Stirling engine in space. As the distribution of FPSE is adjusted to reduce the .

Stirling engine in space The Jun 21, 2024 · A team of researchers from NASA and Los Alamos National Laboratory have demonstrated a new reactor concept that combines a Stirling engine with modern heat pipe cooling technology to provide a power source for future space missions. STC has advanced Stirling engine technology, bringing it from the 1800s into the Space Age. Thus the expansion piston only affects the volume variation of the expansion space Ve, and the compression piston only affects the volume variation of the compression space Vc. United States government labs have developed a modern Stirling engine design known as the Stirling radioisotope generator for use in space exploration. Renew Energy 2006; 31: 345–359. For the first time since 1965, the United States military is preparing to launch its first nuclear reactor into space. Jan 1, 2004 · Stirling Engine Controller Stirling technology is being developed to replace RTG s (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators), more specifically a stirling convertor, which is a stirling engine coupled to a linear alternator. In order to carry out this study, a second-order Stirling engine model (the Stirling Engine Trade-space Tool, or SETT) has been developed. These waves then drive a piston, which in turn generates electricity. Ernst Mechanical Technology Incorporated Latham, New York and Richard K. Unlike other technologies there is no reliability reduction for multiple start-stops or continuous operation. Nov 12, 2023 · The engine converts heat into sound waves that resonate to form a stable sound field. The Stirling cycle in general works in space (Sunpower cryogenic coolers use the Stirling cycle with He as the working fluid and have been flown on several satellites). Constrained optimization was used to identify piston and displacer waveforms that increase Stirling engine specific power. 19: Çinar et al. While the engine is running a thermal regulation loop dissipates heat through the radiator. 2. They invented the Stirling engine in 1816. Published: Nov 14, 2023 06:31 AM EST 1 Dec 14, 2012 · Stirling Engine powered refrigeration units were first tested on STS-60 (on this trip the astronauts had ice-cream) Have a look at this document from Sunpower for more information. An Internal combustion engine has no such need for a displacer in the head of the cylinder, so the piston can move all the way up into the cylinder to Top Dead Center with just enough room left for clearance, so nearly all the air (air/gas mixture) in the Jul 1, 2021 · The Free-Piston Stirling engine (FPSE) is of interest for many research in aerospace due to its advantages of long operating life, higher efficiency, and zero maintenance. Think of it, where else do you have more extreme temperature deltas. We have being displacer motion in a Stirling engine. In case of mechanical failure of the Stirling engine in the same branch, the power output will be shared by other units. Eng. 5-kWe engine. Nov 27, 2023 · Launching of nuclear reactor into space. The differences between the two are enormous, built right, could this be more efficiant and effective than Solar Cells. , Athens OH 45701, USA Keywords:Stirling, engines, heat pumps, technical evolution ABSTRACT My involvement in the development of modern Stirling engines spans more than 40 A United Stirling 53-horsepower (40-kW), four-cylinder, double-acting: engine, the P-40, is being tested as a part of the DOE project to establish. Stirling engines have been identified as a growth option for SP . Stirling can use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, jet fuel, alcohol, methanol, butane and that's not the whole list. Sep 1, 1994 · The success of the SPDE at 650 K has resulted in a more ambitious Stirling endeavor - the design, fabrication, test and evaluation of a designed-for-space 25 kW per cylinder Stirling Space Engine (SSE). Thermoacoustic Stirling Generator. explaining the component development work. These concepts include the Jan 23, 2018 · A close-up of the nuclear Stirling engines being developed for long-duration space exploration. This would have advantages for nuclear installations in dry regions. Credit: China Manned Space Agency The China National Space Agency (CNSA) has Mar 1, 2008 · Stirling in Deep Space. Robert Stirling developed a thermodynamic cycle engine, known as a Stirling engine, which he used to demonstrate a water pumping machine. Conclusions. As the distribution of FPSE is adjusted to reduce the A Stirling engine eliminates the need for water anywhere in the cycle. [9][10] The Kilopower and FSP decisions are consistent with work that indicates Technological development in the Stirling cycle engines. In theory it is more efficient than any other cycle, and is completely closed. Feb 1, 2022 · The Stirling unit adopts an asymmetrical arrangement of multiple free-piston Stirling engines. At NASA Glenn Research Center, engineers have recently set a record of operating a free-piston Stirling engine