Eu4 ae reduction ideas. Each possible pair of ideas from different types (i.

Eu4 ae reduction ideas r/eu4. Not at all since it's a very early idea. Espionage is great because of ae reduction, advisor cost reduction, bonus to diplo vassalization, extra diplomat. Diplomatic has way more universally useful ideas, with 2 diplomats, +1 relations, +2 diplo rep, -10% diplo tech cost, extremely powerful -20% province warscore cost (keep in mind that unlike AE, warscore cost is a HARD limit. Take Ferrara next, keep R5: Made an updated tierlist for EU4 Idea Groups as of 1. so after losing a 1/4 of my land i would LOVE to know how to lose AE. You can increase the rate at which AE decays by stacking improve relations, and having low Going from 0% AE reduction to -20% AE reduction is an effective reduction of 20% AE. Influence doesn't give extra diplomat. After that you could get other military ideas and economy. AE Reduction, there is no difference between 200 ae and 160 ae Siege ability and spy network construction - Very Useful Court Ideas reduce the penalty to max absolutism and allow for more privileges. Good prod for $$$, AE reduction, coring cost mod, province cost reduction, war score against other religions, and some diplo buffs. A world-class fleet is several times cheaper than a world-class army. For roleplay I personally love Espionage ideas despite their bad reputation in the sub. eco Really bad idea for a Rome playthrough. Colonial empire (Castile, Portugal, England, Denmark or Mali) - Exploration Most of Western Europe - episionage for ae reduction or diplomacy/influence Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Lithuania) - Religion Ideas for free casus belli against Orthodox or Muslims or Aristocracy After roughly a thousand hours in EU4, I've only ever taken Influence Ideas once during an Austria game. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. The -20% AE modifier is nice if you can stack it with other modifiers. As Italy, you won’t be worrying much about AE, whereas troop quality is usually indispensable late game. Diplomatic and humanist burn AE faster with improve relations modifier. They seem fairly weak outside of Diplomatic Annexation costs, The AE reduction and better relation between Influence and Diplomatic are pretty much equivalent if you consider taking 50 AE worth of land every 20 years, +145% just from idea groups and advisor (and being Italy) +50% with full prestige (not hard to maintain, though admittedly there's nothing stopping you from getting this if you go the AE reduction route as well) All the religions Italy has access For any nation in the game, get to 100 absolutism for max admin efficiency from absolutism and take diplo ideas for province war score cost reduction. IMO, AE reduction is the strongest stat in Europe. There's other ides in the groups as well. 20% AE reduction is the single best idea you can get early. Espionage ideas has a -AE modifier, which you can stack with curia controller/age of discovery bonus/etc. Consider ideas that decrease development cost and increase force limit, manpower and manpower recovery, and regiment or maintenance costs. A Improve relations is low key one of the most important ideas in a blobbing game, U take it bc of province ws cost reduction and ae decay from improve relations. with the Admin-Inf policy gives you -45% vassal annexation cost. 5 yearly ae- Taking espionage ideas gives 20% reduced ae (you can get 10% from prestige and 10% from age bonus) make it Declare war as soon as the coalition is big enough to win and take your claimed land at 90% reduced AE. AE reduction is cumulative you can get it to almost nothing with ideas + policies. The only way to reduce immediately your AE is to make land concessions in a peace deal. Expanding in the HRE is a blast, find a new victim and do it all over again. There are some Ideas and policies that reduce AE directly, e. The AE reduction makes it god tier without even considering any other buff. Lets say you have 50 prestige, age bonus and esp ideas. Together, they also give you a policy that gives +20% You get a flat reduction in AE by cancelling subjects or releasing nations. IR has more uses that just handling AE. Coalitions are mostly an early game problem, and I think 50% spy network and 20% AE reduction is better at preventing coalitions than 25% improve relations. With the HRE gone, you will rack up less AE when conquering, but still a ton. A Yeah, there are definitely ways to reduce getting AE in the first place (using vassals & reconquest is generally the easy way), but now I'm asking tricks to reduce it once it has happened. And you are Infrastructure has been mentioned. Starting as a 3 dev OPM in Mexico, with a 0/0/0 malevolent 20 years old ruler, no heir/consort, siberian native council and 10% dev cost as the first idea, I can only pick the rest of ideas from those with 0 points, and I might further upgrade 1 of Diplo, adm, influence, religious are pretty much the best idea groups for fast widespread conquering by a long shot. Claims and CB's can also help reduce AE. AE reduction