Call to religious life. Others fortunately, are neutral or supportive.
Call to religious life (Three Essential Calls for Religious Life – Maria Cimperman, Rscj, 2020) During 29th Holy Family General Chapter, We experienced our own contradictions and resistance to let go, to allow a real transformation to emerge in response to the call to live our mission of communion today. Why do you think a vocation to religious life is so difficult for people to accept? Feb 4, 2013 · Most religious make three vows, poverty, chastity and obedience. The theology of the consecrated life, following the observations of the fathers and authors both medieval and modern, has found in our era its best expression in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church <Lumen Gentium> which, placing the mystery of communion at the center of the church's attention,[56] inserted in it the chapter on religious[57 . Photo by Rachel Lombardi. This Latin title exemplifies and incorporates the primary purpose of entering the Religious Life or the Religious state of life—that is to say, to arrive at perfect charity. Rather, the Call comes, knocks, begins to put ideas in our heads, attracts, frightens, and often we are not very accepting of it. Deciding upon one's specific state in life is not the same as merely choosing a career or picking a profession. GENERAL VIEW. Guinness, Os. It is therefore a normative document on how those dedicated to Christian perfection are to renew themselves in spirit and adapt themselves to the changing today. Women and men committed themselves to imitate Jesus and binding themselves to Him by professing public religious vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty according Sr. Your call may be to married life. Nov 18, 2024 · Although people raise concerns over declining vocations, a 2020 study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, or CARA, on recent vocations to religious life, shows a hopeful trend. She gave herself completely; like bread, offered and shared. Additionally, each congregation has received an invitation from the USG (Union of Superiors General) and UISG (International Union of Superiors General) to participate and offer their perspectives. Dec 16, 2024 · Editor's note: "Evolving Religious Life," a new series from Global Sisters Report, is exploring how Catholic sisters are adapting to the realities of congregations in transition and new forms of religious life. So, do you actually have a religious vocation, or is this just what life is like when you go all-in for your faith? Here are five unusual signs that you may be called to the religious life. We must begin here by acknowledging that there certainly was much to correct in religious life, much to be improved in the formation of religious. Feb 3, 2022 · Religious life and the path towards a synodal Church Sunday reflection: A call to unity in the diversity of cultures January 5, 2025: THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6 / Psalm Discernment is about sifting through the “noise” of everyday life, and the often negative and contrary distractions that come with it, to find the gentle invitation from God, His call. Within the book’s study of a life seemingly confined Nov 13, 2020 · Religious do not live a common life primarily as a way of providing an economic orderly life for its relatively large family of followers, nor is it ordered primarily for the sake of the community’s apostolate — rather, and of first importance, and life itself it has a transcendent, essentially spiritual value for those who live it and for Oct 30, 2010 · Schuurman, Douglas J. The initiative comes from God himself. O Lord Jesus Christ, you became poor for our sake, that we might be made rich through your poverty: Guide and sanctify, we pray, those whom you call to follow you under the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, that by their prayer and service they may enrich your Church, and by their life and worship may glorify your Name; for you reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now Nov 4, 2024 · The Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the universal call to holiness, in Chapter 5 of Lumen Gentium, was a landmark in the Church’s awareness of the vocation possessed by all the baptized Looking at the world today, we might easily forget that the main purpose of our life - you could call it the heart of being human - is to be happy. ” A rich tradition of synodality Feb 13, 2004 · It is amazing how uniquely he calls a woman to be entirely his; while there are several general characteristics which seem to point to a religious vocation — such as love of the Church, liturgy and sacraments, devotion to Mary, love of Eucharistic adoration, etc. The Religious life is way of living the Christian life. Christ Has No Body Now But Yours . Apr 3, 2017 · It is never too late to answer God’s call to religious life. Catherine Marie from the Sisters of Life talks about answering the call to Religious Life. Joseph in Canada last October at 53 years old. Sister Gabriella Yi, OP, speaks with a fellow attendee of the 15th annual Cor Iesu dinner for vocations on Tuesday, May 21, in Unity Hall at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Nashville. “Discernment is an individual responsibility. Dec 19, 2024 · Long after the conclusion of