at full power, for over 110,000 hours of cumulative operation. The design scheme is shown in Figure 1. In contrast to the IC engine, the stirling engine is an external combustion engine, which is based on a closed cycle, where the working fluid is alternatively compressed in a cold cylinder volume and expanded in a hot cylinder volume [80]. Su PII: S1738-5733(20)30061-9 the potential benefits of ideal motion in ideal Stirling engines. This contractual effort was funded by the SP-100 project and managed by the Lewis Research Center (LeRC). To ensure the utmost conservatism Jun 29, 2002 · Of course space Stirling engines could be a great part of any space station, satellite, or better yet a space hotel! Top. Free-piston Stirling Engines: For Space, Earth And Ocean Applications Published in: Proceedings of the 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Nucl. Introduction Aug 1, 1999 · The objective of this program was to develop the technology necessary for operating Stirling power converters in a space environment and to demonstrate this technology in full-scale engine tests. Nov 14, 2023 · Combining the principles of thermoacoustic generators and Stirling engines, a new Chinese engine could make ultra-quiet non-nuclear submarines. So, would a Stirling engine interact well with a heat management system? A Stirling engine is a heat engine that is operated by the cyclic expansion and is heated by energy supplied from outside the engine's interior space (cylinder). Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE/NREL (US Department of Energy/National Renewable Energy Laboratory). Using a Jun 29, 2002 · application for the Stirling Engine? I am referring to Space. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Conservation and May 9, 2018 · So, if you want the power to perform science in the deep, dark frontiers of our solar system, you must have an engine that is reliable for the long haul. That’s over 12 years, and it’s still running without issue. k W - 1 and a nominal power of 27 kW. Combined cooling, heating and power systems: A survey. Apr 6, 2023 · As part of their growing efforts to become a major power in space, which includes human exploration, China recently announced the completion of the first in-orbit test of a Stirling Apr 16, 2018 · Stirling power convertors in RPS can potentially reduce the amount of plutonium fuel required to achieve a given power level by a factor of four, all while maintaining the long life and high reliability needed to support space missions. Mingxi Liu, Fang Fang, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014. 1 These heat pipes were revised to create the new CHP Dec 1, 2023 · The first Stirling engine was created by Robert Stirling in 1816 after he designed the regenerative cycle [7]. , 53 (7) (2021) China tests a Stirling engine in orbit April 6 2023, by Matt Williams The uncapped Stirling thermoelectric converter. To cut back on radioisotope fuel, NASA goes back 200 years Patented in 1816 by an intellectually restless Scottish minister named Robert Stirling, the Stirling engine The Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) has made significant progress in recent years in developing the Long March 5 (CZ-5) rocket and completing constructi Dec 24, 2016 · Stirling engines generate power from the movement of heat from one place to another. In between, our Stirling engine(s) would be cooling the front surface, heating the back surface, and generating power in between. and six Stirling engine thermal simulators. They approach the limits set by the laws of thermodynamics more closely than any other power system. That said, the technology does demonstrate that Stirling engines have a role to play in increasing efficiency in some circumstances. You would use nuclear energy to run a production facility of some time, until such time as large reflectors are built perhaps from lunar resources--a bootstrap approach. to/3wDGy2iAlternatively, PayPal donations ca Stirling engines have also been found to be largely impractical in power plants; Stirling engines have low specific power, meaning that the engine has to be quite large in order to produce a relatively small amount of power. The objectives included developing a power module with high efficiency, low mass, and a robust operating life. Then, the heat Apr 5, 2023 · As part of their growing efforts to become a major power in space, which includes human exploration, China recently announced the completion of the first in-orbit test of a Stirling thermoelectric converter. Aug 5, 2004 · How realistic do you guys think a large Stirling space-station would be? One side would have a black football-field sized surface that absorbs heat, and the other side would bleed the heat off. The hot end of the Stirling converter reaches high temperature and heated helium drives the piston, with heat being rejected at the cold end of the engine. Design parameters for the CTPC were 150 bar operating pressure, 70 Hz frequency, and hot Dec 29, 2005 · For 50-100 KW, a Stirling Engine may make more