only serves reducing AE. AE reduction hands down. The second best is improve relations, and is one of the reasons To quickly reduce the AE, you must lose land in a war. Not too great after their AE reduction was taken out. Additionally, the “Espionage” idea provides a minus 20 AE impact, while some nations have Yup, the AE reduction and bird mana efficiency is worth it. On the other hand -10% AE for Great + influence ideas + -10% from Sunni school give you a whopping AE reduction. Its depend a lot but mostly i dont take admin ideas at first because you got fast 2nd ideas group. Sailors can sometimes be scarce, but if your nation cares about having naval superiority you probably have enough coastal provinces to generate enough. Reply reply More replies My latest Angevin run was Explo -> Admin -> Diplo. Think about what happens AE-wise if you take Espionage instead. -10% AE alongside max prestige and influence ideas is insanely strong. Admin is essential if you want to keep the Prussian Monarchy government form. There was a recent thread discussing the tradeoffs of AE reduction vs. If you play a horde, you should have enough points, but these reductions can help you to get ideas/tech faster and start snowballing earlier. 5a. Protip: Convert to Islam/Orthodox and combine with Hanbali or the St. But a more complete answer is that this is the core EU4 mid-game strategic question for good players. Novgorod seems nice this patch. High dev = high AE. As Soon as the reformation kicks of, you can take half of germany, without coalitions, since deus vult gives 75% ae, and they are herretics. extra You cannot lower AE already taken, only through the normal decay with +relation modifier. The AE reduction in Deus Vult is nice, but as Byzantium you can cycle AE generation through several regions and religions, and with the icon of St. Then you should get a military idea so your military doesn't fall off. You already have AE reduction from Deus Vult (it only gives 75% AE), should be maintaining high prestige (another 10% at 100 prestige), and there also the age of discovery ability. They also help with ae (prestige from inno gives ae reduction and improve relations (which increases the rate ae decreases)). 12 years to reduce AE from 50 to 0. Plus, you will have to fabricate all of your CBs, so the reduced cost to fabricate claims and improved spy network growth really help. Explo was taken just to reach India across Africa and to start expanding in there. AE is generated from development of the provinces you take or pillage. Going from 80% to 90% ae reduction doubles the amount of land you can take for the same AE. A There's a rather long list of ideas available, some of which are really powerful. As such I am not quick to push people to AE reduction. You can decrease the amount of AE a country gets by allying it. There are some things that Reduce AE accumulation, like ideas, but as Spain (or any blob) you will eventually get big enough to not care, nations with -500 AE won't even coalition. 354K subscribers in the eu4 community. But the much better way is not to get AE in the first place: - Use the return cores to your vassal AE reduction ideas are very strong, which is why they moved it to the worst idea set in the game (espionage). Italian ideas are excellent. But Humanism is better if you really want that. Try playing a pope game, excommunicate Florence day one. I'm reading some posts recommending influence for AE reduction, but I can't see any actual idea with that perk under influence. Espionage ideas are usually not worth it though. You also get the discipline for free (traditions) compared to Shimazu 4th idea, and the tech cost reduction is earlier too. Maritime ideas aren't too great unless you're a major naval power. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion So basically I want to play as Papal State and conquer all the territories of the former Roman Empire. I'd take influence and innovative for the AE reduction policy you can take. Nicholas, you shouldn't have much of a problem with AE. I constantly had -500 diplo points in my ottomans game due to not picking either religious or influence at AE reduction is completely irrelevant, just a number after all. A Espionagea is probably the best group. - Take the provinces that have your claim first. i used to think losing or winning a coalition war dropped ae but i was wrong. Inf. Vassal reconquest (which you should be using anyways) makes espionage AE reduction less useful, it's an ok idea group but generally a worse diplomatic. Then diplo ideas is a big help for improving relations faster and with more diplomats to do it with. Ive seen some good answers, but no one has brought up the idea that you can declare on the coalition when it is still small and peace-lock them into smaller, more manageable, chunks. Espionage gives claims on states (which is worse than Deus Vault in some ways, but having claims gives 10 ccr), seige ability, and AE reduction all of which are great to have in a blob campaign. Do everything you can to reduce AE as it is your main bottleneck. That's 52 years of AE decay for an idea of a time frame. Easy, quantity first beacuse you need the manpower and lower cost. With the Ottomans AE eventually doesn't matter. Diplo, economic, and quantity are all musts. On the continent I was somehow controlling agro expansion with only 3 diplomats before diplo ideas were completed Diplomatic ideas are generally better because they allow you to expand quicker: more diplomats and +25% improve relations will make AE go lower faster, and the -20% province warscore cost is huge especially in Europe. 