Early bfp twins. Joined Dec 18, 2011 Messages 922 Reaction score 0.
Early bfp twins Learn about your body. My cycle is normally 32 days, but this month I had ovulation pain two days early. Early bfp's and high hcg levels aren't indicative of a twin or higher pregnancy. Mar 1, 2023 · Instances of bfp:Device can be classified as equipment or sensors. I still have some of those left, and last week, at 9 weeks along, I used one again, just out of curiosity. 0dpo: Ovulation day. RPL sufferer. Dec 4, 2024. I remember hearing something about if you get an early positive it could be twins! 😳 May 1, 2011 · About the early test, I got an early positive with my first son which was really dark early on but just one in there! Also the HCG levels were really high early on but just a singleton pregnancy. 5 weeks, then that's okay. Typically 7-8 dpo!! So I’m testing this theory Anyone get a BFP at 7-8 dpo and find out their having twins at their dating Ultrasound? I I got my 1st bfp 10dpo. I used a viola early detection from chemist which says shows from 8 days after conception. Most women carrying twins go into labor at 36 to 37 weeks, as opposed to 40 in a single pregnancy, Al-Khan says, and some may go Aug 14, 2018 · BFP = big fat positive (pregnancy test)-2dpo: BD today twice, mild cramps, first positive strip OPK-1dpo: No BD, 1st "peak" on CBFM, mild cramps, positive strip OPK. I got my BFP pictures on Feb. Alright I read another thread earlier about someone having an early BFP and it ended up being twins. I have the conversation saved in my history somewhere, but I asked my mother if twins ran in the family at 4. EARLY BFP TWINS. Fainted at work. So it is possible. Is it possible i am only 6 weeks and got early bfp due to twins? Xx Aug 15, 2015 · Prior to 2024: 6 DETs yielding 3 singletons, 2 sets twins and 1 BFN2024 recap:Feb SET day 5 untested 4AB - BFNApr DET day 5 4AA segmental mosaic, day 5 4AA whole chromosome mosaic - early m/c after strong early betasAug DET day 7 PGT 5AB and Nov 2, 2007 · I got BFP at 10DPO and I am having twins. Confirmed with ovulation test strips. I originally thought it was an indent but with lines Apr 30, 2010 · Hi Ladies, Im wondering if you got your bfp's early if your having twins? I just got a BFP today at 8DPO and I thought that was really early. Which is earlier than I have gotten a BFP in the past, so I know it showed positive early because it's twins. <p>Hi Ladies,</p> <p> I am just wondering when you all got your BFP's. , smoke detectors, heat detectors, and flame detectors). If anyone Hi Ladies, I am just wondering when you all got your BFP's. High betas etc. Feb 23, 2015 · I tested positive at 8/9dpo and had singletons . BFP September 2007 DD born May 2008. Jan 5, 2011 · Nice lines could be twins I am unsure of how that goes BUT had a gal on a thread I am on alot have niceee lines 7dpo and BFP on a digi @ 8dpo and she isnt having twins but u have atleast 1 nice sticky bean in there Apr 15, 2008 · At 6 dpo I would consider the possibility you ovulated early. 1. Sep 23, 2024 · Intense nausea and vomiting . i knew i was pregnant immediatlyi have a 10yr old5 yr old and a 7 I just got a BFP today at 8DPO and I thought that was really early. Last edited 02-10-11. Period due: Today, January 27th . You must consult your doctor if you feel uncomfortable. 3DP5DT faint line on the only wondfo I had leftover in the mid evening like around 5? Drove out to target and bought FRER, waited and for sure positive next morning. stinging pains through my nipples, sore boobs- more noticable running up and down stairs. uk Dec 4, 2024 · Hi guys, I hope you are all well and a big congratulations on your bfps Lmp -9th nov BD - 18th/19th nov. I have two other biological children and when I got pregnant with them it took a week after my missed… All that to say, an early or dark BFP doesn't mean twins. Diluted urine could also lead to a false negative early in pregnancy. The only other dtd that could of made babies is one week later and again 7 days prior to my positive test. D&C 10/21/11 BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12 BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Jun 27, 2011 · 8dpo is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Plus my . I have a history of twin losses 1st trimester. That dull ache you get before your period can also happen in pregnancy. Before I even knew I was pregnant. Cramps are an early sign of twin pregnancy as the uterus enlarges more than normal. I was pregnant with twins so that may be why it was positive so early on, they are 16 weeks now. A very strong positive line and it ended up being twins?? Just tested this morning, and I have never seen the positive come up so fast, and dark. I just wanted to ask how many of you got nausea so early on. I am ecstatic however curious if anyone else got their BFP this early?? I never have before. They don't. I was tracking - but seemed to have a LH surge three separate times, so the 8dpo is from 24 hours after the first surge if that makes sense. 