Rex 121 toughness pdf pdf Author: antonio Created Date: 7/25/2013 11:24:54 AM Keywords (). CPM REX 121 is a new high vanadium cobalt bearing tool steel designed to offer a combination of the highest wear resistance, attainable hardness, and red hardness available in a high speed steel. CPM® Rex 121 is the Super-HSSE of the CPM® tool steel family. For cold work applications, Rex M2 offers higher hardness and wear resistance than D2. It provides sufficient red hardness along with outstanding toughness for a high speed steel. Maximal hardness and a compressive strength equal to solid carbide, combined with a high wear resistance and hot hardness make CPM Rex 121 the “tough” alternative to solid carbide for a wide array of applications. Its superior red hardness permits higher cutting speeds compared to other high CPM REX 121 is a new high vanadium cobalt bearing tool steel designed to offer a combination of the highest wear resistance, attainable hardness, and red hardness available in a high speed steel. Rex M2 is a good choice for cutting tools which require moderate feeds and speeds. Its superior red hardness permits higher cutting speeds compared to other high speed steels. Depending on furnace and charging, additional preheating steps can be implemented. Hardening Z-121 PM usually involves the use of two preheating steps according to the table on the right. CPM Rex 121 is a high vanadium cobalt-bearing tool steel designed to offer the highest combination of wear resistance, attainable hardness, and red hardness available in a high speed steel. Maximum toughness is attained by austenitizing at 1,025 °C, whilst maximum wear resistance is attained by austenitizing at 1200 °C. pdf Author: antonio Created Date: 7/25/2013 11:24:54 AM Keywords () CPM® Rex 121 is the Super-HSSE of the CPM® tool steel family. Title: CPM REX 121. cpoqp fegpu buqwmdnz pmc onhlgvd iskwut alxn gmwtty kgkj kiwv