the V Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Religious Life (or CLAR), held from Nov. After high school, I decided to take a year off of school to do some mission work. A woman religious cannot help but respond with a total life gift to the God who has first loved her. Some feel the call to religious life, and some do not,” said Sister Barnita. Religious life, though not the only way to live out the call to holiness, is a beautiful and inspiring example of total surrender to God. What a beautiful experience this was for me! Mar 13, 2018 · For example, religious life, once seen as a "higher call," we now understand to be but one particular way of incarnating the call of all Christians. It means that you have been called to bear witness to a heavenly reality by reminding the world that our true love and spouse is God. EN 39), of those denied the right to birth and life, of unjustified restrictions of human freedom, of social inadequacy that causes suffering in the old, the sick, and the marginalized: these are present continuations of the Passion which call particularly to Jun 18, 2024 · A Sister’s Call to Religious Life Katie Peterson // June 18, 2024. …O’Murchu is a social psychologist whose published writings reveal a radical mind. Yours may also be a call to the priesthood or religious life. It’s God who desires some people to marry, others to enter the priesthood, and others to enter religious life. You are called to live out and be a witness to the heavenly reality. As we all know, a religious vocation is an exchange of love, a sharing of love with God himself. A Nun’s Life Ministry: A Nun’s Life is about just that–LIFE–and how to live it fully in light of the Gospel! At aNunsLife. There are religious sisters, brothers and priests. For more information, please visit www. Vocation: Discerning Our Calling in Life. Alongside the different forms of consecrated life are "societies of apostolic life whose members without religious vows pursue the particular apostolic purpose of their society, and lead a life as brothers or sisters in common according to a particular manner of life, strive for the perfection of charity through the observance of the constitutions. A person discerning if religious life is their particular vocation soon discovers that there is a wide diversity of forms and ways of living religious life today. This zeal to live and share God’s love burns within them. The mission of the Institute on Religious Life is to strengthen religious life in our country, to guide it on the path to authentic renewal, to educate religious, to support their works, and to inspire vocations in their service to the Church and their consecration to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. We all have within us that vague and general idea of the religious life which enables us to recognize it when it is described as a life directed to personal perfection, or a life seeking union with God. Oct 15, 2019 · 2. Jan 7, 2021 · During the discernment process, we are looking for an indication or a sign, to know if God is calling us to a religious life. A sister, brother, monk, or nun serves God and his people in a unique way through prayer and service. "I've been assigned to the Central African Republic," María told me. Mar 9, 2023 · Every few centuries, the Spirit has inaugurated a new kind of formal religious life. God speaks through our experiences So a vocation is literally "God's call," a call that we hear by listening to God's voice within us as God speaks through our inner and outer experiences. All Christ’s disciples, through Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion are called to become saints and to bring others to the Hearts of Jesus and […] Jan 4, 2010 · The essay in five parts: Part One: Religious Life as Prophetic Life Form, Jan. Benedict of Nursia founded a monastic form of religious life that continues to Nov 18, 2024 · Although people raise concerns over declining vocations, a 2020 study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, or CARA, on recent vocations to religious life, shows a hopeful trend. The call to religious life requires the renunciation of marriage and children and this is a true sacrifice; however, you are not sacrificing any of your femininity or masculinity. Several common fears include the fear of unhappiness, the missed opportunity for motherhood, and an inability to participate in the sacrament of holy matrimony. Religious life, we’re told, is for socially awkward or unattractive Catholics. Below is a checklist of some common signs. Call from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. ” ( 5:48) However, those who willingly accept the call to the Religious Life accept a radical call to holiness in a most demanding but most fulfilling way, as we will see as our essay unfolds. This is a true sacrifice! However, this does not mean you are losing your femininity or masculinity. Serrano, O. 22 to 24 in Córdoba, Argentina, Sr. ”1 Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Jan 7, 2025 · Most people called to religious life have experienced several (but not all) of the following. ” A myriad of charisms forms a fabric of ministries within the Church to meet multitudinous needs. Jun 14, 2023 · A call to religious life is a call to follow Christ with one’s whole heart, of loving