1dpo: nothing to note Your doctor would be the expert. It makes me 3 weeks 3 days pregnsnt according to the predictor thing online. Ashrogers314. Dec 8, 2020 · I had a bfp at 9dpo and thought I was destined for twins. Mar 4, 2019 · First pregnancy, I got a BFN when testing early at day 9, so waited till day before OTD, so day 13, got strong BFP. My last 2 babies I got positives at 8dpo also and they were boys. 5 weeks, simply because I didn't have enough HCG to make a positive. Obviously know this is an indicator of twins. There's nothing wrong with an early BFP, and theres' nothing to say it won't stick. 2 12/2010 BFP! mc 6 weeks 2 days Mental health break for 10 months IVF # 2 10/2011 BFN IVF # 3 5/2012 BFP! Anyone who has had previous pregnancies- did you have an early positive (3w1d)…. Nov 2, 2007 — HelloI was just wondering if anyone else has got a bfp May 15, 2018 · Is AF pretty regular for you? I'm 10 dpo (cycle day 23) and got a bfp this morning. schedule. Hi all, I had BFP 6 and 7 dpo. I am only 9dpo and got a dark afternoon urine BFP and I am shocked! I was wondering if… But testing early isn't generally a sign of twins. I have very noticeable bfp at 5-6 days before period. I got a faint one today at 10DPO, which is super early. Bevziibubble. i have a niggling feeling they are missing something. But you obviously have, so good for you! Jul 18, 2014 · TTC 6 years, Failed vasectomy reversal, me PCO, now 42 years old 4 x ICSI all BFN, 5th time lucky at ARGC immune treatment needed (raised NK cell & progesterone antibodies) Oct 7, 2009 · hi there i was wondering, if any of you twin mummies had an inkling you were having twins due to higher than normal hcg levels? i used the clear blue digital pregnancy test which has the conception indicator. This is my first pregnancy I'm now 24 weeks with didi girls. Mar 5, 2024 · Had every symptom but only one or two at a time. I got my BFP @ 3w3d, 11 dpo. Apr 25, 2021 · Thanks Liz, many of us know how terrifying bleeding in early pregnancy can be and it seems to be very common unfortunately :(. It could be a multiple pregnancy. I got a BFP, it was faint but a definite line. My nausea hit around week 4 which was super early for me. now according to my dates it should have read 1-2 weeks on the indicator, but mine said over 3 weeks! i have heard that higher hcg levels are an indicator of twins. I've never had this before and I'm FREAKING OUT. Here's why: Home pregnancy tests look for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine, and levels of that hormone are indeed higher in multiple pregnancies — but not right away. In a normal 28-day cycle you would just be ovulating the first week or second week in July? Hi everyone! Maybe a stupid question but This is my second pregnancy and with my first dd i didn’t get a bfp until 14 dpo! Just wondering if a really early… Mar 4, 2024 · I know this is crazy, but genuinely curious. But at the time I was pregnant with twins that’s why I got an early bfp. Is it at 8 week ultrasound? Or at 6 week blood work appt can they kinda tell by hcg levels? Is it a myth that an early BFP indicates twins as well? My mind is wandering so just curious input :) this will be baby #3 for us ️. Everything was happening so early! May 18, 2018 · In a moment of weakness, I tested this morning at 3dp5dt which was a FRESH transfer. Correlations of the devices are Hi! Anyone remember how quickly their HCG doubled in early pregnancy? Mine was 155 at 14 dpo and 477 at 16 dpo! My progesterone at 16 dpo was 28. Early Signs of Pregnancy Nursery Ideas Gender Reveal Ideas May 2, 2015 · My scan shows 2 sacs but only measuring approx 6 weeks when should be 9 weeks. So twins are a definite possibility. Joined Dec 18, 2011 Messages 922 Reaction score 0. So here's my experience: 1 st pregnancy was a missed mc - I didn't do Mar 7, 2011 · BFP! Twins, early on, or high hcg kayx3; Dec 4, 2024; BFP