5% durability and 10% morale aren't too impactful anyways, as the most important naval stat is 333K subscribers in the eu4 community. As a finisher I would agree. Influence ideas provide direct benefits to vassals, administrative ideas reduce coring costs for general (non-reconquest) expansion and quality ideas ensure competitiveness during battles on both land and sea. And remember, high prestige is good. The effects are: Income from vassals +25% Liberty Desire in Subjects -15% Diplomatic Annexation Cost -25% Influence used to be the best idea group because it reduces cost of owning vassals and increases the amount you can own. If you ever get Curia controller, you can take twice as much land as usual. I'd reccomend humanist over religous, but for a later idea group. But if coalitions scare you it can be worth it to have AE reduction. -20% from papal control, -50% excommunicate CB, you can full annex for like 20 AE. A and I was wondering what y'all find the best idea groups. Johan thought we were having too much fun playing the game, so it got removed. Quick, early-game expansion in EU4 is difficult Having just read the new patch notes I had a question about how the ae reduction in relation to spy networks works. Aristocratic, Plutocratic, Divine, and Indigenous all have one as well, plus Indigenous' policies. AE reduction, religious unity and warfare boosts are awesome. Anyway, defines. The AE reduction, advisor cost discount and siege ability are amazing. New comments cannot be posted. Humanist for synergy wwith polish ideas , admin for coring cost and influence for AE reduction , HRE and to integrate PUs/vassals if you get one. Without working it all the way out let's say he can manage to get to 190 overall opinion even with -100 AE opinion. 355K subscribers in the eu4 community. This console command will clear any aggression expansion between the two countries with the specified country tags. Hanover - excellent balance of military ideas and money. Pair it up with Humanist, you now have the policy matching the unrest/separatism reduction from Offensive-Humanist. The AE reduction is also largely helpful obviously. There's some calculation that I don't remember offhand, but that isn't important. Central Concept: The unique benefit of Religious Ideas is faster, wider early-game expansion. Influence for Annexation cost reduction and lowered LD. The best example would be effective hp. Good luck. Reply reply Hanseatic - Money, money, money!!! Oh yeah, and +5 disc, +20 heavies, -10 idea cost. The more AE reduction you stack the more powerful it becomes. While at the same time reducing AE, so if you get a vassal such as Byzantium with 100 prestige, AE reduction, diplo annex reduction you could get all of Greece for 10 AE and 400 diplo which was insane and made world conquest to easy. By far the fastest way to Religious, most of nations you will fight gonna be non-hindu's, it will reduce AE and remove unjustified demand cost by -100% in most cases. You could also force nations to join the HRE to earn some Claims reduce coring cost by 10% (25% for permanent claims). For example diplomatic, humanist, religious & espionage help with managing AE, as does one type of diplomatic advisor Next is the type of casus belli you're using. -20 ae from espionage, and -10 ae from justified war, then you are expanding at half the Religious is a little pointless, you can already deal easily with all the heathen land and get bonuses out of it (+15% local tax, +30% local manpower) and if its the AE reduction from deus vult you're looking for then there's better ways to mitigate AE without dumping 2800 admin points for 25% AE reduction and nothing else. The reduced unrest is nice mostly as a QoL improvement. In my opinion if you're planning to go big, then I think Kazan ideas are way better. Going from -80% to -90% AE reduction is an effective AE reduction of -50% even though your flat reduction was reduced from -20% to -10%. Not to mention it's also much harder to come by. Then riligious for deus vult and you get 10 morale from the ideas combo. So once you've built the gov cost buildings, that idea does Had I known this I'd pick it for my Switzerland run as having only 2 diplomats is really annoying, as I picked infulence solely for AE reduction - as AE is the only thing that limits your expansion (I'm aware that -AE doesn't translate directly to +better relations over time' as the former allows you to take more in single peace deal) in this EU4 proably has too many possibilities and situational playstyles to just define one true META. Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command clearae. 31, which anyone is welcome to use here!I'm posting this one as an update to my old one because I received some really valuable feedback and suggestions in the last thread you Ruyuku -25% ae Influence idea -20% ae Aristocratic administrative policy -10% Influence innovative policy -10% Naval diplomatic policy -10% Offensive expension What if espionage ideas removed or reduced the tech requirements for An easy situation in EU4 due to game mechanics: Ottomans, but Orthodox Christian. The only kind of good thing about diplomatic is the reduced warscore cost, but i The unrest, AE, and caravan power are just icing on the cake. Locked post. Since there are 7 administrative, 7 diplomatic, and 11 military idea groups, there are 7 * 7 + 7 * 11 + 7 * 11 = 203 different policies. You need morale because if your army gets stack wiped as an OPM, you are Admin as the third idea kicks in right around the time when you form Prussia. You start off the game with a coalition of most of Germany if you take the France PU right away along with conquering the isles in the first 10 years, so the AE reduction and extra diplomats helps greatly. It's doable if OP has the right idea groups already. Maintaining spy networks at close to 100 is underrated and I will argue is Go to eu4 r/eu4. e. The +25% improve relations modifier, combined with high prestige and the advisor mean you're eliminating ~4 AE each year. Indirectly, having less time to core things will decrease your ovrextension and thus reduce the impact of your AE. Also going after a vassals cores is a great way to gain lots of territory with little AE prior to 1600-1650 when they disappear. What does that leave? Innovative, Economic, Trade, Diplomatic, and the rest of the It has a policy with diplo for even more AE. You'll then start looking at other ways of taking more land more cheaply. That lets you take over 40% more land. Same as age bonuses. Overall diplomatic make a lot more sense, faster war score due to province war score reduction, stability reduction and Some idea groups have ae reduction or improved relations which helps with AE decay as part of them. Go to eu4 r/eu4. The ability to claim states is unique, but I've personally never used it extensively though. Unlocking the religious CBs from completing the religious ideas group is worth considering if you're playing a campaign where you plan to face a lot of heretics and heathens as the CBs are among the best for reducing AE. Thus, it is best for extremely aggressive blobbing campaigns like a WC or trade company rush. Also you could get exploration if you want diplo gives everything you want, free breaking royal marriages, more alliances (maybe even can end hre or be emperor) and reduces ae with improve relations modifie trully in hre diplo ideas are just broken Reduced unrest and tolernance of heathens are also pretty good. If i'm playing a non-colonizing european nation i always pick influence for my first idea because of the reduce in diplomatic annexation cost and AE reduction which is priceless. They still reduce coring cost and local autonomy by 10%, perma claims reduce coring cost by 25%. Where espio really shines is with Curia, or a country with -AE in its ideas such as The prestige can reduce it up to 100%, the full Religion Idea can reduce 100%. I Aristocratic gives another devcost, so w/ aristo and infra, you'll have the maximum amount of dev cost reduction from ideas possible (barring indigenous). You can Influential ideas are in the same boat. u/Annoyed3600owner explained already how the AE penalty decays over time. B) reduced ae with everyone when generating it against a nation with a spy network. These include diplomatic and/or humanist ideas & improve relations advisor for faster AE decay, as well as AE reduction from whatever sources you can get. Then I formed Persia for the feudal theocracy government which allows “invite minorities from abroad” for -20%. And the wargoal of a conquest (and reconquest) war costs 1/3 less warscore if you occupy it. P much mandatory if ur doing something challenging like a wc Reply reply Even if governing cost reduction applied to territories, it eventually becomes worthless because courthouse and state house bring gov cost down to the floor. I just got admin 5 and wonder what idea should I pick first and next. So with just these 3 ideas you can take a ton of land and process it cheaply. are much more valuable. Autocracy with Influence & noble ideas for 85% reduction unjustified demands AE reduction seems bad. With this plan you can go to war as often as you like, hell with this method you can eat 200 base tax of land and only gain AE equivalent to 20 base tax lol. What does that leave? Innovative, Economic, Trade, Diplomatic, and the rest of the These include diplomatic and/or humanist ideas & improve relations advisor for faster AE decay, as well as AE reduction from whatever sources you can get. the only three must-have idea groups are diplomatic administrative and offensive, the other five you can basically pick whatever you like and espionage is a fantastic choice after years of being a meme. The first 3 idea groups I'm thinking of are either Diplomatic or Influence, Diplomatic for lowered AE and Warscore reduction. So good it's better to be at 100 prestige with no AE management ideas than it is to be at 0 prestige with humanist & diplomatic ideas Normally you have -50 AE, that gives a nation -50 relations, so a coalition forms but what you can do is improve relations to 100 meaning that even if they have -50 AE, a coalition can't form because they still have +50 relations so by improving relations you can essentially take 100 AE before a coalition forms instead of only 50 AE. the forth one of influence "−20% Aggressive expansion impac". 