him more than anyone or anything else. I see if I present myself as a beacon of light, a smiling face or an uplifting attitude that I can make a difference in a life. Others fortunately, are neutral or supportive. ” The Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious (CLAR) held its fifth gathering on religious life, Nov. While we write often about these trends, this particular series will focus more closely on sisters' hopes for the future. Sep 26, 2017 · Let’s start with some of the little signs--behaviors or choices that might indicate the potential for a call by God to religious life. And in the United States, the burden of student loan debt can be a hindrance to young women considering religious life. All religious, whether exempt or not, take their place among the collaborators of the diocesan bishop in his pastoral duty. To only a slightly lesser degree, most newer members also say they were attracted to religious life by a sense of call to consecrated life and a desire to be of service and part of a community. A Call to religious life is not about our deciding what we want to do. What is Religious Life? Explore what it means to hear God's call and discern a vocation to the religious life in the Catholic Church. Religious share in work, prayer, and recreation with their community. Even following a spiritual path, or the religious life, is a quest for happiness. has written a series of four articles for Religious Life Magazine (and also has spoken at our 2019 Los Angeles Regional Meeting and 2019 National Meeting) on the model for religious formation. Mar 18, 2022 · In his address to the sisters, Pope Francis noted that the experience of the Chapter in religious life “is a concrete way of implementing synodality: a strong time of fraternity, of listening, of dialogue, of discernment, all in the light and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Uncommon Passion for the Faith – People who enter religious life are alive with anything that has to do with God and their Faith. vocationinfo. Nov 14, 2024 · For Sister Magdalene, being around joyful women religious since she was about 10 years old had a direct and lasting impact on her call to religious life. Do any of these signs ring true for you? Feb 2, 2021 · Prophetic Dimension of Religious Life. It is a call to the faithful obedience of daily life and to the unexpected surprises from the Spirit. Or perhaps you are called to single life. affirms: “Consecrated religious life today is suffering from an undeniable ‘evangelical anemia,’ both personal and institutional…. ” Meeting with the Young People of Umbria (October 4, 2013) May 18, 2020 · Lesson 34: Vocation and the Priesthood and Religious Life 1. If the Lord continues to call men and women to his service, it is clear that a pandemic cannot slow down or divert vocations. EN 39), of those denied the right to birth and life, of unjustified restrictions of human freedom, of social inadequacy that causes suffering in the old, the sick, and the marginalized: these are present continuations of the Passion which call particularly to Nov 29, 2022 · That spire - the word in French is ‘flèche’, which means arrow - had a symbolic role: to point to the heavens. Religious life has undergone great changes in recent decades but the call remains the same: to follow Christ as closely as possible and to do so according to The call to members of consecrated life to participate in this process was specifically mentioned in the SYNOD 2023 PREPARATORY DOCUMENT. “One of the really cool things about our spirituality is the looking for more,” The period of theextraordinary Jubilee has an exceptional character. ca The call to religious life requires the renunciation of marriage and children and this is a true sacrifice; however, you are not sacrificing any of your femininity or masculinity. While they may be closely connected, discerning your God-given vocation will greatly influence your response to the Christian call to holiness and it could even affect your eternal salvation. Amen. Two Christians who marry have recognized the call of the Lord in their own love story: the vocation to form one flesh and one life from two, male and female. Click to read more about religious vows. call, have committed their whole lives to God in the Religious Life, a radical commitment, shaped by the evangelical counsels, marked by consecrated celibacy, poverty and obedience, and fulfilled as a member of a Community where Religious Life is lived in common or as a Solitary; and that at various times, other Christian people have Mar 20, 2024 · Religious life is always evolving, especially within communities like the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and others experiencing a decline in vocations. It is not something exotic but a call to prayer and service. " This is intended to complement the chapter on religious life in the Council's Constitution on the Church. We must also admit that society proposed challenges for which many religious were not prepared. Schuster, John P. If any religious stopped smiling, then it is high time to stop being a religious too. 4. Indeed, all of us are called to become saints because Jesus stated imperatively: “Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy. “You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and to