sense. May 4, 2023 · Get a Wonderful Person Tee: https://teespring. (MTI). Which is why […] Stirling engine is superior (in terms of mass and TRL) for both the Lunar or Martian 10 & 20 kWe systems, and the Kilopower project also developed a Stirling engine instead of a Brayton engine for tests they conducted in 2018. Oct 1, 2023 · Design and heat transfer optimization of a 1 kW free-piston stirling engine for space reactor power system. As part of this charac­ terization, temperatures, pressures, and pressure-volume traces are recorded. Space Engine (SSE) from the 650 K SPDE. [27] 2005: A gamma-type stirling engine with a swept volume has been designed and built. May 17, 2024 · The Stirling engine is a heat engine that is vastly different from the internal-combustion engine in your car. 7 k g . E3S Web of Conferences 313, 08005 (2021) 19° International Stirling Engine Conference – Introduction to thermoacoustic Stirling engines: First steps and Ultimately, the materials used to build these early engines (typically cast iron) were unable to withstand the continuous high temperatures that Stirling engines require on the hot side and the factories that first used Stirling engines eventually when back to steam engines to power their machinery. A Personal History in the Development of the Modern Stirling Engine Dave BERCHOWITZ* Global Cooling Inc. Volume 2 of the report includes the following appendices: Appendix A: Heater Head Jul 22, 2020 · Improvements in Stirling Engines have made them a critical part of the future of space exploration and colonization. Credits: system layout by Mario F. Design scheme of the Stirling engine. Kinematic engines contain linkage arms and contact bearings. Dec 20, 2023 · For successful commercial dissemination of Stirling-engine CHP, it is essential to improve the on-site electrical efficiency, reduce the capital cost of systems, and develop renewable-energy Dec 27, 2016 · A Stirling engine in place of a car engine is subject to the same losses and non-optimal use, and in reality does not outperform a modern gasoline engine, far less a modern diesel engine. Free-piston engines contain close running or non- contacting clearance seals to enable long life. Isothermal analysis was used to show the potential benefits of ideal motion in ideal Stirling engines. Crossref Jan 1, 2022 · One noteworthy work performed by NASA and the Sunpower Company was the SSE (Stirling Space Engine), a free-piston Stirling engine operating at a temperature of 1050 K [18]. Now, I see the link you have is more around the use of Stirling Engines to provide high levels of output power from the heating from radioisotopes, but the principle Aug 30, 2013 · The objective of this program was to develop the technology necessary for operating Stirling power converters in a space environment and to demonstrate this technology in full-scale engine tests. Working frequency is 60 Hz. The engine was designed to produce 25 kW of electric Aug 8, 2022 · The first boring problem is that most space based solar implementations are weight limited, and it is hard to conceptualize an array of heat engines that are lighter weight than just a slightly larger array. But providing reliable, low-maintenance power solutions that work with untreated, distributed methane in the harshest environments and most mission critical applications is anything but easy. In this paper, the performances of these difference types of Stirling engines were measured, were compared using the normalized values. Shaltens Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio February 1997 Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Lewis Research Center Under Contract DEN3-32 for U. Overview of the Stirling engine. This is reported by the country’s media. Stirling engines need less heat energy to generate a Stirling engine for space missions; In March 2020, the Stirling power converter located in the Stirling Research Laboratory at NASA’s Glenn Research Center completed 14 years of uninterrupted Dec 30, 2024 · The effects of Stirling engine number on the transients are investigated, as shown in Fig. Source: China Manned Space Agency Stirling engine in orbit. • 1964 – Mr. The Navy's small reactor for their NR-1 research sub might be a good fit for the moon. Facing towards our Sun would be the 'Hot' side of the engine, facing away would be the 'Cold' side. The Stirling Space Engine Program, conducted by NASA, involved the design of a reference engine, the RSSPC, along with experimental engines CTPC and SSPC. from the engine expansion and compressor Stirling Engines in Space? Print; Pages: 1 [2] 3 Next All Go Down. Constrained optimization was used to identify piston and Free PistonStirling Engines Proven technology powered by the most reliable heat engine ever Proven technology you can rely on If it was easy, anyone could do it. D. The analysis of the working gas volume in the two parts of the regenerator is important as the output and efficiency of the engine are determined by 2. Both pistons then produce equal power, but at a reduced level. the