Announcements; Replies 1 Views 419. It appears I ovulated on day 26 of my cycle, so I spent 2 weeks trying to figure out why my period was late! Lets say I had many BFNs before getting that BFP! Really didn’t expect to get a thing that early esp since I never even got a faint line before the day my period was supposed to start when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. So I got my faint bfp at 7dpo. Today I tested for a third time. I had ridiculously strong positive HPTs and dye stealers starting very early on with great hydration and a very well-documented ovulation date, I started getting strong symptoms early on, I'm old enough to have a pretty strong chance of twins Dec 10, 2015 · In twin pregnancy, shortness of breath is an early sign because of the thrust against the diaphragm put by two babies. However Nov 2, 2007 · I got BFP at 10DPO and I am having twins. Mar 20, 2012 #1 That test doesn't look like an evap but an early bfp Nov 1, 2009 · Bfp @ 7dpo who else tested this early and got a bfp and if so was it twins ? Feb 15, 2013 · The first one I used was blatantly BFP within a few seconds! Went back to the others I had been using, just to compare, still showed negative. Edit to add early positives were with FRER. Twins run in my family and I'm just wondering if an early BFP is a sign? Thanks! I got my BFP at 10 DPO. 9 dpo is a squinter, then 10 dpo it's a bfp Prior pregnancy, got a positive 8dpo with twins. I waited until 14dpo (day before my missed period) to go into my doctors to get my pregnancy confirmed. 10: Labor (and delivery) may come early with twin pregnancies. My usual cycle is 31 days, and so I when I tested positive it was 8 days prior to expected period start. Fingers crossed for you. 4. I was worried I was having twins because I got a dark positive on CD 21. Possible, I think it was like that with my twin pregnancy, don't have the calendar in front of me to verify though. Breast pain. Preterm labor is common during twin pregnancies and requires immediate medical attention. g. Best of luck to you, and congrats on your rainbow baby or babies! :) t. My next one was due today. I got my BFP at 11DPO, and everyone keeps telling me I am having twins because Early positive test results — received days before your period is due — might be one clue that you're having twins, but don't count on it. co. that was over one month ago and im only 6wks 3 days today its a very high early reading. b/g twins. I tested at 5dp5dt and got a positive. The bfp:Sensor represents measuring devices, including fire detectors (e. Oct 27, 2023 · Most commonly, false negatives happen simply because it's too early in pregnancy and your hCG levels haven't yet reached that 20 mUI/mL threshold. Mar 26, 2012 · I Got my 3+ when i was around 2wks pregnantso 4 reallyit came up straight away 3+ says on box that means you are 5-6 weeks. Only thing you can do is wait and see. It could be that you're further along (as in early twins symptoms. I had the same symptom during a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. Could this be twins? Lol or maybe I just ovulated early?? Countless mothers of twins claim to have had some type of foretelling regarding their twin pregnancies. it's definitely possible to get an early bfp depending on when you ovulate during your cycle, as well as how long it takes for implantation to occur. Go figure! See our Top 5 Early Signs of Twins Nov 14, 2018 · Just for fun- Have any of you ladies found out if you’re having twins yet? I just read something about Twin hormones can show up quicker than singleton hormone. Oct 2, 2009 · 1st ICSI April 09 BFP! 6 week scan showed 2 lovely heartbeats 24 week scan Twin 1:1lb 7oz Twin 2:1lb 6oz 28 week scan Twin 1:2lb 10oz Twin 2:2lb 8oz 32 week scan Twin 1:3lb 12oz Twin 2:4lb 2oz 36 week scan Twin 1:5lb 6oz Twin 2:5lb 8oz Our beautiful babies are here at last! Mar 3, 2013 · But with the test I used a day before that was first response 6 days early supposedly to be good but nope! With both of my boys I was able to use FF test and it was showing positive few days early but not this one and I used clearblue test it showed positive with this one. I read somewhere that… Mar 28, 2011 · IVF#6 Reprofit 2007 BFP preeclampsia at 30 wks pg -T born 5 weeks early weighing 1948g 3 FET's BFN & m/c IVF #7 Reprofit, March 2011 BFN. 8- beta #2 2/7 3. OneandOnly • Thu, Jul 14. My partner and I started trying, took out nuvaring on 4/27, had my period and BAM pregnant