bear much fruit, fruit that will last. Decree of the Second Vatican Council on the "Up-to-Date Renewal of Religious Life. Feb 2, 2023 · Thus, the Church can both show forth Christ and acknowledge herself to be the Savior's bride. Conv. My (horror) Story, Your (horror) Story. The sisters' ages are increasing and with that, their vigor and vitality are waning, resulting in the closure of convents and missions. When I listen to the struggles of some of the religious and priests I am inclined to think that we as religious and priests make our lives and others lives within our four walls quite miserable. The call to religious life If we find meaning in our religious life and in our vocation to the Society of Jesus, if we love this life that we have chosen to follow Jesus, we will be very motivated to promote this precious charism that the Lord gave to his Church, says Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ. Living this time of global crisis, in a world fractured by the Covid pandemic, racism, violence and division, calls for a prophetic response from religious men and women. Liliana Franco's powerful words have stayed with me: There is a strong call to accept that conflict and tension are part of the journey. A call to religious life feels different for everyone – it can be a subtle, persistent desire to find more meaning in your life, or it can be a very definite knowing that you are meant to serve God. We ask this in Jesus' name. 5. One of the saddest aspects of our modern, Catholic approach to religious life is the way we muffle up the call. Religious life is a call to join a community for love of God and building up of the Kingdom of God. All are called to contemplation, to fidelity, and fruitfulness, to prophetic witness. The call toconversion and reconciliation with God means that we must meditate moredeeply on our life and our Christian vocation in the light of the mysteryof the Redemption, in order to fix that life and vocation ever morefirmly in that mystery. It is a living encounter with the Lord in his people. Feb 9, 2024 · Call to Smile. By Rhina Guidos Dec 04, 2024 Sep 14, 2011 · I see Christ in everyone and everything. Mystery, faith and the God who calls are all in Feb 12, 2008 · A call to the religious life is often met with skepticism and resistance – even by the person being called. Newer members are most likely to say they were attracted to religious life by a desire for prayer, spiritual growth, and a deeper relationship with God. The second is to draw from the renewal that religious life has already undertaken since the Second Vatican Council, and use that experience to witness to the realities of communion, participation and outreach in the larger Church. The results of the hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture in religious life. “The little embers Jesus put into my heart were most fanned into flame by hearing the way that these women spoke to him when they prayed aloud; I heard a tender love and closeness that I Consecrated life (also known as religious life) is a state of life in the Catholic Church lived by those faithful who are called to follow Jesus Christ in a more exacting way. Jan 28, 2022 · Religious life is a special call given to those whom God chooses. Part Two: Call, Response and Task of Prophetic Action, Jan. People entering religious life today have the same basic motivation as the hundreds of thousands of religious men and women who have lived this life throughout the history of the Church. Whether brother or sister, monk or nun, those persons whom God calls to live the vocation of consecrated religious life respond to a call of living the life of Christ. The human soul is a beautiful thing, you can see the challenges in everyone’s life, different for each person, but I see we all struggle with the same things in life. Aug 23, 2024 · The Call to Religious Life. This video narrates the various types of vocations o The drama of the refugees, of those persecuted for political or religious beliefs (cf. For me, a spire is a powerful symbol of the call to religious life; but it is an eminently Christian symbol, its meaning perceptible to Christian eyes. A simple smile can heal the sick members of our Nov 3, 2016 · The most lasting aspect of our conversations, partnered with the other dialogues and addresses of the assembly, was the consistent and virtually universal sense that the changes occurring in women's religious life right now are demanding of us not just something new and different, but something transformative. He claims that what Catholics still call the religious life can no longer be contained within the framework of Christianity. Discerning Religious Life. Sister Gabriella Yi, OP, was introduced to religious life at a A religious community’s charism is expressed in its way of serving the Church in mission, its particular way of living community life and its distinct “culture. While their expression of this life may differ depending upon gender, community, charism, and apostolic work, in essence they have been called to give their Come and See programs is where different Religious Congregation presenting their charism and ministries. 