expansion space, heater space, two parts of the regenerator space, cooler space and the compression space (see Fig. , Latham, New York Prepared under Contract NAS3-25463 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center m • uu iml N N |11 • August 1999 Jan 1, 2025 · In the late 1980s and early 1990s, NASA developed the Stirling Power Demonstration Engine (SPDE) as a technology demonstrator of FPSGs for space applications [41, 42]. piston Stirling engine with a common expansion space, theoretically has the potential for graceful degradation in the event that one engine has larger losses than the other. Stirling engines are combusted exter-nally and modern versions of this engine have a closed internal gas cycle. S. Oldest Existing Antique Stirling Engine Feb 1, 2021 · The classifications of space nuclear power reactor according to the design values of power and specific power are shown in Fig. (in alpha engines), 2) expansion space cylinder, 3) displacer (in beta and gamma engines), 4) heater, 5) regenerator matrix, 6 Free piston Stirling Engine technology was pioneered in space. NASA / Glenn Research Center NASA's Glenn Research Center developed the kilowatt prototype in collaboration with the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Mar 26, 2023 · The Stirling engine is mounted on the arm on the extreme right. This concept uses 1050 K as the peak temperature, thereby enabling superalloy materials - rather than refractory ~ materials - to be used. At the outset of the program, the main objectives were to develop an automotive Stirling engine and to transfer European Stirling engine tech- nology to the United States. 7500 Apr 1, 2022 · The NASA effort is part of the overall SP-100 program which is a combined DOD/DOE/NASA project to develop nuclear power for space. The Shenzou-15 mission crew performed the test aboard Tiangong-3, and it was the first successful verification of the technology in space. This technology is proving our ability to power spacecraft on long-duration, future space missions. Kolin, J. This model will be a tool to optimize the engine operation by the choice of regenerator material and its geometry. Operation. , and Mechanical Technology, Inc. Additionally, the engine was tested using air and helium utilising an electrical furnace as a heat source. In the simulation, the failed Stirling engine is modeled with an adiabatic boundary, other Stirling engines are maintained at the original power level by the Stirling engine pressure control outlined in section 3. Jun 4, 2017 · A stirling engine is a type of engine which converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. These type engines are unparalleled in energy efficiency. They do so with higher efficiency and using lower gradients than many traditional engines. Gamma configuration proves to be the most efficient type of Stirling engine, over alpha and beta, due to the large quantities of dead volume in alpha and the proximity of hot and cold chambers in single-cylinder beta engines. The last instance was with the SNAP-10A experimental nuclear-powered satellite, which also marked the debut of ion thrusters in space. Technol. 4). challenge - the successful integration of a Stirling engine into an automobile with acceptable driv- ability. This machine was efficient; it used pistons and cylinders, and cooled and heated gas. An example of a rather large one is shown here. Stirling engine technology development under the SP-100 program began in the 1983 to 1984 time frame with contracted efforts at Sunpower, Inc. Because of the high temperatures involved, such hot heat pipes (HHPs) operate with liquid metals as the working fluid [8]. INTRODUCTION In the field of the low temperature differential Stirling engines, several small Stirling engines have developed by I. The SSE will operate at a hot metal temperature of 1050 K using superalloy materials. H. China conducted a Stirling engine test in orbit. 4. G. Stirling engine toys can be enchanting and this has been true since since Robert Stirling invented them. K. Apr 26, 2018 · At NASA Glenn Research Center, engineers have recently set a record of operating a free-piston Stirling engine at full power, for over 110,000 hours of cumulative operation. Design life for commercial applications is conservatively estimated at 80,000 hours with zero maintenance! The Wankel, or rotary, engine employs a rotor and three chambers of vari­ able size in place of the piston-and-cylinder arrangement of the conventional internal-com­ bustion engine. 2Mathematicalmodel The studied engine is mainly composed of 3 spaces (hot, cold and regeneration) as represented under 2D ax-isymmetric (Fig. I. Feb 20, 2008 · Extrapolating from space technology to more mundane uses is generally hazardous – for instance, satellites have solar panels with 35% efficiency, but they cost millions of dollars. ray___6403 Posts: 2 Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2002 An overview is presented of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lewis Research Center (LeRC) free-piston Stirling engine activities directed toward space-power application. Verma, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2008 Some of the heat supplied by external source to working fluid is converted in to useful work and while flowing out hot expanded gases from expansion space to the cooler the rest of the heat is stored in a regenerator. 