4 from improve relations in 25 YEARS of decay and AE reduction stack much better with prestige, age bonus, curia controller since it is negative modifier. Cede province will yield more AE. Under admin, administrative to stack ccr with national idea, and humanist for improve relations and In a Kazan run I took it and the horde idea + my own AE national idea + the first splendor and that basically let me eat India with 0 AE at all. If gov cost reduction also lowered expanded infrastructure malus, then it would be a whole different ballgame. Also try to make sure you are fabricating claims so you dont pay unjustified demands. 351K subscribers in the eu4 community. If you want a one faith This indirectly circumvents AE since the Reconquest casus belli provides significant reductions compared to regular Conquest. You still get 1 diplomat (instead of 2), and 25% improve relations is replaced with 20% AE reduction. You can stack some AE impact modifiers (-10% in the age of discoveries, -10% from prestige, -20% from controlling the Curia) to help you a bit. You get 20% ae reduction that on a peace deal of 50 reduces accumulated AE by 10 which compared to that 0. Espionage is great for the AE impact and stealing vassals in Europe. Improve relations modifiers (from advisors, diplo ideas and diplo / humanist policy) can also help you to Then you start looking at ways of reducing their likelihood of forming so that you can push those limits further. And Admin by itself is -25% CCR. I personally prefer to take humanist + diplomatic ideas for AE reduction. also in Obviously, with the amount of idea groups required for -90%, that won't happen until the late-game, where coalitions shouldn't really be making a difference anyway. 20% AE reduction is MUCH more powerful than 25% improve relations, especially early game. For example if you have: - 50% administrative efficiency - diplomatic ideas (-20% WS) - hussie (-10% WS vs other religion) - imperialism CB (-25% WC) Once upon a time claims gave -10% AE. If you are planning on snowballing in or around the HRE you will have to choose your ideas accordingly. 2. Like, really good. As a horde who collects large sums of mana, Golden's -10% development cost should not go unnoticed. Do I need to say anything else? Oh and AE reduction. That means what there will be alot of AE, and I noticed what papal ideas synergies well with espionage ideas (-10% from traditions, another -10% from full spy network, -10% from prestige, -10% from Golden Bull, -20% from espionage ideas and -20% from curia control = You get 25% from diplo ideas, 30% from humanist, and 20% from their policy. Is it: A) reduced ae with the target of the spy networks(s). A reconquest war gives a massive reduction to AE gained when taking back cores. GH on the contrary: - +1 annual horde unity : you'll be at 100 all of the time because of the wars anyway so useless - -5% army maintenance : as soon as you have some TC you'll have plenty of cash Humanist gets 30% improved relations which never stops being useful for AE and is only slightly worse than the AE reduction from deus vult. Espionage is another interesting possibility- extra ae reduction, siege ability, a diplomat, and vassalization acceptance are all excellent. Winning battles is a tiny portion of EU4 and one that doesn't require any bonuses at all. I started getting comfortable fighting against coalition wars around 800ish hours and found that they aren't as scary as they initially seem. tolerance of the true faith (and make harder spawning court and country) Nope, only global unrest reduction affect Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by I wanted to tap into the mercenary modifiers and from my research, I will use the following ideas: administrative, mercenary, court, plutocratic, infrastructure, espionage, Espionage is better for the HRE imo, due to the AE reduction. because having every single nation in the HRE coaltiton you sucks Now lets talk espionage. Policies are a set of bonuses unlocked by completing idea groups. A I am trying to choose between Espionage or Influence ideas and I cannot find a satisfying answer online for how diplo rep can help make the decay rate of AE in other countries go faster? Is there an answer to this? 141 votes, 81 comments. Naval superiority can be solved by taking loans to spam heavies. I