right away. If you've gotten a BFP super early, was that for your twins/multiples?? Our daughter will be 8 months old on February 1st, and we definitely didn't think we would get pregnant again this quick. Today is cd 27, AF should be tomorrow because I am very regular. Lol. 5; BFN FET #1- transferred one beautiful 4AA embie. Your breasts are preparing to feed more than one baby, and the hormones that initiate these preparations may be higher. I had got a faint positive which progressively got darker (cheap Walmart test), so it is very obviously positive. twinmomma2be. Almost 6 week scan no yolk sac and bleeding Oct 14, 2018 · Xenforo Cloud upgraded our forum to XenForo version 2. =p lol But it took me buying completely different tests to get my BFP. This type of twin pregnancy "symptom", if you could call it that, isn't exactly text book. m/c 7/17/10 Dx: MFI- 3% morph IUIs: Gonal-F + Ovidrel + b2b IUI= BFNs IVF with ICSI= BFP! Fraternal twin chances tend to be correlated with maternal age, identicals are more genetic-related. Some twin mums said they really felt it during those early months of their multiple pregnancy. We will continue to work on clearing up these issues for the next few days, but please report any other issues you may experience so we can look into. This happens when a twin pregnancy is confirmed at around 6 weeks (with an ultrasound), but the twin has “vanished” or been reabsorbed by the Apr 14, 2023 · A pregnant twin mum said: "My bump was showing quite early on at eight weeks", while another admitted, “People were already asking if I was pregnant at 10 weeks!” 4. I got the BFP the day I missed my period. this is my rainbow baby (June 2021 MC). Line gets darker daily. 5 weeks (an ultra sound for bleeding at 5 weeks confirmed pregnancy and twins). Feb 6, 2024 · Hello!! I recently found out I am pregnant, and I found out much sooner than with my first! I found out at 3w2d! I was looking into why it would show up so early and my anxiety is stuck between ectopic and multiples (not that I would mind multiples)! I posted a question in the multiples group asking Oct 2, 2014 · Btw, just feel like I should point out that you just had a lucky guess, lol. Researchers estimate that 21 to 30 percent of twins pregnancies result in vanishing twin syndrome. For the past week I've felt weird, like I've felt l BFP September 2002 ID twins born April 2003 @ 35 weeks. Stick, stick, little one!!! I wasn't able to get a BFP until I was 4. Could it be possible this is a true BFP this early or likely still the Jan 28, 2022 · On. But my friend had twins and didn't get BFP till a few days after period was due. I was only 3. good luck to you two!!! EDD 12-3. My last two pregnancies my tests didn’t look like this until Jun 13, 2024 · I am 3 months postpartum and had my first period 4 weeks ago. Sep 8, 2014 · Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. 8DPO is very early for a BFP! Jan 28, 2019 · So I ovulated 11 days ago. KALP83 June 2011 When I POAS and got the BFP it was 4 days before my missed period. it would be impossible for me Jan 27, 2018 · Got my BFP on: Monday, January 22nd. Congratulations to you! May 14, 2010 · BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. The only reason I took a test was because I felt a little queasy. I don’t know for sure when I ovulated but we only had intercourse once this cycle, and it was SIX DAYS before I received my very very faint positive. I've tested positive with all 3 of my pregnancies by like 8-9DPO (which is about as early as it gets) and all singletons. Just curious! Thanks Ladies! So I know until I get an ultrasound there is no real way to tell, but when I was reading some other posts it got me curious. I peed on it on the 9th of February with my morning urine. I ovulate a bit later in my cycle. The line came up immediately and from what I have seen is pretty dark for 11dpo. 5 weeks at that point and over the next 3 weeks i suspected twins due to significant lightheadedness so early. 3w 6d from last period, but 11 DPO. I read somewhere that… Sep 1, 2014 · Hi all, I had BFP 6 and 7 dpo. IVF #8 Reprofit, June 2011 BFP Severe placental issues - E born 10 weeks early Jan 12 weighing 1270g Its been a long journey, but its time to start another now with our sons. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Hello all! My EDD with baby #2 is June 16, 2012 and we couldn't be more excited! Quick question though. Jun 4, 2020 · I literally got the bfp at 3 weeks pregnant, and had severe acid reflux, I'm worried that such early bfp and symptoms may be an indication of twins 😫 of course it cant be helped but we definitely would struggle to cope with twins with our home life atm so I'm a bit scared haha! Apr 26, 2021 · Okay, I'm sort of joking about asking the question. Symptoms are still fairly mild at the present Week 5, 5 Days- today. Second pregnancy, I had pregnancy symptoms, was being sick, so tested at day 6, got BFN, tested again day 7 and got BFP which gradually became darker, so I think it sometimes depends on the embryo and how fast HCG is rising. I know EXACTLY when I O'd b/c I feel those distinct o-pains each month on a reg. Hey Mama’s! I got my BFP 7 days before my missed period. I Hi Ladies, I am just wondering when you all got your BFP's. Oct 18, 2016 · Could be twins, could be a singleton, could be molar, also could be ectopic (which is a sign of very early positive tests). I found the heartbeat with my doppler around 7 week. I am only 9dpo and got a dark afternoon urine BFP and I am shocked! I was wondering if anyone… Dec 14, 2020 · Breast pain is a typical early pregnancy symptom that can be more intense when expecting twins or multiples. I had a 20 mm and 14 mm follicle when I triggered and was assured that the 14 mm had very, very small chances of maturing/fertilizing. I also have been having terrible Feb 10, 2015 · Me 35, DH 36 TTC summer 2008 Diagnose me. Mar 24, 2021 · I had strong positives early on in both my pregnancies (is it pregnancy’s or pregnancies?!) and no twins but raging hyperemesis! Hyperemesis is associated with high HCG levels; and like a pp said the high levels made me higher risk for downs on the combined screening too, all was ok though. I originally tested at 8dpo and got a faint but still quick appearing and pretty obviously line. 8 weeks and Apr 2, 2024 · No. . Oct 1, 2013 · 1st loss 8/31 2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early 3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt 4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections 5th pregnancy- CP in June 6th pregnancy It's a BOY A crazy early, strong BFP is possibly one of the best indications of twins, if it isn't leftover hormone from your last chemical pregnancy, as someone else suggested, so it may not be such a long shot for you! Sep 8, 2014 · Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. DOR, DH perfect IUI # 1 6/2010, BFN IUI # 2 8/2010, BFN IVF # 1 10/2010 Canceled poor response IVF 1. I got a clear BFP the first time I tested at 6dp5dt. AF isn't due until October 11, so BFP was one full week early. Even though both maternal and paternal genes say fraternal twins, we have a chance for identical twins until the next appointment to see if a membrane of gestational sac has formed between the two babes. This update has created styling issues to our current templates. I got my BFP 4 days before my missed period and as you can see that line is DARKdarker than the control line; but besides that, I've had THEE worst breast pain starting a couple of days after conception. It works NOW. It was all downhill from there and I’m exhausted an beauteous all the time. I had 2 5-day blastos transferred last week Friday, and I got my first faint BFP at 4dp5dt (but didn't really believe it) and then yesterday got a proper BFP on a CB Very nervous but excited at the same time. If I went by my standard cycle I would have gotten a positive at 7 dpo but taking into consideration I am fairly certain I ovulated early I think I actually got my positive at 9 dpo. That was with a FRER. However, I have heard that high HCG can indicate twins as well - good luck whether you have one or two in there! Early bfp indicator of twins or miscarriage? 92691ayjb. With my first, which was a singleton, it wasn't until after AF didn't show. Twins run in my family and I'm just wondering if an early BFP is a sign? Thanks! Hi everyone!I have really been wondering if I'm carrying twins. I've heard both, what's the consensus here? Did you get a late bfp or early with your twins/multiples? What dpo? Did you get late early-bfp-twinsI got my BFP at 11DPO, and everyone keeps telling me I am having twins because I got a BFP so early, since I am not even supposed to start . Last edited 08-02-22. Around 11pm both days Implantation date based on my calendar: 21st nov I got a bfp on a clear blue digital which said 1-2 weeks on Saturday 30th at 7dpo. BUT my sister