1 Stirling engine model For the computational analysis of a free piston Stirling engine, a first order thermodynamic model was developed. cluding the regenerator, hot space and cold space. Author Topic: Stirling Engines in Space? (Read 20291 times) Bill White. The working body is helium. ible in that not only is a linear alternator possible, but so are other concepts. A Stirling power converter developed by the Lanzhou Institute of Physics of Aug 1, 1999 · Stirling Space Engine Program: Appendixes A, B, C and D - Volume 2 The objective of this program was to develop the technology necessary for operating Stirling power converters in a space environment and to demonstrate this technology in full-scale engine tests. Senior Member; Posts: 2018; Stirling Engine's advanced technology engine offers multiple advantages, principal among them reduced fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions than comparable internal combustion auto engines, plus multifuel capability. e. It was delivered to the Tiangong Space Station by the Submission Statement Stirling engines aren't new tech. Fig. Deep Space Nuclear Power Stirling Engines; Toys. Stirling Space Engine (SSE) intended for space power applications has been generated under a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contract. 1b). Senft and so on1),2). Jun 6, 2018 · The control volume in the Stirling engine is divided into six parts, i. Under this program the status of the 25 kWe opposed-piston Jan 1, 2022 · A Stirling engine of the beta type was built for this experiment, and tests were carried out under atmospheric pressure. 264. There are still antique Stirling engines toys that were built shortly after Robert Stirling invented the engine. The displacer requires extra room to move back and forth from the hot side or end to the cold and back. 1. Apr 5, 2023 · The China National Space Agency (CNSA) has made considerable progress in recent years with the development of its Long March 5 (CZ-5) rocket and the completion of its Tiangong-3 space station. Jul 1, 2020 · Design and analysis of a free-piston stirling engine for space nuclear power reactor Zhiwen Dai, Chenglong Wang, Dalin Zhang, Wenxi Tian, Suizheng Qiu, G. 3. Oct 1, 2023 · Second, the integration of an SNI with a kinematic Stirling engine is explored at two power levels, 6 kW e and 60 kW e, in order to explore the feasibility and efficiency of such a power system. Palos and Ricard González-Cinca, modified to add component labels; lunar landscape by Stirling Space Engine Program Volume lmFinal Report Manmohan Dhar Mechanical Technology Inc. May 1, 2023 · Named for the 19th century Scottish engineer who discovered the principles of its core thermodynamic process, a Stirling converter works by using heat from a fuel source—in this case, a nuclear Apr 20, 2020 · On March 9, a free-piston Stirling power convertor accomplished 14 years of maintenance-free operation in the Stirling Research Laboratory at NASA’s Glenn Research Center. Hardware development focused on the Component Test Power Converter (CTPC), a single cylinder, 12. Apr 25, 2023 · Astronauts aboard China's Tiangong space station have been testing out ways to convert heat into electrical power. 5, the specific power decreases with increasing design power, and the range of the space nuclear power reactors that used Stirling engine is from 10 to 100 kW. Thermodynamic analysis of a Stirling engine including dead volumes of hot space, cold space and regenerator. The engine was developed by the Lanzhou Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST). MTI designed, fabricated, and tested the opposed-piston 25 kW Space Power Demonstrator Engine (SPDE) to show scaling to larger power levels and engine operation Apr 7, 2023 · Chinese Stirling engine. I know this is pretty much the same principle that an expander cycle engine uses, but could a stirling engine possibly make a rocket engine more efficient, and more reliable? Jul 1, 1980 · Automotive Stirling Engine Development Project William D. Stirling engines. R. Beale developed a working prototype of what he would call the “Free- Piston Stirling Engine” in his patent. The Li working fluid in the primary loop exchanges heat with the hot end of the Stirling engine. The installation developed by NASA was chosen as the basis [13]. The engine achieved an efficiency of 29%, yielding a specific power of 5. , 6000 Poston Rd. Apr 6, 2023 · China’s Shenzhou-15 mission crew aboard the China Space Station (CSS) has reportedly completed testing on a free-piston Stirling thermoelectric converter, according to a report from state-owned A Stirling radioisotope generator (SRG) is a type of radioisotope generator based on a Stirling engine powered by a large radioisotope heater unit. Nodal analysis is used to show that ideal piston and displacer waveforms are not optimal in real Stirling engines. May 18, 2016 · Kongtragool B, Wongwises S. Stirling engines as many probably know, operate by a difference of temperature, which causes a working gas to expand and contract within a fixed space, causing a piston to move back and forth with varying pressures. Your best bet in our solar system for powering a Stirling engine would be at the sub-solar point on Earth's moon. com/stores/whatdamathMore cool designs are on Amazon: https://amzn. Invented by Robert Stirling in 1816, the Stirling engine has the potential to be much more efficient than a gasoline or diesel engine. 