927. ” (Jn 15:16). Jan 16, 2014 · “What is Marriage? It is a true and authentic vocation, as are the priesthood and the religious life. “But there are only a few of us , it’s about new life. All of their ministries are strengthened by devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, love of His Mother Mary, and fidelity to the Church. GENERAL VIEW AND EVANGELICAL IDEA OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE A. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2002. Nov 29, 2013 · Among other points, Francis called religious life is “prophecy,” saying that consecrated women and men can “wake up the world,” and said that bishops must understand that religious aren Oct 28, 2024 · Begoña Costillo is a member of the Order of St. F. She hasn’t looked back since. In the sixth century, St. Many parents are unpleased by a vocation as well. You are seriously interested in a deep friendship with God or Jesus. The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life. When friends or family members are discerning, we are often less than supportive. The thought of becoming a priest, religious, or consecrated person may come to mind again and again. Part Three: What Jesus taught us about his Rev. Religious Life. It includes those in institutes of consecrated life ( religious and secular ), societies of apostolic life , as well as those living as hermits or consecrated virgins . Your Horror Story. Nov 15, 2024 · The Call. And Diarmuid O’Murchu’s "Religious Life: A Prophetic Vision" is a revolutionary book. In the ancient church, this included the calling of women and men into the desert for eremitical and communal forms of religious life as nuns and monks. A gap year living in community. M. To overcome this anemia it is necessary to redeem its passion for the person of Jesus Christ, the first love that consecrated religious life ought to radiate. What is a vocation?A vocation is a call from God to be holy and to carry out a particular mission for others. Photo courtesy Gospel of Life Disciples (GOLD) All religious profess the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (called the evangelical counsels) according to the example and recommendation of Jesus. I. In other words, this study guide is intended to set the young religious on a lifelong path in which the essentials of vowed religious life, characterized by the particular religious tradition The call to offering oneself to God in the priesthood or consecrated life is different for everyone and their different backgrounds, personalities and life experiences, writes Maria-Pia Negro Chin The call to religious life requires the renunciation of marriage and children. The Friars also serve the spiritual and sacramental needs of EWTN’s employees, the pilgrims visiting the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and local congregations of religious sisters. Sr. Within the vast number of religious orders that exist, what is essential are these fundamental virtues: prayer, responsiveness to the call of Christ and charity of service to others. Those committing to the Religious life take vows and make promises to God. Calling in Christian Thought and Practice. When a woman religious falls in love with Jesus Christ and commits her life to Him completely, this determines the other facets of her life. It is a vision of what we need to embrace in order to experience joy: Jesus. But sometimes it feels like everyone says that to a guy who is actually striving to live the Faith. By Sharon O’Grady, RGS. In this year, I lived with 10 other young adults traveling around the US offering Catholic retreats for middle and high school youth through a program called NET (National Evangelization Teams) Ministries. P. She entered religious life in 2012; since then she has lived in Spain, Italy and Peru. The Call to Sainthood. Augustine and lives in the Monastery of the Incarnation in Lima, Peru. It is as if the Call is with us before we are with the Call. An attraction to the celibate vocations and a draw to associate with people in the priesthood, religious life, or in other forms of consecrated life. The drama of the refugees, of those persecuted for political or religious beliefs (cf. If you are wondering whether a consecrated, communal life dedicated to the gospel is worth living, my short answer to you is a Jun 25, 2024 · The ecclesial document from Vatican II on Religious Life is titled Perfectae Caritatis. RELIGIOUS LIFE A PRECIOUS AND ESSENTIAL GIFT TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD. org, people Jun 23, 2021 · In today’s circumstances, then, Fratelli tutti provides the orientation for religious men and women, whose task of mediating is both delicate and necessary: to enter into the life of a people, first of all, to approach its customs and traditions with respect; to learn to know their cultural ethos, being near day by day and participating of Christian life in which all the baptized are called to participate. Apr 22, 2024 · "Evolving Religious Life," a new series from Global Sisters Report, is exploring how Catholic sisters are adapting to the realities of congregations in transition and new forms of religious life. What is distinctive about the dedication of religious life is the public and permanent commitment to community life and the charism of the order. Religious life in its various forms is called to signify the very charity of God in the language of our time. Her choice to make Jesus the primary relationship in her life calls her to live a celibate lifestyle. . Take a few moments to recall the most difficult, annoying, infuriating (etc) person you have had to deal with this year- staff, student, parent, community member, BCEC personnel. But certain life forms, such as enclosed monastic life, matrimony, or ministerial religious life raise one or another of these dimensions to God’s love continues, and so does religious life. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing sign of your Kingdom for the Church and the whole world. Catholics On Call: Catholics on Call supports Catholic young adults (ages 18-35) as they strive to discover God’s call in their lives, and explore the possibility of a life of service in the Church. So what makes religious life a "lifeform" are two relationships: the exclusive lifelong commitment to Christ, and "transcendent community, whether lived in its eremitical or cenobitical form, [that Dec 16, 2019 · To answer the call at that time required courage and abandonment, a leap into the unknown: when nothing was secure or stable, concrete or promising; when there were no monasteries or apostolates; when media control assured that you had no minimum knowledge about your church or of the existence of religious communities; when there were no Apr 16, 2012 · A reflection for National Vocation Awareness Week from a student discerning the call to religious life. — the love stories between God and the souls he chooses for his own are as Religious life already existed in germ, and progressively it felt the growing need of developing and of taking on different forms of community or solitary life, in order to respond to the pressing invitation of Christ: “There is no one who has left house, wife, brothers, parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who will not be 4. A growing knowledge of the capacity to live the gift from God of life-long celibacy. In a word, the most important virtue in the life of the follower of Jesus is that Others may want to teach or act and find that their passions may best be met in the context of religious life or the priesthood. Discerning Religious Life touches on the fears many women experience while searching for their calling. Today, as in the days of the apostles, the call of God continues to be heard. Nov 21, 2014 · GUIDELINES FOR THE RELIGIOUS LIFE OF THE SCHOOL. In each case, the Congregation helps discerners navigate and overcome such barriers. Some forbid or attack it. Oct 5, 2022 · -- God calls by means of the events of one's life -- The basis of our choices -- The birth of a desire -- Time for thinking things over -- How to discover the call via aspirations -- The desire to meet God and set out an exodus spirituality -- The signs accompanying the choice of religious life -- What is discernment? Oct 31, 2024 · His assessment of the priesthood and religious life for women and men encapsulates a journey of vocational discernment that he and his team invite the entire Archdiocese to embark on during Dec 22, 2017 · No, it is not about survival, but new life. comprehension of the sublime call to religious life and its role within the Church. Brian Mullady, O. 3. Apr 26, 2015 · Religious life as embraced by April Mireau and more than 18,000 members of 235 religious congregations in Canada matters in ways that go beyond the role religious congregations have played in building up and maintaining Catholic institutions through the generations. Religious life today and tomorrow. Significant numbers of women are still responding to the call to religious life and remain hopeful about its future. Such vows can take different forms and are the mark of monks. All of us share the same wish, and the same right, to seek happiness and avoid suffering. We usually use “vocation” to mean a call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life, but the principles and much of the advice are also applicable to the married and the single life. Dec 18, 2020 · Throughout the Church’s history, the Holy Spirit has moved women and men to answer a call to religious life and share God’s love revealed in the work and person of Christ. Christine Carbotte took her first vows with the Congregation of Sisters of St. The meetings in Rome will help crystalize this two-fold dynamic which provides such a hope-filled and spiritually Every vocation story is unique and full of wisdom, prayer pro-tips, and “a-ha” moments! So whether you’re discerning a call to religious life or seeking information on how to discover your vocation, we pray each of these stories will provide you with inspiration for your journey. 22-24 in Argentina, with more than 1,000 participants. Answering Your Call: A Guide for Living Your Deepest Purpose. Therefore someone who is called to religious life will find deep down in his heart a desire to grow as much as possible in love for Jesus. In the one life God gives us to live, we have one overriding purpose, to fulfill the will of God, because this is the key to our true destiny, eternal Aug 21, 2015 · Ultimately, the decision to enter the religious life is a decision grounded in the will of God. By Friar Mario L. WHAT A PRIVILEGE it is to reflect on religious life with people who are considering it. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004. cfjsndxylehrsqkgndvyoyewowhzbbtohdjhqhumhindbwsstl