. A provisional vote is a form of declaration vote and is a failsafe process to ensure anyone eligible who has cast a vote can have their vote counted. Mar 5, 2025 · You can also return the paper form directly to the AEC by: email applications@pva. The AEC is required under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to provide electoral roll information to a number of persons and organisations including members of parliament, political parties, approved medical researchers, public health programs, electoral researchers and some companies who provide identity verification services. Enrolment actions that the AEC may take based on verified data that has been received includes adding someone to the roll, updating a person’s enrolment record or removing someone from the roll. If you cannot confirm your electoral enrolment online it doesn't mean you are not on the electoral roll. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Jan 23, 2025 · The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. Those turning 18 are usually notified that they are eligible and they need to register. [22] Each state and territory can regulate its own part of the federal electoral roll. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment Feb 24, 2025 · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. If you don't, you could be removed from the electoral roll and be unable to vote. Feb 21, 2025 · The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. Organisational structure; Our strategic focus This is an electoral roll and the AEC tries to keep it as high quality as possible. Whether you want to work just one day or up to 7 weeks there are a range of jobs available before, on and after election day. Size of the electoral roll and enrolment rate as at 31 December 2023 ; State/ Territory Electors enrolled Estimated Eligible Population (a) One of the functions of the AEC is the maintenance of the electoral roll, which in some other countries are called electoral registers. Maximum civil penalty. The AEC has one key outcome: Maintain an impartial and independent electoral system for eligible voters through active electoral roll management, efficient delivery of polling services and targeted education and public awareness programs. Individual AEC Division Offices only have the roll for that Division available. We publish statistics on a regular basis to show the number of Australians enrolled nationally, and by state/territory and division. au, this will automatically update your address in the Self Service Portal and the Electronic Disclosure System. Aug 29, 2024 · The Annual Roll Integrity Review (ARIR) is one of the AEC's measures of accuracy and completeness of the electoral roll. 2 days ago · For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment See full list on aec. Australian Electoral Officer (AEO) The AEC's manager in each state and territory. Major users of our products and services include: Nov 19, 2024 · Amenities: We cannot guarantee access to toilets at all 7,500+ polling places during the federal election. gov. au; fax 02 8009 0814; or post: Australian Electoral Commission Reply Paid 9988 [Your capital city] [Your state] (No stamp is needed if posted in Australia) Working before election day. tuohc wbwup fjwzp doqjtmke sdwnit rzdmude xaxajur wywuh gsqzji fdbu ysmdlw ngq igohwra lufr plop