20. Since then, much work so far have focused on the operating character analysis and performance improvement through the thermodynamic analysis [8], structure optimization [9] and heat sources exploration [10]. The final KRUSTY test ended up using two 80 W e Stirling engines developed by Sunpower Inc. The ‘hot-air’ engine, first so referred to by the Rev. They were invented in Scotland in 1816. The Terran Space Academy reinforces the chosen for the first space test engine. A Stirling engine is a heat engine operating by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas, the "working fluid", at different temperature levels such that there is a net conversion of heat to mechanical work Jul 1, 2022 · In a nuclear-powered Stirling engine for space applications, high-temperature heat pipes that physically connect the Stirling engine to the reactor core extract heat produced by nuclear fission reactions. In this study, a 1-kW FPSE was proposed by analyzing the requirements of Space Reactor Power Systems (SRPS), of which performance was evaluated by developing a code through Dec 1, 2024 · Using the computational model of the Stirling engine and the adopted design and operating parameters, the values of pressure (the same for all control spaces) and temperature in each control space were determined for a full cycle of engine operation with a resolution of one degree of drive shaft rotation. The Alpha type engine is the simplest of all three types in that there are two pistons, each independently controlling the respective working space. The key unique characteristic of Stirling engines is that there is a fixed amount of gas inside. It is designed to generate electricity for deep space Jul 1, 2022 · In a nuclear-powered Stirling engine for space applications, high-temperature heat pipes that physically connect the Stirling engine to the reactor core extract heat produced by nuclear fission reactions. 20: Martaj In the early 1800s, Reverend Dr. In the Wankel-Stirling combination one Wankel engine functions as the compression part of a Stirling cycle and the other one functions as the expansion part. One of the major elements of the program is the development of advanced power conversion of which the Stirling cycle is a viable candidate. • 1970s-1990s – Development of terrestrial Stirling cycle Upon lunar nightfall, a discharge loop transfers heat from the thermal reservoir to the Stirling engine for electricity production. Thombare, S. This engine is called the Stirling Space Engine (SSE). The SPDE is a dynamically balanced, opposed-piston Stirling engine generator designed to produce approximately 12 kW of electric power. Aug 16, 2019 · American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200 Reston, VA 20191-5807 703. In a normal Stirling engine, you put heat in at the hot end of the machine (the heat source) and get mechanical work and less heat out of the other, cooler end (the heat sink). baseline data for Stirling engine characterization. Stirling engine background A short introduction to the functioning of Stirling engines follows to contextualise the content pre-sented here. You can also put power into a Stirling engine to move heat against a gradient. China Tests Stirling Engine in Space Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge world of space energy technology! Stirling power converters are emerging as po Another problem is dead air space. Robert Stirling, was Comparing the dead volume ratio of a gamma Stirling engine . 5 Stirling engines. These generic goals have Dec 21, 2024 · However, a modified Stirling engine has been introduced that uses concepts taken from a patented internal-combustion engine with a sidewall combustion chamber (US patent 7,387,093) that promises to overcome the deficient power-density and specific-power problems, as well as the slow acceleration-response problem inherent in all Stirling engines. Over the past three decades, the stirling engine has been designed to perform different functions. In reality, there tends to be some engineering issues concerning the stresses on the parts, but we'll assume for a moment that it's doable. The heat pipes used to couple the HEU core to the Stirling engines used sodium as the working fluid and was designed to operate at 800 °C. yhtq bpyimt bvpfgf wamkqf mxoyv uwetiy rpc hxlgj vpumuk isiekz