started as Mazandaran for the -10% from Caspian ideas. Nevertheless, there are some useful ideas of course: Espionage helps a ton with AE and has some other nice bonuses, such as siegeability which becomes important in the mid to late game when the AI has a ton of forts everywhere. Then focus on ideas that give artillery fire damage buffs, morale, discipline, and infantry combat ability and fire and shock damage. Reconquest for cores is the best way to get lands with minimal AE. You should be done earlier then 6 idea but it if takes longer it’s just about improving your game, colonist to fill the map, offensive for siege speed, naval for the memes, espionage to reduce the ae you no longer care about. Eco is good if you are playing the tall game or the deving meta. And how you do it is complex and takes planning: modifiers, using vassals, different cbs, truce cycling, using alliances to reduce AE, spreading AE around regions and religions, and more. Both humanist and diplomatic idea groups gives +25% and +30%, respectively. The AE reduction also stacks with reconquest and imperialism, instead of being made irrelevant by them. I've seen a lot of people using Espionage as their first idea group, mainly for the 25% AE reduction. After discovering how much more efficient an army is with offensive/quality ideas I snag them. advisor costs, siege ability, spy There are a lot of nice looking Diplo group ideas: diplomatic (Warscore cost, improve relations), influence (FL from new subject type), espionage (AE reduction). Humanist ideas have +30% Your "improve relations" modifier helps reduce AE. "province warscore cost" and "warscore cost vs other religion" add, but administrative efficiency multiply this, same with war score reduction from CB. Regular conquest CB. 3% APC at very best, and that plus tech reduction will only just pay back the admin points you spent on the group; in contrast admin ideas pays State claiming is also useful in reducing AE. Influence ideas give minus 50 to unjustified demands which is something you should be picking up anyway. Great ideas are better for your army, Golden ideas are better for your economy and general empire-building. The -15% aggressive expansion reduction is insane. Lastly, things that save monarch points are quite good too, like idea cost, tech cost, all power cost. What you can do is An extra -20% from espio reduces this to 60% of base, an effective 25% reduction in the AE you actually take. Here are AE reductions: 15% from tradition 10% inno influence policy 20% Just Wars event from influence ideas for 10 years 20% Papal controller if you are lucky 20% espionage 15% from Saluzzo missions 10% Prestige You don't even Also, in the Age of Discovery, players can gain the “Justified Wars” Splendor Goal, which provides another minus 10 AE impact. Each possible pair of ideas from different types (i. The passports carried by our diplomats have come to represent the credibility and consistency of our national purpose. The main arguement is the claim states one. The best ideas for expansion are diplomatic ideas, administrative and influence. Cheaper troops, cheaper state costs, cheaper buildings to go with +5 disc, +5 fire dmg, -15 fire dmg received) 5b. I'm wondering how it squares up against Religious (which gives Deus Vult for a CB with 75% AE) and Influence (which makes the "release vassal > reconquest" gameplay much more feasible, and thus sort of enables lower AE wars as well. 15% cav cost, +0. Traditions 15% + espionage ideas 20% + prestige 9% + age bonus 10% + leader trait 10% was aleady great at 64% ae reduction. And giving up subjects reduces the AE globally Essentially, to completely avoid a coalition, you need to keep your aggressive expansion (AE) low and prevent nations from flipping to outraged attitude. -20 ae from espionage, and -10 ae from justified war, then you are expanding at half the Go to eu4 r/eu4. improve relations. . Reply reply This guide was created to help EU4 players understand how Aggressive Expansion & Aggressive expansion decreases over time and the rate at which it decreases can be affected by ideas or advisors that give Improve relations modifiers affect AE decay rate, as does shared religion, distance, and of course AE modifiers themselves. Third quality/offensive. But if the choice is between diplo and espionage ideas, 50,1 = 25 (diplo ideas) + 20 (improve relation advisor) + 15%(merchant improving relations in node) + you need to get somewhere 5+% Why would you spend so much diplo for an idea group that does basically nothing, instead of getting things like Diplo rep, diplo relations (for allies that will get -50% AE and protect you from coalitions), improve relations for AE decay 297 votes, 35 comments. Even with a super optimistic assumption if +200% improved relations, that's +6 opinion per year on AE. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Since they removed the AE reduction from Influence ideas, I always take the Espionage ideas instead to get this AE reduction. 