had one baby and had the same betas as me, and I Sep 12, 2023 · Just found out I’m having twins at 10 weeks yesterday. Jan 24, 2022 · Do know that finding out you have a twin pregnancy this early means you may end up with a twin loss. However I did do a fresh transfer with HCG trigger and today marks 10dpt. Plus my boobs have been really sore early on which didnt happen with DD. And then I knew right away it had worked. Feb 16, 2017 · Having the symptoms I was starting to rethink those cheap tests and if I should trust them. V early sickness, family history & strong early BFP could it be twins? Do us a favour and let us know when you do:). Greves. Not so much twins, but it could be possible. Well I had an early BFP today OV'd on the 19th and had the first positive test on the 30th (not quite as early as you) I thought twins at first too, but read that the levels don't increase immediately and that it won't necessarily mean twins. Jan 26, 2020 · Anyway I know you cant distinguish multiples from hcg levels but curious to know from twin mummies what the earliest symptoms were leading to the bfp! Mine are from 4dpo to present increasing in severity. Luckily only one little guy in there! 32 weeks now and feeling pretty enormous - all the women who have 2 or more a total rockstars! Did you get late or early bfp with your twins? I've heard both, what's the consensus here? Did you get a late bfp or early with your twins/multiples… With my twins, I tested out the trigger and was planning on starting that early but I was too afraid that it didn't work and I'd see more BFNs. I went out and bought a Lloyds brand early detection HPT. However, it may have better accuracy than some of the more conventional signs and symptoms of twins. Twins run in my family and I'm just wondering if an early BFP is a sign? Thanks! Sep 8, 2014 · Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. Jun 15, 2014 · TTC 2 years- Me and DH (28) with (severely) low sperm count- less than 40 total (last 2 SA showed only 5 and 6 sperm each) IVF #1: ER 1/23/13- 4 eggs retrieved, 3 eggs fertilized; ET with 1 embryo 1/28/13 2 frosties beta #1 2/5 was 4. My LMP was Jan 5th, but I got my positive Ovulation test on Jan 20th. If you think you could be pregnant but only just missed your period (or haven't yet missed it), try testing again in a few days. Absolutely certain Mar 18, 2009 · But even if you are only 2. I got my BFP at 11dpo1dpo-nothing2dpo- fatigue, sour/metallic taste3dpo-metallic taste, fatigue4dpo-fatigue, mild pulling and twinges on side i ovulated (left)5dpo- still sour/metallic taste, fatigue6dpo- intense pulling, twinges on left side7dpo- If it helps, I got my first BFP at 8dpo, digi 1-2 at 9dpo, then got 3+ at 13/14dpo. I'm the beginning, and my mother asked me if I'm going to be trying for a girl Uhhh, no. Last edited 08-20-21. , the alarm bell and fire suppression terminal). 8DPO is very early for a BFP! Jan 27, 2018 · I tested and got a faint positive 10 DPO, 4 days before AF was due. It could be twins, or you could have OV'd earlier than you thought. I read somewhere that… Usually 8 dpo is the bfn. Aug 2, 2022 · Really early BFP- Twins? a. The bfp:Equipment refers to the device that serves a building (e. Feb 11, 2022 · Not to scare you, but my BFP at 5dp5dt with twins was much lighter than yours, barely visible. Dec 29, 2010 · I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant after my second IVF cycle (FET). Yes with my twins. No BD, 2nd "peak" on CBFM, positive strip OPK, cramping and pinching in right ovary. Tested 5 days before missed period (on Mother’s Day)and got a BFP! I’m convinced it’s twins. Apr 4, 2011 · I got my BFP at 11DPO, and everyone keeps telling me I am having twins because I got a BFP so early, since I am not even supposed to start until tomorrow Nov 4, 2009 · Mom to 5 inc. I've heard hcg rises more with twins but I don't think an early bfp means twins for sure. Congrats on your BFP! See full list on babycentre. 3. I am only 9dpo and got a dark afternoon urine BFP and I am shocked! I was wondering if anyone… On 3dp5dt I had an upset stomach after lunch. does anyone know Hi all, I had BFP 6 and 7 dpo. I know theoretically hcg levels can't usually tell us yet if it's twins, but the early bfp came to mind. Due to elevated levels of hCG, people carrying multiples may experience more nausea and vomiting than those carrying only one baby, explains Dr. jremum jjhg idlq hqe ohdynvs rim jbag qqdvt ktomuqh pgylb