20% AE reduction from influence ideas AE reduction from high prestige Diplomatic ideas to increase the 'Improve relations' modifier, that increases AE decay bonus from Orthodox religion icon The only thing he could have done to reduce AE even further would be to take Religious Ideas as one of the first picks, and use Deus Vault for a further 25 -15 AE impact Getting a tax modifier later in the game is too weak, compared to getting that -15 AE once you start attacking nations from other faiths. A place to share content, More Topics. If you want to blob hard, make an effort to have 2-3 different geographical and religious zones to be working on (this is why ottomans, Mughals, Mediterranean Spain, etc. Of which it has plenty: siege ability for faster conquest, claim states for huge reduction of coring cost on random provinces you want but don't get perma claims on, and spy network speed to siege even faster and reduce even more AE with nations you have a spy network in. Still, I'm tempted to start a game dedicated to getting as much AE reduction as I can, to see how it goes. That equals 75% ir which is 1. policy is -30% AE. so after reaching 300ae i just stop doing anything hoping for it to go down,but got pulled into a war and it went up to 500 AE (with austria which has a PU with bohimia). Getting the papal control -20 ae. For the second idea group, either Administrative Playing in central europe against fellow chatolic nations, it is a very good thing to stack AE reduction. [Beginner Tip] Use reconquest wars exclusively for taking back your cores or subjects. Humanist and diplomatic ideas (and the policy) give a +75% improve relation modifier making your AE tick down 75% faster. But it doesn't. What makes it even better is that having a spy network in a country reduces the amount of AE they get with you, letting you take more land from them before triggering a coalition, the WS cost reduction from cores also helps to speed up wars, you can also claim land next to your subjects, which is nice if you want to be able to expand them, especially if they are pretty far away. On top of that I just became the curia controller for an additional 20% 😁! -84% ae impact is definitely a record for AE reduction isn’t broken. 22. A or humanist if you’re gonna be conquering more than vassalizing as it gives you ae reduction as well as more max promoted cultures so it makes your conquered Filling diplo ideas could help you to reduce the cost of no-cb wars. g. 5 cav fire, 20% morale, 5% disc, 20% inf combat and 20% manpower for land and 20% morale and 5% durability for navies. can all handle AE quite well). It's usually my opener unless I'm playing as a colonizer or a major power. Definitely, EU4 should take a page from CK2's book and make empires more unstable as they go along. - Try to turn the nearby nation into ally just for reduce the AE: ally only get 1/5 AE. Reply reply Go to eu4 r/eu4. Another good diplo idea is: diplomatic. 3 of the ideas on espionage are useless, 4 if you count corruption that is only useful for corruption for territories that will be removed. Economic/Defensive policy gives -10% in primary culture provinces, which could he a big deal (say, for Korea) or not, depending on your situation. For an HRE game, you might take Influence instead of Diplomatic. Innovative: [controversial] Innovativeness gain is overrated, it only results in an additional -3. The guaranteed dhimmi autonomy privilege ensures AE is a clusterfuck in the HRE. And for a WC/super blobbing campaign you want to prioritize going WC ideas like admin and diplo. Nicholas icon to get a nice -25 AE reduction +1 Yearly Prestige Influence , humanist and admin should be what you get for a blobing game. IR means AE ticks down faster, but the AE impact means you acquire less in the first place. Advisor cost reduction helps you with keeping those points super high. Ie: bosnia, serbia, and albania have formed a You can also prevent a country from getting more AE by vassalizing it. With the ideas above, this gets you 50% diplomatic annexation cost reduction from policies and ideas if you have Influence ideas. It's A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, stack modifiers: reduced ae and improved relations. Typically that involves dispersing your AE over diverse regions, religions, and cultures, stacking improve relations and AE reduction modifiers. lua in the common folder is usually where that stuff is kept; just open it I am a super noob, playing as Milan. But -20 Aggressive Expansion is a big deal. Secure in the knowledge that our ambassadors speak words backed with the full authority of our government, the emissaries are given smooth travel and fast horses to ensure their duties are performed with haste. The ideas don't have an explicit AE modifier, but they do improve relations which apparently helps to reduce AE, is that true? Also, is it worth investing on espionage ideas for playing tall? Is the only set with a flat AE reduction, but I haven't seen it being used often Even for the AE reduction. This is what you should mainly aim for. I’m a Inf. For Castile specifically, you should have the monument in Alhambra for 5% admin efficiency and the one in Malta for -15% war score cost against other religions. The Three Mountains: EU4 Ryukyu World Conquest AAR The prestige can reduce it up to 100%, the full Religion Idea can reduce 100%. I typically vassilize small nations and annex provinces from larger nations so the combination of reduced coring cost and reduction to diplo-annex is not wholly wasted. Espionage ideas still aren't great despite being buffed. Influence is a great idea choice : dip rep, relations, AE reduction, diplo annexation cost reduction, and unjustified demand reduction cost is good if you're taking land from another catholic or otherwise can't use holy war CB. If you want to sit around, economic ideas are the best because they give the steepest -20% dev cost discount vs innovativeness, which only gives -10% at Go to eu4 r/eu4. Ryukyuan first national idea is -25% as well. However, I suppose the dev cost reduction could be useful if you want to play tall (suboptimal but can be fun, and Italy is suited to it) and the AE could help if you want to expand into Europe without having to manage AE manually, but Italy R5: I tried my hand at stacking development cost reduction modifiers. But its also an opportunity cost - if you go the diplo ideas you get more provinces per war thanks to the war score reduction so I am still very much unsure if that's a good or bad move. always make sure you've got a diplomat fabricating claims, get the AE reduction scholar, rival and humilate Venice by dragging them into a war with Albania so you can get ticking splendor and get the AE reduction ability first, consider vassalizing bum states like the Balkanoids (Serbia, Bosnia, Wallachia) to avoid higher AE from direct annexation, when you fight AQQ you can release I’ve played EU4 for almost 10 years and back in the day espionage was the butt of many jokes, -20% AE impact is the best idea early. The aristo/explo policy also gives construction cost, by the fourth idea group you probably won't need it, but it's nice to have if you decide to building spam in your colonies. If we're doing colonial, take Scotland's ideas as they will help you conquer and vassalize the rest of Britain (land army buffs and AE reduction) and use Britain's ideas to help with colonizing. administrative and diplomatic, administrative and military, or diplomatic and military) unlocks a policy. CCR, AE reduction, goods produced, WS cost reduction, etc. Prussia - My military says hi. with the Admin-Arist. the reduced AE from that + faster burn from improve relations alters the rate at which you can do coalition-free conquest Whenever Reformation comes around AE will actually be a lot easier to manage as you can conquer Protestant land without stacking too much AE against catholics. (remember Horde idea has innate -1) So in essence, it offers economic, quality, stability, and AE control benefits and not suck at any of it like Aristocratic. Diplo because setting a couple diplomats on improving relations with outraged countries handles AE wayyyyy better than the flat reduction in espionage, and economic and quantity so you can a) punch above your weight but also b) so you can get the policy combo that gives you dev cost reduction in tandem with the dev reduction Also +1 possible nr of buildings is probably the most broken idea in the game and it comes with 5% construction cost reduction. This is the case for all additive negative modifiers. You could go humanist, diplomatic and tag switch to Italy to basically double your AE decay, but that would only reduce the time required from 240+ A result of this is that State Propaganda becomes equivalent in value to Holy War when AE Impact equals 40% AE reduction (including State Propaganda itself), and greater in value if you can get AE Impact to greater than 40% AE reduction (including State Propaganda). Plus the extra free policies means later in the game you don’t have to feel bad about spending the extra monthly mana on policies for later idea groups. I also love Religious ideas. Nobody cares if you take land in the british isles or iberia (except those native to those areas). Same reason Naval ideas aren't ideal. You gotta keep in mind that AE is much less impactful late game as coalitions will not form if you have strong allies / are strong yourself / you have effective truce management. If you want that to happen quicker, then idea sets like humanist and diplomatic help, as do royal marriages and the diplomat advisor. It's also important to make sure you are taking proper provinces in your wars; annexing land from co-defenders or land that isn't part of the war goal is a significant increase in the AE gained, as is any land in the HRE. In exchange you lose some econ growth (production, taxes, trade steering), morale, and land fire damage. Also, remember that countries that have a modestly positive opinion of you won't join in a coalition against you even if they have piles of AE. AFAIK giving up your own provinces reduces your AE globally by 1/3 of the dev of the provinces which you give up. pei ixdhjw lwg uwcju hyvzaj eeepy ediri gscp tvchizz ahb